Ordnance Publications Needed for USS Pampanito

Original Manuals or Photocopies:

Index of Ordnance Publications (OP 0)
Alignment of Ordnance Installation Aboard Ship, General Instructions (OP 762)
Mine Identification Manual (OP 898)
Index of Ballistic Information for Projectiles, Rockets and Bombs (OP 1004)
Erosion Data, Construction, Use and Accuracy (OP 1329)
Service Life of U.S. Naval Gun Barrels (OP 1549)

Surface Pyrotechnics and Projectors (OP 1177)
Authorized Rounds (OP 1511)
Restricted and Unserviceable Ammunition (OP 1515)
Clearing Live Ammunition from Guns (OP 1591)
Ammunition Hazard Classification List (OP 1631)
Identification of Ammunition (OP 1656)
Projectile and Fuze Selection (OP OP 1714)

20 MM AA Gun range tables (OP 945)
20 MM AA Gun Twin (OP 1439)
4"/50 range tables (OP 1224, OP 1225)
40 MM sight model 8 (OD 5845), range tables (OP 867, OP 867A, OP 867B)
5"/25 Wet Mount Gun (OP 1029), range tables (OP 1205, OP 1205A, OP 1205B), site telescope (OP 1398)
Browing Machine Gun, Caliber .50 HB (FM 23-65, SNL A-38, SNL A-39, TM 9-225, TM 9-1225)
Boresights and Boresight Telescopes (OP 1449)

Cal .45 Line-throwing Gun (OP 546)
Pistols and Revolvers (FM 23-35. TM 9-1295 after the 1943 edition)
Thompson Submachine Gun Cal .45 M1928A1 (FM 23-40, SNL A-32, TM 9-215, TM 9-1215)
Pistol Automatic Cal .45 (SNL B-6)
Small Arms, Light Field Morters and 20-mm Aircraft Guns (TM 9-2200 after 1943 edition)
Instruction Guide, Small Arms Accidents (TM 9-2210)

Torpedo Data Computer Mark 3 Operations (OP 1056A)
Description of Submarine Attack Course Finder (OD 453)
Torpedo Angle Solver Mk 8 (OD 3518)
Range Conversion Scale Mk 1 (OP 959)
Bearing Transmitter Mk 11 (OP 1563)
GISR Navord O.D. 2585

US Navy Torpedos, General Data (OP 1634)
Contact Exploder Mechanisms (OP 1830)
Torpedo and Mine War Head Characteristics (OP 3823)
Torpedoes - Exercise Head Characteristics (OP 3824)
Description, Adjustment, Care, Operation, Shopt Tests of US Navy Warhead Attachments (OP 663)
Torpedo Workshop Equipment (OP 1217)
Tactical Data for Torpedo Mk 14 Submarine Firing (OD 6695)
Tactical Data for Torpedo Mk 18 (OD 6697)
Torpedo Mk 18 (OP 946)
Tactical Data Torpedo Mk 28 (OD 7535)
Torpedo Mk 28
Torpedo Mk 27

Mine Mk 10 (OP 900, OP 948)
Mine Mk 12 (OP 665)
Mine Accessories (OP 1452)
Mine Mk 27 (OP 685)

Original Manuals (we have a copy):

Torpedo Data Computer Mark 3 (OP 1056)
Torpedo Data Computer Mark 4 (OP 1442) and Operation (OP 1442A)
Basic Fire Control Mechanisms, Maintenance (OP 1140A)
Gyro Setting Indicator Regulator (OP 1156)
Target Bearing Transmitter Mk 9 (OP 1448)
US Navy Torpedo Gyroscopes, Non-tumble type (OP 627A)
Torpedos Mark 14 and 23 types (OP 635)
Basic Fire Control Mechanisms (OP 1140)
Lubrication of Ordnance Equipment (OD 3000)
Torpedo Mk 28  General Characteristics and Principles of Operation (OP 691A)

Torpedoman Mate 3 and 2, Navpers 10017
Torpedoman Mate E, 3 and 2, Navpers 10053


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