NARA RG 38, Office of CNO, NSG Central Depository, Crane Library Finding Aid
This finding aid may be used to locate documents from NARA RG 38, Crane Material, Inactive Stations. Preparation before arriving at Archives II in College Park, MD with this finding aid can help researchers best utilize their time at the Archives.
RG 38
Records of the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
Records of the Naval Security Group Central Depository, Crane, IN
Crane Library
Abbreviations used:
"Communication Security Publication"
"Chief of Naval Operations"
"Registered Publication Service"
"Vice-Chief of Naval Operations"
Box 1
CNSG - Crane Library - Administrative Radio Organization, U.S. Navy; Office of the CNO, Jan 13, 1943
CNSG - Crane Library - Navy Department, General and Battle Signal Books, Bulletins regarding changes:
Changes to General Signal Book, 1913:
No. 2, April 1, 1916
No. 5, June 4, 1917
No. 6, June 6, 1917
No. 7, august 15, 1917
File 440, CinC Atlantic Fleet, No. 2, 20 February 1918, 5-Bk (0)
File 440, CinC Atlantic Fleet, No. 3, 20 February 1918, 5-Bk (0)
File 440, CinC Atlantic Fleet, No. 4, 20 February 1918, 5-Bk (0)
File 440, CinC Atlantic Fleet, 10 May, 1918, 8-Y (0)
Correspondence: Josephus Daniels, Secretary of the Navy, "Use of Date Word and Reference Time
Number Between Representatives of the State & Navy Departments",
26 Oct., 1915
Josephus Daniels, Secretary of the Navy, "Use of Reference Time Number
Between Navy and Army", February 15, 1916
CNSG - Crane Library - W.C. Cole, Capt., USN; Special Code (telegraph) for use by Units of the USN
Yangtse [River] Patrol; dated 10 March 1914 (inc. list of units and commanding officers,)
CNSG - Crane Library - "Communications, Naval-National-International", transcript of lecture by D.C. Bingham,
CDR, U.S. Navy, 4 April, 1942; Communications Class, Scheffield Scientific School, Yale University
CNSG - Crane Library - Signal Cipher No.2 - Fleet Maneuvers, 1932 (Enciphering & De-ciphering tables)
CNSG - Crane Library - "Special HCM Cipher, Fleet Problem XIII", Office of the CNO, Code and Signal Section,
17 February, 1932
CNSG - Crane Library - Joint Army and Navy Radio Procedures (FM 24-10), Joint Board, 1940,
(Wash, DC: GPO, 1940), (inc.: Change No. 1,2 and 3, June 1941-March 1942) (3-05, 00708)
CNSG - Crane Library - Interdepartmental Radio Advisory Committee, Wash., DC; Confidential Radio Station
List: Government Radio Station List Showing Assignments by Frequency in Accordance with
Confidential Executive Order, August 1, 1940
CNSG - Crane Library - "Instructions Governing the Use, Control, Supervision, Inspection or Closure of Radio
Stations on Merchant Vessels, Office of the VCNO, 17 July 1943
CNSG - Crane Library - "Instructions Governing Signaling Between U.S. Merchant Vessels and U.S.
Government Vessels, War Department, 1928
CNSG - Crane Library - "Tactical Group: Battle Signal Book for Submarine Chasers", Naval District Base,
New London, Conn., [nd]
CNSG - Crane Library - "Naval Signaling", by A. P. Niblack, LT(JG), USN, The Proceedings of the United
States Naval Institute, Vol. XVIII, No. 4, 1892, Whole No. 64 (United States Naval Institute: Annapolis)
CNSG - Crane Library - History of the Beach Jumpers in World War II, Comments on
(combat deception operations)
CNSG - Crane Library - Glossary of Japanese Naval Terms, OP-20-3-GY-P NRP 8(1); Office of the CNO,
Communications Intelligence Section, 4 Jan 1945; Pp. 1-200 (1 of 4)
CNSG - Crane Library - Glossary of Japanese Naval Terms, OP-20-3-GY-P NRP 8(1); Office of the CNO,
Communications Intelligence Section, 4 Jan 1945; Pp. 201-400 (2 of 4)
Box 2 CNSF - Crane Library - Glossary of Japanese Naval Terms, OP-20-3-GY-P NRP 8(1); Office of the CNO,
Communications Intelligence Section, 4 Jan 1945; Pp. 401-600 (3 of 4)
CNSF - Crane Library - Glossary of Japanese Naval Terms, OP-20-3-GY-P NRP 8(1); Office of the CNO,
Communications Intelligence Section, 4 Jan 1945; Pp. 601- 705 (4 of 4)
CNSF - Crane Library - Glossary of Japanese Naval Terms, OP-20-3-GY-P NRP 8(2); Office of the CNO,
