/*********************************************************************** * ECMApp - Emulation of ECM Mark II (aka SIGABA) * Copyright (C) 1996, by Richard Pekelney * All Rights Reserved * * SUMMARY: * * This program emulates an ECM Mark II (aka SIGABA). It emulates the CSP-2900 version * that is now on USS Pampanito SS-383 in San Francisco. The emulation is based on the * artifact (the machine) not engineering drawings or other documentation. This leaves * the possibility that some of the behavior is a bug in this particular machine rather * than the generic design. All the documents I have are consistent with the machine's * functioning, but the documents are not a complete machine definition. * * A description of the machine on Pampanito may be found at: * https://maritime.org/tech/ecm2.htm * I would suggest reading the web page before the code. * * This program was written using Metrowerks Codewarrier version 1.6, the source * assumes 4 character tabs and fixed pitch fonts for printing. I have avoided too * many objects to improve loading over the net. Only standard AWT components where * used to keep the code size down and improve portability. * * This code has been written by a programmer that has not written * a line of code in 14 years after reading a Java book. Your comments * on style, legibility and Java culture would be appreciated in making * this code more comprehensible. Boy would this have been easier in Fortran. * * This is a first version. The user interface may improve in the future. Anyone * that is up to speed on AWT and custom components(controls) is invited to help. * Please contact us at https://maritime.org/mail.htm. * * Algorithmic details I need to check in the doc and/or the machine: * Should the cipher and control sample rotors be wired by the interval method? * * Things that should be done: * Implement RPT functionality. Note that repeat key must be pressed first, and it works * on all keys. Probably do this with the physical keyboard. Unfortunately this will * require figuring out why the up key events are not working as the documentation * describes. Then use events. * Implement a counter display update method that preserves 4 chars, i.e. add the leading * zeros to the string before updating the display. * Figure out how to determine if we are rotor 0 or 4 in rotCW or rotCCW and add clear * cipherCount there instead of where it is called. * The use of ECMApp instance variables as globals might be reduced. * Add Java style headers on the classes. * See if it is possible to change displayed fonts in the provided components * to a mono-space font. * Add checking for uniqueness of each rotor with a warning when initializing rotor order. * Add a warning when attempting to operate with zeroize or machine switch in middle. * Check for changes in rotor positions on keystrokes instead of waiting for the return. * Add spaces between rotors in the bank displays. Add the tens digits in * the index rotors. Maybe flip the text on reversed rotors. * Make another attempt at a better component layout. Check out what happens with * a wide machine. * Find out what brace block convention is most used by Java type, K&R (as is), or at the * same paragraphing. * * Future - Add webpage settable starting position of the index, cipher, and control rotors. * Future - Add sounds. * Future - Create custom controls that look like the real machine controls. * Masterswitch should enforce order of its operation. * Add second CSP-889 / 2900 switch check for matching. * Future - Add graphics. * Future - Allow keyboard data entry in addition to the on screen keyboard. Maybe sooner * as a way to deal with repeat key. * * REVISION HISTORY: * * Date Version By Purpose of Revision * -------- ------- --- -------------------------------------- * 30 Aug 96 1.00a1 RSP First alpha. * 8 Oct 96 1.00 RSP First release. * 12 Feb 98 1.01 RSP Fixed control rotor update problem so that slow control rotor * now only moves when the medium rotor moves. * 3 Sep 98 1.02 RSP Fixed cipher bank path was moving in the wrong direction, i.e. * from right to left during encrypt instead of the correct * left to right. Decrypt was backwards as well. * 29 Jun 99 1.02 RSP Relinked into a .zip file, but no other change. * **********************************************************************/ import java.awt.*; import java.applet.Applet; public class ECMApp extends Applet { static final boolean DECRYPT = true, ENCRYPT = false; static final int CSP889 = 0, CSP2900 = 1, CSPNONE = 2; // KEYS[][] is the virtual keyboard. static final String KEYS[][] = { {"1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0"}, {"Q","W","E","R","T","Y","U","I","O","P"}, {"A","S","D","F","G","H","J","K","L","RPT"}, {" ","Z","X","C","V","B","N","M","-","Blank"}, {"Space Bar"} }; Choice zeroSwitch; // zeroize switch String zs; // position of zeroize switch Choice machSwitch; // type of machine mode switch int machType = CSP889; // position of machine switch Choice masterSwitch; // master switch String ms; // position of the master switch String oldms = "O"; // the last position of the master switch. TextField countDisp; // counter display Button countBut; // clear the counter button TextArea paperTape; // paper tape output Button tearTape; // clear paper tape button int count = 0; // key counter int encPaperCount = 0; // encrypt printing counter, used to create 5 character groups TextField cipherDisp; // display of cipher rotor positions TextField controlDisp; // display of control rotor positions TextField indexDisp ; // display of index rotor positions RotorCage cage; // the rotor cage contains the rotor banks and in // this program, the wiring between rotors. On the // real machine the wiring is not in the rotor cage. // This object encapsulates most of the algorithm. /*********************************************************************** * init() - Initializes ECMApp * Copyright (C) 1996, by Richard Pekelney * All Rights Reserved * * SUMMARY: * init() runs each time the web page that contains it loads ECMApp, it then: * * 1- Sets the order of the rotors * 2- Creates the RotorCage * 3- Initializes the positions of the rotors * 4- Creates and lays out the controls * 5- Displays the controls. * * The controls cause events that are handled in action(). * The RotorCage object has the guts of the ECM algorithm. * * REVISION HISTORY: * * Date Version By Purpose of Revision * -------- ------- --- -------------------------------------- * 8 Oct 96 1.00 RSP First release. * ***********************************************************************/ public void init() { int i, j; resize(450,250); // Get rotor order parameters. In a real machine each rotor can be used only once, // this version allows using the same rotor number. // There are five rotors in each bank. The string contains an index to the rotor // wiring table followed by either R (reverse) or N (normal) for each of the rotors // that make up a bank. If the parameters are not provided, or are not the correct // length, defaults are provided. If an index is not in range, the RotorCage // constructor will substitute the first rotor wiring. String cipherOrder = getParameter("CipherOrder"); if ((cipherOrder == null) || (cipherOrder.length() != 10)) { cipherOrder = "0N1N2N3N4N"; } String controlOrder = getParameter("ControlOrder"); if ((controlOrder == null) || (controlOrder.length() != 10)) { controlOrder = "5N6N7N8N9N"; } String indexOrder = getParameter("IndexOrder"); if ((indexOrder == null) || (indexOrder.length() != 