The Maritime Park Association welcomes your group on their overnight stay aboard the historic submarine USS Pampanito. To ensure your safety during your visit, we ask you to review the following information with the members of your group.

1. Safe Conduct: Please remember two important points about the USS Pampanito: First, Pampanito is a naval vessel which was built with the intention to be operated by specially-trained Navy personnel; Second, Pampanito is now a museum ship. Both of these points dictate that safe conduct be exercised by each and every member of your group. Because of the design and construction of the submarine, special care must be taken while on board for your personal safety.

At least three adults must stay in the after battery compartment to supervise the group.

Do not block any passageways with personal gear, boxes, coolers, etc. Do not block any ladders to access hatches. Stow all your supplies safely out of the way.

Do not run while on board the submarine or on the pier.

Do not attempt to climb on the bridge deck without permission of staff.

Step through watertight doors one leg at a time while holding on to the handgrab.

Be aware of low overheads (low hanging equipment or fixtures) in the submarine--there are potential "headknockers" throughout the submarine.

Exercise caution when climbing into and out of bunks, particularly the top bunks. When in any of the upper bunks be mindful of equipment, pipes, valves, etc. which are mounted overhead.

While topside, remain on the special walkway at all times. Do not go outside the wire rope barriers at any time, or out on the bow or stern of the boat. The metal and wooden portions of the deck are usually wet and slippery after dark.

When going up or down ladders, hold on to handrails with both hands.

Stay out of any areas of the boat which are secured by locks or screws or are otherwise marked as off limits.

Do not attempt to operate any equipment, turn switches, open up any control panels or otherwise disturb any equipment on the submarine.

Do not use any pots, pans, dishes, flatware, utensils, or any other galley equipment found on the submarine.

Do not bring your own appliances for use on board (such as a coffee maker, hot plate.) We have a thirty-cup coffee maker available for making hot water.

2. Safety Equipment:

Telephone - located in office on pier

First Aid Kit - each scout troop is required to bring their own, however, we have a kit located in the office on the pier

Eye Wash Station - next to office door

Life Rings - located on pier and on the main deck of the submarine.

Boat Hooks - located against wall in work area behind gangway

Life Jacket - on top of the eye wash station.

3. Fire Emergency Procedure:

Smoke detectors are located in sleeping quarters. If an alarm sounds, follow the procedures listed below:
  • Exit the boat in a quick and orderly manner--no pushing and shoving--moving in the opposite direction of the source of any smoke.
  • Do not close any watertight doors on the submarine.
  • Inform staff immediately, and call 911.

4. Emergency Phone Numbers:
Ambulance/Fire/Rescue 911

Police 911

Police (non-emergency) 553-0123 or 553-1532

Poison Control 415-476-6600

For anyone needing to phone in to reach a camper staying on board the USS Pampanito, they may call 415-775-1943.

For more information, please contact Scout Coordinator, Alice via email,
or call (415) 561-6662 x 33


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Version 2.02, 27 March 2014