Communications Intelligence Section, 4 Jan 1945; Pp. 706-900 (1 of 7)
CNSF - Crane Library - Glossary of Japanese Naval Terms, OP-20-3-GY-P NRP 8(2); Office of the CNO,
Communications Intelligence Section, 4 Jan 1945; Pp. 901-1100 (2 of 7)
CNSF - Crane Library - Glossary of Japanese Naval Terms, OP-20-3-GY-P NRP 8(2); Office of the CNO,
Communications Intelligence Section, 4 Jan 1945; Pp. 1101-1300 (3 of 7)
CNSF - Crane Library - Glossary of Japanese Naval Terms, OP-20-3-GY-P NRP 8(2); Office of the CNO,
Communications Intelligence Section, 4 Jan 1945; Pp. 1301-1411 (4 of 7)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda, NPRM 1 to 524, Recapitulation Issue
Office of the CNO, 25 February 1947, 41-01
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda, Advance 469, U.S. Navy Call Sign Book -
DNC 3(A), Office of the CNO, 15 April 1946, 41-05
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda, Advance 486, Communications Instructions -
DNC 5, Office of the CNO, 20 May 1946, 41-06
Box 3 CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda, NRPM 486, Office of the CNO, 15 May 1946,
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda, NRPM 326-336, Office of the CNO,
25 September 1945, 41-28
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda, NRPM 337-338, Office of the CNO,
4 October 1945, 41-29
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda, NRPM 339-341, Office of the CNO,
19 October 1945, 41-30
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda, NRPM 342-355, Office of the CNO,
29 October 1945, 41-31
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda, NRPM 356-365, Office of the CNO,
21 November 1945, 41-32
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda, NRPM 366-378, Office of the CNO,
28 December 1945, 41-33
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda, NRPM 379-380, Office of the CNO,
10 January 1946, 41-34
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda, NRPM 399-412, Office of the CNO,
28 February 1946, 41-35
Box 4 CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda, NRPM 413, Office of the CNO,
21 March 1946, 41-36
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda, NRPM 414-418, Office of the CNO,
26 March 1946, 41-37
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda, NRPM 419-420, Office of the CNO,
1 April 1946, 41-38
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda, NRPM 421-446, Office of the CNO,
11 April 1946, 41-39
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda, NRPM 447-486, Office of the CNO,
29 April 1946, 41-40
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda, NRPM 469-485, Office of the CNO,
29 May 1946, 41-41
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda, NRPM 486-495, Office of the CNO,
1 July 1946, 41-42
CNSF - Crane Library - Historical materials re Registered Publication Section (100/11)
CNSF - Crane Library - "History of the C.N.C. Registered Publication System in World War II", [nd], (100/12)
CNSF - Crane Library - "List of Merchant Steam Vessels of Japan, 1940", Compiled by Mercantile Marine
Bureau, Department of Communications of Japanese Government
(63/3110/335, 335/1, 0128 77-11)
Box 5 CNSF - Crane Library - "Compilation of Names of Japanese Merchant Ships", [nd]
(Subpradpac/21/b, 63/3830/221, 01283 77-12)
CNSF - Crane Library -"Practical Communications", Commander Service Force, U.S. Atlantic Fleet,
15 May 1944 (0004-0005, 02-04)
CNSF - Crane Library - Basic Rapid Communications Plan for the Pacific Ocean Areas: PAC-70 (B),
CinC Pacific Fleet, January 1945 (0110, 05-05)
CNSF - Crane Library - Basic Rapid Communications: PAC-70, Promulgation of; CinC Pacific Fleet,
December 1941 (0110, 05-06)
CNSF - Crane Library - Command and Communications: PAC-70 (B), [nd], Chap 1-19 (1 of 3)
(0110, 05-05)
CNSF - Crane Library - Command and Communications: PAC-70 (B), [nd], Chap 20-30 (2 of 3)
(0110, 05-05)
CNSF - Crane Library - Command and Communications: PAC-70 (B), [nd], Chap 31-Annexes (3 of 3)
(0110, 05-05)
CNSF - Crane Library - PWAF-5, Instructions and Grid Card (0116, 5-13)