10)) { indexOrder = "0N1N2N3N4N"; } // The parameters select the order of the rotors and their orientation (normal or // reversed. Near the end of the war, this was done once each day. // Cipher Control Index cage = new RotorCage(cipherOrder, controlOrder, indexOrder); // Zeroize all the control and cipher rotors. Zeroizing a rotor is // setting its position to letter 'O'. cage.zeroize(); // By the end of the war the Index rotor order is always set 10,20,30,40,50. // The starting positions of index rotors comes from the daily key list and // different positions are used for each classification of message. cage.setIndexBankPos("00000"); /* The rest of this method just lays out and displays the components i.e. switches in * the user interface. */ // Layout for the default panel that will contain the "direction" layouts: GridBagLayout gblAll = new GridBagLayout(); Panel pNE = new Panel(); // NorthEast Panel- Zeroize and Machine Type Controls GridBagLayout gblNE = new GridBagLayout(); Panel pN = new Panel(); // North- Three Rotor bank displays GridBagLayout gblN = new GridBagLayout(); Panel pNW = new Panel(); // NorthWest- Master Switch and Counter w/ clear button. GridBagLayout gblNW = new GridBagLayout(); Panel pC = new Panel(); // Center- PaperTape with its tear off button GridBagLayout gblC = new GridBagLayout(); Panel pS = new Panel(); // South- Keyboard GridBagLayout gblS = new GridBagLayout(); GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints(); // We will keep reusing this. gbc.weightx = 0.0; // Spread extra space around the controls gbc.weighty = 0.0; // Define the NorthEast Panel Components zeroSwitch = new Choice(); zeroSwitch.addItem("Zeroize"); // Zeroize zeroSwitch.addItem(" "); // In the middle position do nothing. zeroSwitch.addItem("Operate"); // Operate zs = new String("Zeroize"); // Starting position must match the display machSwitch = new Choice(); machSwitch.addItem("CSP 889"); // Normal CSP 889 mode of operation. machSwitch.addItem(" "); // In the middle position do nothing machSwitch.addItem("CSP 2900"); // CSP 2900 mode // Add the NorthEast panel layout to the overall layout gblNE = new GridBagLayout(); // Create the layout for NorthEast panel pNE.setLayout(gblNE); // Set the layout in the panel gbc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; // The last item on the line. gblNE.setConstraints(zeroSwitch, gbc); pNE.add(zeroSwitch); // Display the Zeroize Switch gbc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; gblNE.setConstraints(machSwitch, gbc); pNE.add(machSwitch); // Display the Machine Switch gbc.gridwidth = 1; // This is one item wide, and not the last gblAll.setConstraints(pNE, gbc); add(pNE); // Add the NorthEast panel to the overall panel. // Define the North Panel Components cipherDisp = new TextField(5); // create the cipher rotor bank display controlDisp = new TextField(5); // create the control rotor bank display indexDisp = new TextField(5); // create the index rotor bank display // Add the North panel layout to the overall layout gblN = new GridBagLayout(); // Create the layout for North panel pN.setLayout(gblN); // Set the layout in the panel gbc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; gblN.setConstraints(cipherDisp, gbc); pN.add(cipherDisp); // Display the Cipher Rotor Bank gbc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; gblN.setConstraints(controlDisp, gbc); pN.add(controlDisp); // Display the Control Rotor Bank gbc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; gblN.setConstraints(indexDisp, gbc); pN.add(indexDisp); // Display the Index Rotor Bank gbc.gridwidth = 1; // This is one item wide, and not the last gblAll.setConstraints(pN, gbc); add(pN); // Display the North panel // Define the NorthWest Panel Components masterSwitch = new Choice(); masterSwitch.addItem("O"); // Off masterSwitch.addItem("P"); // Plaintext masterSwitch.addItem("R"); // Reset masterSwitch.addItem("E"); // Encrypt masterSwitch.addItem("D"); // Decrypt ms = new String("O"); // Machine starts off. countDisp = new TextField(4); // create the counter display countDisp.setEditable(false); countDisp.setText("0000"); countBut = new Button("Clear Counter"); // create the clear button // Add the NorthWest panel layout to the overall layout gblNW = new GridBagLayout(); // Create the layout for NorthWest panel pNW.setLayout(gblNW); // Set the layout in the panel gbc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; gblNW.setConstraints(masterSwitch, gbc); pNW.add(masterSwitch); // Display the master swtich gbc.gridwidth = 1; // Counter is on the same line as clear button gblNW.setConstraints(countDisp, gbc); pNW.add(countDisp); // Display the counter gbc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; gblNW.setConstraints(countBut, gbc); pNW.add(countBut); // Display the counter clear button gbc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; // Last panel on top (north) gblAll.setConstraints(pNW, gbc); add(pNW); // Display the NorthWest panel // Define the Center Panel Components tearTape = new Button("Tear off tape"); // create the clear paper tape button paperTape = new TextArea(1,25); // create the paper tape display paperTape.setEditable(false); // Add the Center panel layout to the overall layout gblC = new GridBagLayout(); // Create the layout for Center panel pC.setLayout(gblC); // Set the layout in the panel gbc.gridwidth = 1; // Tear tape is on the same line as paper tape gblC.setConstraints(tearTape, gbc); pC.add(tearTape); // Display the tear tape Button gbc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; gblC.setConstraints(paperTape, gbc); pC.add(paperTape); // Display the Paper Tape gbc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; // One panel wide in the center gblAll.setConstraints(pC, gbc); add(pC); // Display the Center panel // Create and display the keyboard in the South panel. // Note that the event handler relies on each key label being different. gblS = new GridBagLayout(); // Create the layout for the South panel pS.setLayout(gblS); // Set the layout in the panel for (i = 0; i < KEYS.length; i++) { gbc.gridwidth = KEYS[i].length; // The width is the number of columns. for (j = 0; j < (KEYS[i].length - 1); j++) { Button button = new Button(KEYS[i][j]); gblS.setConstraints(button, gbc); pS.add(button); } gbc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; // next key is end of line Button button = new Button(KEYS[i][j]); gblS.setConstraints(button, gbc); pS.add(button); } gbc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;; // One keyboard in the center gblAll.setConstraints(pS, gbc); add(pS); // Display the South (keyboard) panel validate(); // make sure all the controls that were added are displayed. // Make sure the rotor position displays are updated after initialization. cipherDisp.setText(cage.cipherBankPosToString()); controlDisp.setText(cage.controlBankPosToString()); indexDisp.setText(cage.indexBankPosToString()); } // end of init /* keyDown - just a test for now. */ //d4 public boolean keyDown(Event e, int key) { //d4 System.out.println("key down event="+e); //d4 return false; //d4 } /* keyUp - just a test for now. I do not know why this does not ever get called. */ //d4 public boolean keyUp(Event e, int key) { //d4 System.out.println("key up event="+e); //d4 return false; //d4 } /*********************************************************************** /* action() handles component events. * Copyright (C) 1996, by Richard Pekelney * All Rights Reserved * * SUMMARY: * action() is called for any component event. Since all activity of the machine is driven * by the switches this method emulates all of the wiring that is not in RotorCage. Most of * the detail here is less interesting than looking at ECMCycle and the RotorCage. * * The switch action table: * * P R E * Zeroize Blank key only Blank key only Blank key only * Counter updates Counter updates Counter updates * No Rotor Moves Zeroize rotors Zeroize rotors * Prints Blank No printing Prints Blanks * * Operate All printable keys 1-5 and Blank keys 26 alpha keys * Counter updates Counter updates Counter updates * No Rotor Moves 1-5 move cipher&control Control & cipher move * Blank is a space? Blank moves cipher only X, Z, space & Blank handling * All printable keys No printing Printing * * When switching from E to R, or P to R, one to four spaces are output. * Cipher text is printed in 5 character groups separated by spaces. * * Decipher is same as Encipher except Z, X and Space Bar and direction. * During encipher, Z is converted to X, and Space Bar is converted to Z, and * rotors are read from left to right. * During decipher, Z is converted to space, Space Bar is ignored, and * rotors are read from right to left. * During both Decipher and Encipher, Blank moves rotors, prints a space. * * If 889/2900 is in the middle, no keys work. * If 889/2900 knob and switch do not match, no keys work * If Zeroize/Operate switch is in the middle, no keys work * * cipherCount implements a counter that increments on each encipher or deciphered * character. It is cleared whenever the 1st or 5th rotor turns or the master switch * is not E or D. If it reaches 21, the machine is locked up until the master switch is * rotated out of E. This was added postwar, probably to detect improperly positioned * index rotors. If the index rotors are not positioned properly there will be no cipher * rotor movement. In the program this is possible in a practicle sense only if straight * through test control rotors are used. * * Also see the curatorial report, SIGKKK and the Army history of converter. * * REVISION HISTORY: * * Date Version By Purpose of Revision * -------- ------- --- -------------------------------------- * 8 Oct 96 1.00 RSP First release. * ***********************************************************************/ public boolean action(Event e, Object arg) { int i, j; // Handle TextFields if (e.target instanceof TextField) { TextField tf = (TextField) e.target; String saNew = (String) e.arg; // Cipher and Control rotor displays. if ((tf == cipherDisp) || (tf == controlDisp)) { // Make sure the string is 5 characters long, i.e. 5 rotors. Fill // with letter "O" if too short, truncate if too long. for (; saNew.length() < 5; saNew = saNew + "O") { } if (saNew.length() > 5) { saNew = saNew.substring(0, 5); } // check to makes sure each of the positions is alpha. saNew = saNew.toUpperCase(); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (('A' > saNew.charAt(i)) || ('Z' < saNew.charAt(i)) ) { // Replace non-alpha positions with letter "O". saNew = saNew.replace(saNew.charAt(i), 'O'); } } if (tf == cipherDisp) { cage.setCipherBankPos(saNew); // Update the cipher rotor positions. cipherDisp.setText(saNew); // Update the display } else { // tf == controlDisp cage.setControlBankPos(saNew); // Update the control rotor positions. controlDisp.setText(saNew); // Update the display } return true; } // end of Cipher and Control Display handling // Index rotor display. if (tf == indexDisp) { // Make sure the string is 5 characters long, i.e. 5 rotors. Fill // with zero if too short, truncate if too long. for (; saNew.length() < 5; saNew = saNew + "0") { } if (saNew.length() > 5) { saNew = saNew.substring(0, 5); } // check to makes sure each of the positions is between 0 and 9. for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ("0123456789".indexOf(saNew.charAt(i)) < 0) { // Not 0-9? // Replace non-numeric positions with zero. saNew = saNew.replace(saNew.charAt(i), '0'); } } cage.setIndexBankPos(saNew); // Update the index rotor positions. indexDisp.setText(saNew); // Update the display return true; } // end of indexDisp handling return false; // we did not handle this TextField } // End of text field handler // Handle choices, i.e. the switches. if (e.target instanceof Choice) { Choice ch = (Choice) e.target; // Handle the masterSwitch if (ch == masterSwitch) { ms = ch.getSelectedItem(); // Clear the cipher movement counter if masterSwitch is not E or D. if ("OPR".indexOf(ms) >= 0) { cage.cipherCount = 0; // This is used to detect lack of cipher movement. } if (ms.compareTo("O") == 0) { // Turn the machine off. oldms = "O"; // oldms is used to detect switch transitions used below encPaperCount = 0; // This is used to put cipher text in 5 char groups. return true; } // Zero the encrypt paper count when not in encrypt. // When you change from P to R, or E to R, between 1 and 4 // spaces are output on the real machine while resetting the cam // that spaces 5 character groups during encrypt. To simulate this // behavior this program looks at count, this is not quite the same as // keeping track of the real state of the cam, but close enough. This // spacing is an artifact, not an essential element of the machine. if ( (ms.compareTo("R") == 0) && ( (oldms.compareTo("P") == 0) || (oldms.compareTo("E") == 0) ) ) { encPaperCount = count % 5; while ((encPaperCount++ % 5) != 0) { paperTape.appendText(" "); } encPaperCount = 0; oldms = ms; return true; } oldms = ms; // oldms is used to detect switch transitions above. } // end of masterSwitch // Handle Machine Type switch. Some future version of the program // might have both the knob and the switch. When this happens, both // knob and switch must agree for anything to happen. if (ch == machSwitch) { String s = ch.getSelectedItem(); if (s.compareTo("CSP 889") == 0) { machType = CSP889; } else if (s.compareTo("CSP 2900") == 0) { machType = CSP2900; } else { machType = CSPNONE; } return true; } // end of machSwitch // Zeroize switch. if (ch == zeroSwitch) { zs = ch.getSelectedItem(); return true; } // end of zeroSwitch } // end of choice handling block // Handle buttons if (e.target instanceof Button) { Button b = (Button) e.target; String bs = b.getLabel(); /* First Handle all the Non-Keyboard Buttons that exist: */ // Clear counter button - this is mechanical and works even if the machine is off. if (b == countBut) { count = 0; countDisp.setText(String.valueOf(count)); return true; } // Clear paper tape button - this does not exist as a button on the machine // but is added as a convenience to the computer program's operators. if (b == tearTape) { paperTape.setText(" "); return true; } // If the unlabeled key on the left is pressed, do nothing. This key does not // move on the real machine. if (bs.compareTo(" ") == 0) { return true; } // If the master switch is off OR the machine switch is in the middle, // or zeroize switch is in the middle, do nothing by returning. if ((ms.compareTo("O") == 0) || (machType == CSPNONE) || (zs.compareTo(" ") == 0)) { return true; } // Handle the cipherCounter. If the cipher counter is 21, return with no action. if (cage.cipherCount >= 21) { return true; } // RPT Button - For now, do nothing if the repeat key. A future feature. if (bs.compareTo("RPT") == 0) { return true; } /* From here down, action should only be a non-repeat keyboard button */ // First handle Zeroize switch in R, P, E and D positions of master switch. if (zs.compareTo("Zeroize") == 