CNSF - Crane Library - PWAF-2, Instructions and Grid Card (0111-0119, 5-15)
CNSF - Crane Library - PWAF-3, Instructions and Grid Card (0111-0119, 5-16)
CNSF - Crane Library - Persian Gulf, 104/18, Jan 21, 1955; OP-921C - Withdrawn
Box 6 CNSF - Crane Library - PWAF-1 (Revised), Instructions and Grid Card (0111-0119; 5-17A)
CNSF - Crane Library - PWAF-3, Instructions and Transmission Encoding Form (0111-0119, 5-17B)
CNSF - Crane Library - Patrol Wings Atlantic Fleet, Communications Instructions, 1942 (0111-0119, 0121, 5-18)
CNSF - Crane Library - Radio Communications: Hearings Before the Committee on the Merchant Marine and
Fisheries, House of Representatives, Sixty Fourth Congress, Second Session, on HR 19350: A Bill to
Regulate Radio Communications, Jan 11-26, 1917 (Wash, DC: GPO, 1917) (2-07)
CNSF - Crane Library - Call Letter Circular No. 45, April 11, 1918; Naval Ships and Stations, Arranged
Alphabetically by Name of Stations (2-08)
CNSF - Crane Library - Cable and Radio Coded Address System, Office of the CNO, Enclosure (A) to
CNO ltr OP-20-MID Serial 2500920 of 1 November 1944 (2-10)
CNSF - Crane Library - Cable and Radio Coded Address System, Office of the CNO, Enclosure (A) to
CNO ltr OP-20M-13 Serial 1510120 of 6 January 1944, Section 1: EFM and Senders Composition
Cable and Radio Messages Outgoing from the United States (2-11)
CNSF - Crane Library - Cable and Radio Coded Address System, Confidential List of "Unpacks", Office of
the CNO, Enclosure (A) to CNO Conf ltr OP-20-MID Serial 0795320 of 1 November 1944 (2-12)
CNSF - Crane Library -"Visual Calls Memorandum No.1 & No.2: Visual Calls of Vessels of the Fleet",
Navy Department, May 28 and August 8, 1917 (2-13A/B)
CNSF - Crane Library -"Visual Signalling Instructions", [nd] (2-14)
CNSF - Crane Library - Navy Restricted Cipher No. 3, Navy Department (GPO: Wash, DC, 1935) (2-18)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Gurnee's Cipher Code for Domestic and Foreign Business", D.C. Gurnee
(Chicago: The Metropolitan Code Co., 1906) (2-19)
CNSF - Crane Library - Chinese Handbook, 33, April 1, 1948, Office of the CNO - Withdrawn CNSF - Crane Library - USSK Handbook, 18, May 15, 1947, Joint Operations - Withdrawn CNSF - Crane Library - USSK Handbook, Vol. II, 18, April 29, 1948, Office of the CNO - Withdrawn CNSF - Crane Library - USSK Handbook, Vol. II, May 15, 1947, Office of the CNO - Withdrawn
Box 7 CNSF - Crane Library- "58", No. 1-3, October 1, 1946, National Security Agency
CNSF - Crane Library- "58", No. 4-5, October 1, 1946, Office of the CNO
CNSF - Crane Library- "58", No. 6-9, October 1, 1946, National Security Agency
CNSF - Crane Library - Fleet Weather Central, Pearl Harbor, T.H. (Territory of Hawaii), Ca. 1942 (06-01)
CNSF - Crane Library - U.S. Army Signal Corps, "Signals Between Aeroplanes and Artillery, 1916",
Card S.S. 121 (40/W.O./2584) and Addendum Slip (40/W.O./3269)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Task Force Three: Aircraft Authentication System", Commander Task Force Three
(CTF-3), 1941 (06-06)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Distributing and Accounting for Registered Cryptographic Material", (TM 32-225)
Department of the Army, April 1948 (Wash., DC: GPO, 1948)
CNSF - Crane Library - Voice Card "F", December Tactical Exercise, 1934 (06-09)
CNSF - Crane Library - Commander Western Naval Task Force, Voice Vocabulary, Encode and Decode
[Tables], Edition A, 1 August 1944 (06-10)
CNSF - Crane Library - Navy Weather Central, U.S. Naval Operating Base, Kodiak, Alaska;
Weather Central Communication Bulletins, ca. Nov. 1944 (06-11)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Instructions for Use of the Aircraft Landing Code (ALACO) and the Aircraft
Meteorological Code (AIRMETCO), Circular Letter No. 36-42, U.S. Department of Commerce,
Weather Bureau, ca. 1942 (06-12)
CNSF - Crane Library - Operating Plan O-7, Orange (WPDNC-1), Changes to, 1935-1937 (1 of 2) (06-14, 0139)
CNSF - Crane Library - Operating Plan O-7, Orange (WPDNC-1), Changes to, 1935-1937 (2of 2) (06-14, 0139)
CNSF - Crane Library - Operating Plan Orange, Correspondence and Memoranda to/from the Office of the CNO,