0) { // When Zeroize is selected, if (bs.compareTo("Blank") == 0) { // only respond to the Blank key and, // only move the rotors if Reset, Encrypt or Decrypt. Note that you // should really only use Zeroize with Reset, the rest of this behavior // is a quirk. if ("RED".indexOf(ms) >= 0) { // The Blank key will advance each of the rotors position until // they are all on the "O" position. for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { // There are 5 rotors in a bank. // CSP 889 cipher rotors all move in the normal clockwise rotation if (machType == CSP889) { if (cage.cipherBank[i].pos != (int) 'O' - 'A') { cage.cipherBank[i].rotCW(); // update the cipher bank display. cipherDisp.setText(cage.cipherBankPosToString()); // clear the cipher rotor movement counter if the first or // last rotor turn. if (i == 0 || i == 4) { cage.cipherCount = 0; } } } // CSP 2900's 2nd and 4th cipher rotors turn counter clockwise if (machType == CSP2900) { if (cage.cipherBank[i].pos != (int) 'O' - 'A') { if ( (i == 0) || (i == 2) || (i ==4) ) cage.cipherBank[i].rotCW(); else cage.cipherBank[i].rotCCW(); // update the cipher bank display. cipherDisp.setText(cage.cipherBankPosToString()); // clear the cipher rotor movement counter if the first or // last rotor turn. if (i == 0 || i == 4) { cage.cipherCount = 0; } } } // Both machines rotate the control bank in the same direction if (cage.controlBank[i].pos != (int) 'O' - 'A') { cage.controlBank[i].rotCW(); // update the control bank display. controlDisp.setText(cage.controlBankPosToString()); } } // end of the 5 rotor for loop // Increment the counter and display it. countDisp.setText(String.valueOf(++count)); // Another quirk, not only does Blank work in zeroize in E and D, // but it also prints a space. if ("ED".indexOf(ms) >= 0){ // Also add a space to the paper tape. paperTape.appendText(" "); } return true; } // end of a zeroize with the Blank key in R, E or D // The doc indicates that with zeroize and plaintext the machine should // do nothing, but on the real machine a Blank key spaces the paper tape // and updates the counter. if (ms.compareTo("P") == 0){ // Increment the counter and display it. countDisp.setText(String.valueOf(++count)); paperTape.appendText(" "); // Add a space to the paper tape. return true; } // end of zeroize and plaintext with Blank key. } // end of Zeroize and Blank key block. // not a Blank key in zeroize, then do nothing. return true; } // end of zeroize switch /* From here down we are in Operate (not Zeroize), handle R, P, E and D master switch positions. */ // In the Reset position of master switch, pressing number keys 1 through 5 // advances the corresponding control and cipher rotors. It is used to set the // rotor position to a key. Another quirk is that the Blank key moves the cipher // rotors. if (ms.compareTo("R") == 0) { // The 1-5 keys work in R position j = "12345".indexOf(bs); if ( j >= 0) { // indexOf is positive if bs is found // Rotate 1 to 4 cipher rotors. cage.cipherBankUpdate(machType); // update the cipher bank display. cipherDisp.setText(cage.cipherBankPosToString()); // change the position of a control rotor cage.controlBank[j].rotCW(); // update its display controlDisp.setText(cage.controlBankPosToString()); // Increment the counter and display it. countDisp.setText(String.valueOf(++count)); return true; } // The doc indicates that nothing should happen here, but Blank moves the // cipher rotors, this is a quirk, not a feature of the real hardware. if (bs.compareTo("Blank") == 0){ // Rotate 1 to 4 cipher rotors. cage.cipherBankUpdate(machType); // update the cipher bank display. cipherDisp.setText(cage.cipherBankPosToString()); // Increment the counter and display it. countDisp.setText(String.valueOf(++count)); return true; } // Keys other than 1-5 and Blank do nothing return true; } // Plaintext switch position if ( ms.compareTo("P") == 0) { // Convert Space Bar to a single space. if ((bs.compareTo("Blank") == 0) || (bs.compareTo("Space Bar") == 0)) { bs = " "; } countDisp.setText(String.valueOf(++count)); // Update the counter and display it. paperTape.appendText(bs); // Update the paper tape return true; } /* Now encipher or decipher. Only character keys, number keys, dash, and Blank and Space Bar are left. */ // Number keys and the dash key are ignored during encipher or decipher. if ("1234567890-".indexOf(bs) >= 0) { return true; // ignore the key. } // Blank in E or D has the odd behavior of updating the cipher and control rotor // banks and printing a space. if (bs.compareTo("Blank") == 0) { // ECM cycle will update both cipher and control rotor banks bs = ECMcycle(" ", ENCRYPT, machType); countDisp.setText(String.valueOf(++count)); // Increment displayed counter paperTape.appendText(" "); // Print a space. encPaperCount++; return true; } // encipher if ( ms.compareTo("E") == 0 ) { // Convert Z to X. There are only 26 cipher text characters. if (bs.compareTo("Z") == 0) { bs = "X"; } // Convert Space Bar to Z. Spaces are more important than Z. Note that the // deciphered plaintext can never have a Z. if ( bs.compareTo("Space Bar") == 0 ) { bs = "Z"; } bs = ECMcycle(bs, ENCRYPT, machType); countDisp.setText(String.valueOf(++count)); // Increment displayed counter // Add a space to the paper tape if needed to generate 5 character groups. // Do not add space the first time through, i.e. encPaperCount = 0. if ((encPaperCount != 0) && ((encPaperCount % 5) == 0)) { paperTape.appendText(" "+bs); // Print the space and ciphertext. } else { paperTape.appendText(bs); // Print the cipher text. } encPaperCount++; cage.cipherCount++; return true; } // end of encipher // decipher if ( ms.compareTo("D") == 0 ) { if (bs.compareTo("Space Bar") == 0) { // Ignore Space Bar return true; } bs = ECMcycle(bs, DECRYPT, machType); // Convert Z to Space. if (bs.compareTo("Z") == 0) { bs = " "; } countDisp.setText(String.valueOf(++count)); // Increment display counter. paperTape.appendText(bs); // Print the plaintext. cage.cipherCount++; return true; } // end of decipher } // end of button handling block // the action was something we did not handle. return false; } // end of action /*********************************************************************** * ECMcycle enciphers or deciphers a single character. * Copyright (C) 1996, by Richard Pekelney * All Rights Reserved * * SUMMARY: * Enciphers or deciphers a single character through the RotorCage object. * * Control and cipher rotor bank contacts are labeled as if a rotor were positioned * with letter "A" on top, not reversed, as printed (i.e. increasing clockwise.) * Internally these positions are represented by ints from 0-25. The pos of a rotor * is its displacement from A on top. For later reference, index rotor contacts are * similarly labeled to match an index rotor with zero on top (10,20,30,40,50 on top), * not reversed, as printed (i.e. increasing counter clockwise.) * * REVISION HISTORY: * * Date Version By Purpose of Revision * -------- ------- --- -------------------------------------- * 8 Oct 96 1.00 RSP First release. * ***********************************************************************/ public String ECMcycle(String s, boolean direction, int machine) { int in, out; String sout; // convert from keyboard string to internal integer representation. in = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".indexOf(s); // keyboard/printer contact // 01234567890123456789012345 // internal representation result out = cage.cipherBankPath(direction,in); // encipher or decipher the character // Convert from internal integer representation to string. This is the inverse of // the lookup done before the encipher or decipher. Note that substring goes from // the first parameter to the second parameter - 1. sout = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".substring(out,out+1); // 01234567890123456789012345 // internal representation result cage.cipherBankUpdate(machine); // Rotate 1 to 4 cipher rotors. cipherDisp.setText(cage.cipherBankPosToString()); // update the cipher bank display. cage.controlBankUpdate(); // Rotate the control rotors in meter fashion. controlDisp.setText(cage.controlBankPosToString()); // update the control bank display return(sout); } //end of ECMcycle /*********************************************************************** * getAppletInfo - Identifies the applet if asked. * Copyright (C) 1996, by Richard Pekelney * All Rights Reserved * * SUMMARY: * One of the standard applet routines. I have never seen this information used so I have * no idea if this is correct. * * REVISION HISTORY: * * Date Version By Purpose of Revision * -------- ------- --- -------------------------------------- * 8 Oct 96 1.00 RSP First release. * ***********************************************************************/ public String getAppletInfo() { return("ECMApp\nEmulates an ECM Mark II (SIGABA)\nCopyright (C) 1996, Richard Pekelney\nAll Rights Reserved"); } // end of getAppletInfo /*********************************************************************** * getParameterInfo - Supplies information on the HTML parameters. * Copyright (C) 1996, by Richard Pekelney * All Rights Reserved * * SUMMARY: * One of the standard applet routines. I have never seen this information used so I have * no idea if this is correct. * * REVISION HISTORY: * * Date Version By Purpose of Revision * -------- ------- --- -------------------------------------- * 8 Oct 96 1.00 RSP First release. * ***********************************************************************/ public String[][] getParameterInfo() { String[][] info = { // Parameter Name Kind of Value Description {"CipherOrder", "String", "Cipher rotor bank order."}, {"ControlOrder","String", "Control rotor bank order"}, {"IndexOrder", "String", "Index rotor bank order"} }; return info; } // end of getParametersInfo /* There is no need for a start(), stop(), paint(), or destroy() method. */ } // end of ECMApp /*********************************************************************** * RotorCage - contains the workings of the ECM rotors. * Copyright (C) 1996, by Richard Pekelney * All Rights Reserved * * SUMMARY: * This object contains the guts of the ECM algorithm. * * REVISION HISTORY: * * Date Version By Purpose of Revision * -------- ------- --- -------------------------------------- * 8 Oct 96 1.00 RSP First release. * ***********************************************************************/ class RotorCage { static final boolean ENCRYPT = false, DECRYPT = true; static final int CSP889 = 0, CSP2900 = 1, CSPNONE = 2; // This table has the wiring between the left side of the control rotor // bank to the left side of the index rotor. This table is for a CSP-889. static final int CONTROL_INDEX_889[] = {9,1,2,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6,6,6,7,7,7,7,7,8,8,8,8,8,8}; // index // a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z control // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 // This table has the wiring between the left side of the control rotor // bank to the left side of the index rotor. This table is for a CSP-2900. // On the CSP-2900, P, Q and R are not connected. They are 9 in the table, but // the code below handles the exception. static final int CONTROL_INDEX_2900[] = {9,1,2,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6,6,6,9,9,9,7,7,0,0,8,8,8,8}; // index // a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z control // This table has the wiring between the right side of the index rotor bank // to the magnets that rotate the cipher rotors. static final int INDEX_MAG[] = {1,5,5,4,4,3,3,2,2,1}; // rotor stepping magnet // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 index contacts minus one to match array public CipherRotor cipherBank[] = new CipherRotor[5]; public ControlRotor controlBank[] = new ControlRotor[5]; public IndexRotor indexBank[] = new IndexRotor[5]; public int cipherCount = 0; // counter used to detect improperly installed index rotors. /*********************************************************************** * RotorCage - Constructor of the RotorCage object * Copyright (C) 1996, by Richard Pekelney * All Rights Reserved * * SUMMARY: * This object contains the guts of the ECM algorithm. * * REVISION HISTORY: * * Date Version By Purpose of Revision * -------- ------- --- -------------------------------------- * 8 Oct 96 1.00 RSP First release. * ***********************************************************************/ RotorCage(String cipherSet, String controlSet, String indexSet) { int i; int cipherNum, controlNum, indexNum; // The passed strings contain the order and orientation of the rotors. for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { cipherNum = cipherSet.charAt(i * 2) - '0'; // zero controlNum = controlSet.charAt(i * 2) - '0'; indexNum = indexSet.charAt(i * 2) - '0'; // Check for out of bounds rotor numbers if ((cipherNum < 0) || (cipherNum > (Rotor.WIRING.length - 1)) ) { cipherNum = 0; } if ((controlNum < 0) || (controlNum > (Rotor.WIRING.length - 1)) ) { controlNum = 0; } if ((indexNum < 0) || (indexNum > (Rotor.INDEXWIRING.length -1)) ) { indexNum = 0; } // Create the rotor. cipherBank[i] = new CipherRotor(cipherNum); if(cipherSet.charAt(i * 2 + 1) == 'R') cipherBank[i].reverse(); controlBank[i] = new ControlRotor(controlNum); if(controlSet.charAt(i * 2 + 1) == 'R') controlBank[i].reverse(); indexBank[i] = new IndexRotor(indexNum); if(indexSet.charAt(i * 2 + 1) == 'R') indexBank[i].reverse(); } return; } /*********************************************************************** * zeroize - Positions the cipher and control rotors with letter 'O' on top. * Copyright (C) 1996, by Richard Pekelney * All Rights Reserved * * REVISION HISTORY: * * Date Version By Purpose of Revision * -------- ------- --- -------------------------------------- * 8 Oct 96 1.00 RSP First release. * ***********************************************************************/ public void zeroize() { int i; setCipherBankPos("OOOOO"); setControlBankPos("OOOOO"); return; } /*********************************************************************** * setCipherBankPos - Sets the cipher rotors position. * Copyright (C) 1996, by Richard Pekelney * All Rights Reserved * * REVISION HISTORY: * * Date Version By Purpose of Revision * -------- ------- --- -------------------------------------- * 8 Oct 96 1.00 RSP First release. * ***********************************************************************/ public void setCipherBankPos(String posString) { int i; for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) { // if the first or last rotor changes clear the cipherCount if ( (i == 0) || (i == 4) ) { if (cipherBank[i].pos != (int) posString.charAt(i) - 'A') { cipherCount = 0; } } // now update the cipher bank cipherBank[i].pos = (int) posString.charAt(i) - 'A'; } return; } /*********************************************************************** * setControlBankPos - Sets the control rotors position. * Copyright (C) 1996, by Richard Pekelney * All Rights Reserved * * REVISION HISTORY: * * Date Version By Purpose of Revision * -------- ------- --- -------------------------------------- * 8 Oct 96 1.00 RSP First release. * ***********************************************************************/ public void setControlBankPos(String posString) { int i; for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) { controlBank[i].pos = (int) posString.charAt(i) - 'A'; } return; } /*********************************************************************** * setIndexBankPos - Sets the index rotors position. * Copyright (C) 1996, by Richard Pekelney * All Rights Reserved * * REVISION HISTORY: * * Date Version By Purpose of Revision * -------- ------- --- -------------------------------------- * 8 Oct 96 1.00 RSP First release. * ***********************************************************************/ public void setIndexBankPos(String posString) { int i; for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) { indexBank[i].pos = (int) posString.charAt(i) - '0'; } return; } /*********************************************************************** * controlBankUpdate - Updates the Control rotor positions between cycles. * Copyright (C) 1996, by Richard Pekelney * All Rights Reserved * * SUMMARY: * Control rotors are updated in a "water meter" movement, * control rotor 3 first rotates once per cycle, then rotor 4 rotates each time rotor 3 * moves from the O position, and 2 move least often, rotating once each time rotor 4 * moves from the O position. * * Note that the array indexes are numbered one less than the rotor position names. * i.e. [2] is rotor 3 and always rotates, [3] is the 4th rotor, and the 2nd rotor, * [1] rotates last. * * REVISION HISTORY: * * Date Version By Purpose of Revision * -------- ------- --- -------------------------------------- * 8 Oct 96 1.00 RSP First release. * 12 Feb 98 1.01 RSP Slow rotor now only moves when the medium rotor moves. * It was incorrectly moving each time medium rotor was O. * ***********************************************************************/ public void controlBankUpdate() { if (controlBank[2].pos == (int) 'O' - 'A') { // medium rotor moves if (controlBank[3].pos == (int) 'O' - 'A') {// slow rotor moves controlBank[1].rotCW(); } controlBank[3].rotCW(); } controlBank[2].rotCW(); // fast rotor always moves return; } /*********************************************************************** * CipherBankUpdate - Updates the cipher rotor positions between cycles. * Copyright (C) 1996, by Richard Pekelney * All Rights Reserved * * SUMMARY: * cipherBankUpdate passes 4 (or 6 for CSP 2900) currents through the control bank using * controlBankPath(), * then through the wiring from the control bank to the index bank using the CONTROL_INDEX[] * table, * then through the index bank using indexBankPath(), * and finally through the wiring between the index bank and the and the magnets that rotate * the cipher rotors using the INDEX_MAG[] table. * * REVISION HISTORY: * * Date Version By Purpose of Revision * -------- ------- --- -------------------------------------- * 8 Oct 96 1.00 RSP First release. * ***********************************************************************/ public void cipherBankUpdate(int machine) { boolean move[] = new boolean[5]; int i, j, k; for (i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++) move[i] = false; // The movements are stored in move[] because more than one of the paths through // the control and index banks can connect with a single cipher rotor magnet at the // same time. Using the move[] array allows the program to be sequential even though // the machine is concurrent and thereby avoid extra motions of the rotor. if (machine == CSP889) { for (j = (int) 'F' - 'A' ; j <= (int) 'I' - 'A' ; j++) { move[INDEX_MAG[indexBankPath(CONTROL_INDEX_889[controlBankPath(j)])]-1] = true; } // Between 1 and 4 cipher rotors will rotate. for (i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++) { if (move[i]) { cipherBank[i].rotCW(); // clear the cipher rotor movement counter if the first or last rotor turn. if (i == 0 || i == 4) { cipherCount = 0; } } } } else { // This is a CSP-2900, there are three changes. //1 Six contacts are on instead of four. loop: for (j = (int) 'D' - 'A' ; j <= (int) 'I' - 'A' ; j++) { //2 The control/index wiring is changed and contacts P, Q and R are not connected. k = controlBankPath(j); if ( (k == (int) 'P' - 'A') || (k == (int) 'Q' - 'A') || (k == (int) 'R' - 'A') ) { continue loop; // Skip contacts P, Q and R since they are not connected. } move[INDEX_MAG[indexBankPath(CONTROL_INDEX_2900[k])]-1] = true; } // Between 1 and 4 cipher rotors will rotate. //3 In a 2900 rotors 2 and 4 ( array index 1 and 3) rotate backwards. if (move[0]) { cipherBank[0].rotCW(); cipherCount = 0; } if (move[1]) { cipherBank[1].rotCCW(); } if (move[2]) { cipherBank[2].rotCW(); } if (move[3]) { cipherBank[3].rotCCW(); } if (move[4]) { cipherBank[4].rotCW(); cipherCount = 0; } } return; } /*********************************************************************** * cipherBankPath - Passes a current through 5 cipher rotors. * Copyright (C) 1996, by Richard Pekelney * All Rights Reserved * * REVISION HISTORY: * * Date Version By Purpose of Revision * -------- ------- --- -------------------------------------- * 8 Oct 96 1.00 RSP First release. * 3 Sep 98 1.01 RSP Path reversed between encrypt and decrypt * ***********************************************************************/ public int cipherBankPath(boolean direction , int pos) { int c; int rotNum; c = pos; if (direction == ENCRYPT) { // encrypt from left to right for (rotNum = 0 ; rotNum <= 4 ; rotNum++) c = cipherBank[rotNum].cipherEncPath(c); } else { // decrypt from right to left for (rotNum = 4 ; rotNum >= 0 ; rotNum--) c = cipherBank[rotNum].cipherDecPath(c); } return(c); } /*********************************************************************** * controlBankPath - Passes a current through 5 control rotors. * Copyright (C) 1996, by Richard Pekelney * All Rights Reserved * * REVISION HISTORY: * * Date Version By Purpose of Revision * -------- ------- --- -------------------------------------- * 8 Oct 96 1.00 RSP First release. * ***********************************************************************/ public int controlBankPath(int pos) { int c; int rotNum; // Control rotor bank is always read right to left c = pos; for (rotNum = 4 ; rotNum >= 0 ; rotNum--) c = controlBank[rotNum].controlPath(c); return(c); } /*********************************************************************** * indexBankPath - Passes a current through 5 index rotors. * Copyright (C) 1996, by Richard Pekelney * All Rights Reserved * * REVISION HISTORY: * * Date Version By Purpose of Revision * -------- ------- --- -------------------------------------- * 8 Oct 96 1.00 RSP First release. * ***********************************************************************/ public int indexBankPath(int pos) { int c; int rotNum; // Index rotor bank is always read left to right c = pos; for (rotNum = 0 ; rotNum <= 4 ; rotNum++) c = indexBank[rotNum].indexPath(c); return(c); } /*********************************************************************** * cipherBankPosToString - Creates a string of cipher rotor positions for display. * Copyright (C) 1996, by Richard Pekelney * All Rights Reserved * * REVISION HISTORY: * * Date Version By Purpose of Revision * -------- ------- --- -------------------------------------- * 8 Oct 96 1.00 RSP First release. * ***********************************************************************/ public String cipherBankPosToString() { char c[] = new char[5]; int rotNum; for (rotNum = 0 ; rotNum < 5 ; rotNum++) { c[rotNum] = (char) (cipherBank[rotNum].pos + (int) 'A'); } return(String.valueOf(c)); } /*********************************************************************** * controlBankPosToString - Creates a string of control rotor positions for display. * Copyright (C) 1996, by Richard Pekelney * All Rights Reserved * * REVISION HISTORY: * * Date Version By Purpose of Revision * -------- ------- --- -------------------------------------- * 8 Oct 96 1.00 RSP First release. * ***********************************************************************/ public String controlBankPosToString() { char c[] = new char[5]; int rotNum; for (rotNum = 0 ; rotNum < 5 ; rotNum++) { c[rotNum] = (char) (controlBank[rotNum].pos + (int) 'A'); } return(String.valueOf(c)); } /*********************************************************************** * indexBankPosToString - Creates a string of index rotor positions for display. * Copyright (C) 1996, by Richard Pekelney * All Rights Reserved * * SUMMARY: * Creates a string of rotor positions, note the real rotors are numbered 10-19, * 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, but for now this program uses a single digit index position. * * REVISION HISTORY: * * Date Version By Purpose of Revision * -------- ------- --- -------------------------------------- * 8 Oct 96 1.00 RSP First release. * ***********************************************************************/ public String indexBankPosToString() { char c[] = new char[5]; int rotNum; for (rotNum = 0 ; rotNum < 5 ; rotNum++) { c[rotNum] = (char) (indexBank[rotNum].pos + (int) '0'); } return(String.valueOf(c)); } } // end of RotorCage /*********************************************************************** * Rotor object emulates an ECM rotor. * Copyright (C) 1996, by Richard Pekelney * All Rights Reserved * * REVISION HISTORY: * * Date Version By Purpose of Revision * -------- ------- --- -------------------------------------- * 8 Oct 96 1.00 RSP First release. * ***********************************************************************/ class Rotor { static final boolean ENCRYPT = false, DECRYPT = true; static final int RIGHT = 1; // Rotor wiring table from right to left static final int LEFT = 0; // Rotor wiring table from left to right // This table represents the physical rotor wiring for large rotors. // Each machine was supplied with 10 large, 26 contact rotors that could be used as // either control or cipher rotors. I do not have any authentic rotor wirings, these // were created created with a shift register type generator. This table should be 10 // items long. I.e. the two test rotors are normally commented out. The table's index // is the left side of the rotor, the entry in the table the right. // I.e. right side = WIRING[][left side]. Real rotors are labeled on the outside // circumference increasing in the clockwise direction. static final int WIRING[][] = { //d1 {'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M', //[0][] Straight through //d1 'N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z'}, // test rotor. //d2 {'B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N', //[0][] Shift by one //d2 'O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','A'}, // test rotor. // Simulated random rotors are below: {'Y','C','H','L','Q','S','U','G','B','D','I','X','N', //[0][] 'Z','K','E','R','P','V','J','T','A','W','F','O','M'}, {'I','N','P','X','B','W','E','T','G','U','Y','S','A', //[1][] Rotor wired Oct 96 in 'O','C','H','V','L','D','M','Q','K','Z','J','F','R'}, // the real machine. {'W','N','D','R','I','O','Z','P','T','A','X','H','F', //[2][] Rotor wired Sep 97 in 'J','Y','Q','B','M','S','V','E','K','U','C','G','L'}, // the real machine. {'T','Z','G','H','O','B','K','R','V','U','X','L','Q', //[3][] 'D','M','P','N','F','W','C','J','Y','E','I','A','S'}, {'Y','W','T','A','H','R','Q','J','V','L','C','E','X', //[4][] 'U','N','G','B','I','P','Z','M','S','D','F','O','K'}, {'Q','S','L','R','B','T','E','K','O','G','A','I','C', //[5][] 'F','W','Y','V','M','H','J','N','X','Z','U','D','P'}, {'C','H','J','D','Q','I','G','N','B','S','A','K','V', //[6][] 'T','U','O','X','F','W','L','E','P','R','M','Z','Y'}, {'C','D','F','A','J','X','T','I','M','N','B','E','Q', //[7][] 'H','S','U','G','R','Y','L','W','Z','K','V','P','O'}, {'X','H','F','E','S','Z','D','N','R','B','C','G','K', //[8][] 'Q','I','J','L','T','V','M','U','O','Y','A','P','W'}, {'E','Z','J','Q','X','M','O','G','Y','T','C','S','F', //[9][] 'R','I','U','P','V','N','A','D','L','H','W','B','K'} }; // Just for quick reference. // ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ // letter // 01234567890123456789012345 // internal representation result // This table represents the physical rotor wiring for small, index rotors. // This table should be 5 items long. I.e. the two test rotors are normally // commented out. These are real rotor wirings as found in the CSP-889/2900 // now aboard USS Pampanito. We do not know when they served. They are all // embossed with "CTT 68AAC" on the edge. Note that index rotors labeling // on their circumference increases in the counter clockwise direction. static final int INDEXWIRING[][] = { // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Left side of rotor, below is right side. //d3 {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}, // [0][] Straight through test rotor. //d3 {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0}, // [0][] A shift by one test rotor // The real rotors are below: {7,5,9,1,4,8,2,6,3,0}, // [0][] Rotor # 10 {3,8,1,0,5,9,2,7,6,4}, // [1][] 20 {4,0,8,6,1,5,3,2,9,7}, // [2][] 30 {3,9,8,0,5,2,6,1,7,4}, // [3][] 40 {6,4,9,7,1,3,5,2,8,0} // [4][] 50 }; // Position of a cipher or control rotor is its clockwise displacement from having // 'A' on top. For an index rotor this is its counter clockwise displacement from // zero on top. public int pos; // Position of the rotor. public boolean reversed; // Is this rotor reversed? /*********************************************************************** * rotCW() - Rotate a cipher or control rotor clockwise. * Copyright (C) 1996, by Richard Pekelney * All Rights Reserved * * SUMMARY: * rotate clockwise one position of a cipher or control rotor. Note * that these rotors are labeled clockwise increasing, except when * reversed. * * REVISION HISTORY: * * Date Version By Purpose of Revision * -------- ------- --- -------------------------------------- * 8 Oct 96 1.00 RSP First release. * ***********************************************************************/ public int rotCW() { if (reversed) { // Reversed rotors increase counter clockwise. pos = (pos + 1) % 26; } else { pos = (pos - 1 + 26) % 26; // Adding 26 guarantees a positive value. } return(pos); } /*********************************************************************** * rotCCW() - Rotate a cipher or control rotor counter-clockwise. * Copyright (C) 1996, by Richard Pekelney * All Rights Reserved * * SUMMARY: * rotate counter clockwise one position of a cipher or control rotor. Note * that these rotors are labeled clockwise increasing, except when reversed. * * REVISION HISTORY: * * Date Version By Purpose of Revision * -------- ------- --- -------------------------------------- * 8 Oct 96 1.00 RSP First release. * ***********************************************************************/ public int rotCCW() { if (reversed) { // Reversed rotors increase counter clockwise. pos = (pos - 1 + 26) % 26; // Adding 26 guarantees a positive value. } else { // Normal rotor increase clockwise. pos = (pos + 1) % 26; } return(pos); } /*********************************************************************** * reverse() - Reverse a rotor. * Copyright (C) 1996, by Richard Pekelney * All Rights Reserved * * SUMMARY: * Reversed rotors can be thought of as upside and backwards rotors. This routine * just provides an interface to the reversed variable. * * REVISION HISTORY: * * Date Version By Purpose of Revision * -------- ------- --- -------------------------------------- * 8 Oct 96 1.00 RSP First release. * ***********************************************************************/ public void reverse() { reversed = true; return; } } // end of Rotor /*********************************************************************** * CipherRotor object extends Rotor * Copyright (C) 1996, by Richard Pekelney * All Rights Reserved * * SUMMARY: * This object contains a cipher rotor. Cipher rotors are read from left to * right during encrypt and right to left during decrypt. Since rotor wirings * supplied in a table of left to right wirings. The object keeps a left to right * and a right to left version of the table. * * REVISION HISTORY: * * Date Version By Purpose of Revision * -------- ------- --- -------------------------------------- * 8 Oct 96 1.00 RSP First release. * ***********************************************************************/ class CipherRotor extends Rotor { int cipherRotor[][] = new int[2][26]; CipherRotor(int wiringNum) { // Constructor for Cipher Rotors. int i; for(i = 0 ; i < 26 ; i++) { cipherRotor[LEFT][i] = WIRING[wiringNum][i] - (int) 'A'; cipherRotor[RIGHT][cipherRotor[LEFT][i]] = i; } reversed = false; return; } /*********************************************************************** * cipherEncPath() - Encrypt path through a rotor. * Copyright (C) 1996, by Richard Pekelney * All Rights Reserved * * SUMMARY: * Encrypt path through a cipher rotor is from left to right, except for reversed * rotors. * * REVISION HISTORY: * * Date Version By Purpose of Revision * -------- ------- --- -------------------------------------- * 8 Oct 96 1.00 RSP First release. * ***********************************************************************/ public int cipherEncPath(int in) { int out; if (reversed) { out = (pos - cipherRotor[RIGHT][(pos - in + 26) % 26] + 26) % 26; } else { out = (cipherRotor[LEFT][(in + pos) % 26] - pos + 26) % 26; } return(out); } /*********************************************************************** * cipherDecPath() - Decrypt path through a rotor. * Copyright (C) 1996, by Richard Pekelney * All Rights Reserved * * SUMMARY: * Decrypt path through a cipher rotor is from right to left, except for reversed * rotors. * * REVISION HISTORY: * * Date Version By Purpose of Revision * -------- ------- --- -------------------------------------- * 8 Oct 96 1.00 RSP First release. * ***********************************************************************/ public int cipherDecPath(int in) { int out; if (reversed) { out = (pos - cipherRotor[LEFT][(pos - in + 26) % 26] + 26) % 26; } else { out = (cipherRotor[RIGHT][(in + pos) % 26] - pos + 26) % 26; } return(out); } } // end of CipherRotor /*********************************************************************** * ControlRotor object extends Rotor * Copyright (C) 1996, by Richard Pekelney * All Rights Reserved * * SUMMARY: * This object contains a control rotor. Control rotors are always read from right * to left, except when reversed. The object keeps a left to right version of the * wiring table to handle reversed rotors. * * REVISION HISTORY: * * Date Version By Purpose of Revision * -------- ------- --- -------------------------------------- * 8 Oct 96 1.00 RSP First release. * ***********************************************************************/ class ControlRotor extends Rotor { int controlRotor[][] = new int[2][26]; ControlRotor(int wiringNum) { // Constructor for Control Rotors. int i; for(i = 0 ; i < 26 ; i++) { controlRotor[LEFT][i] = WIRING[wiringNum][i] - (int) 'A'; controlRotor[RIGHT][controlRotor[LEFT][i]] = i; } reversed = false; return; } /*********************************************************************** * controlPath() passes a current though a control rotor. * Copyright (C) 1996, by Richard Pekelney * All Rights Reserved * * SUMMARY: * controlPath() passes a current though a rotor. Control rotor pos is the clockwise * rotation from zero on top. A reversed rotor can be thought of as an upside down, * (i.e. counter clockwise) and backwards (i.e. left to right) normal rotor. * The control rotors are always read from right to left, except for reversed rotors. * * REVISION HISTORY: * * Date Version By Purpose of Revision * -------- ------- --- -------------------------------------- * 8 Oct 96 1.00 RSP First release. * ***********************************************************************/ public int controlPath(int in){ int out; // Adding 26 to any value that might go negative prevents a negative value that might // cause a divide error during the mod (%) 26 operation. if (reversed) { out = (pos - controlRotor[LEFT][(pos - in + 26) % 26] + 26) % 26; } else { out = (controlRotor[RIGHT][(in + pos) % 26] - pos + 26) % 26; } return(out); } } // end of ControlRotor class /*********************************************************************** * IndexRotor object extends Rotor * Copyright (C) 1996, by Richard Pekelney * All Rights Reserved * * SUMMARY: * This object contains an index rotor. Index rotors are always read from left * to right, except when reversed. The object keeps a right to left version of the * wiring table to handle reversed rotors. * * REVISION HISTORY: * * Date Version By Purpose of Revision * -------- ------- --- -------------------------------------- * 8 Oct 96 1.00 RSP First release. * ***********************************************************************/ class IndexRotor extends Rotor { int indexRotor[][] = new int[2][10]; IndexRotor(int wiringNum) { // Constructor for Index Rotors. int i; for(i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++) { indexRotor[LEFT][i] = INDEXWIRING[wiringNum][i]; indexRotor[RIGHT][indexRotor[LEFT][i]] = i; } reversed = false; return; } /*********************************************************************** * indexPath() passes a current though an index rotor.. * Copyright (C) 1996, by Richard Pekelney * All Rights Reserved * * SUMMARY: * indexPath() passes a current though an index rotor. Index rotor pos is the counter * clockwise rotation from zero on top. A reversed rotor can be thought of as * an upside down, (i.e. clockwise) and backwards (i.e. right to left) normal rotor. * The index rotors are always read from left to right, except for reversed rotors. * * REVISION HISTORY: * * Date Version By Purpose of Revision * -------- ------- --- -------------------------------------- * 8 Oct 96 1.00 RSP First release. * ***********************************************************************/ public int indexPath(int in){ int out; // Adding 10 to any value that might go negative prevents a negative value that might // cause a divide error during the mod (%) 10 operation. if (reversed) { // This is a reversed rotor. out = (pos - indexRotor[RIGHT][(pos - in + 10) % 10] + 10) % 10; } else { // This is a normal rotor. out = (indexRotor[LEFT][(in + pos) % 10] - pos + 10) % 10; } return(out); } } // end of IndexRotor class