1935-1937 (06-15)
Box 8 CNSF - Crane Library - Operating Plan O-7, Orange (WPDNC-1), Promulgation, Office of Naval Operations,
1929-1930 (06-16)
CNSF - Crane Library - Fleet Administrative Office and Senior Officer Present Afloat Instructions,
NRB-45866-13 Dec 1944-IM, F.A.O. New York Navy Yard, December 1944 (03-01)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Department, Central Commissioning Detail, New York,
Instructions re Ships Communications Department (Non-Registered Publications, NRP) (03-01)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Utility Code", Office of the CNO, Code and Signal Section, 1 April 1932 (03-06A)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Utility Code No.3", Office of the CNO, Code and Signal Section, 9 Jun 193[3] (03-06A)
CNSF - Crane Library -
CNSF - Crane Library - Atlantic Fleet Supplementary Signals No.1, CinC Atlantic Fleet, 20 January 1919
(03-09, 0063)
CNSF - Crane Library - Recognition Signal, [nd] (03-10, 0064)
CNSF - Crane Library - Signal Flags & Pennants, "Flags Used in International Code", Reference Card
(03-11, 0065)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Signal Letters of the United States Merchant Marine 1946", U.S. Treasury Department,
Bureau of Customs (Wash, DC: GPO, 1947) (03-12, 0066)
CNSF - Crane Library - Atlantic Fleet Supplementary Signals No.1, CinC Atlantic Fleet, 20 January 1919
(03-09, 0063)
CNSF - Crane Library - Recognition Signal, [nd] (03-10, 0064)
CNSF - Crane Library - Signal Flags & Pennants, "Flags Used in International Code", Reference Card
(03-11, 0065)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Japanese Air Services and Japanese Aircraft", Intelligence Information Memorandum
No.12, Directorate of Intelligence, Headquarters, Allied Air Forces, South West Pacific Area (SWPA),
September, 1942 (03-17, 0070)
CNSF - Crane Library - Atlantic Fleet Supplementary Signals No.1, CinC Atlantic Fleet, 20 January 1919
(03-09, 0063)
CNSF - Crane Library - Recognition Signal, [nd] (03-10, 0064)
CNSF - Crane Library - Signal Flags & Pennants, "Flags Used in International Code", Reference Card
(03-11, 0065)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Preliminary Instruction Book for Navy Models TCK and TCK-1 Radio Telegraph
and Telephone Transmitting Equipments, Mnfd ... by G.E. Company...1941" (03-18)
CNSF - Crane Library - Atlantic Fleet Supplementary Signals No.1, CinC Atlantic Fleet, 20 January 1919
(03-09, 0063)
CNSF - Crane Library - Recognition Signal, [nd] (03-10, 0064)
CNSF - Crane Library - Signal Flags & Pennants, "Flags Used in International Code", Reference Card
(03-11, 0065)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Communication Procedures Between the Army and the Navy", Joint Army and
Navy Committee on Army and Navy Communications (Wash, DC: GPO, 1922) (03-12, 0066)
Box 9 CNSF - Crane Library - "Instruction Book for Model GF-12 and Model RU-17 Aircraft Radio Telegraph
and Telephone Transmitting and Receiving Equipments", Western Electric Company, Chicago, IL;
(Contract No. 84530, April 21, 1941) (03-22)
CNSF - Crane Library - Table C-3CRL-37, Sets "A" & "B"; Fleet Confidential Communication Letter 3CRL-37,
[U.S. Fleet Temporary] Communication Procedure Signals (Indented) (03-26)
CNSF - Crane Library - Combined Operating Signals, Short Title-CCBP 2; Combined Communications Board,
1943 (First Edition; Wash, DC: GPO, 1943) (12-11)
CNSF - Crane Library - CCBP-2, U.S. Joint Change No.1, 13 April 1943 (12-12)
CNSF - Crane Library - Aircraft Weather Code No.1, PAC-1, Commander Patrol Wing Two (05-01)
CNSF - Crane Library - Pacific Fleet Weather Cipher No.2, PAC-2, CinC Pacific Fleet, ca. 1942 (05-02, 0107)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Procedure Signals, U.S. Navy, 1940 (16-27891-2)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Plan O-7: Orange", March 11, 1937, Director of Naval Comm. (0188) (Withdrawn)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Plan O-7: Neutrality", June 13, 1935, Office of the CNO (0189) (Withdrawn)
Box 10 CNSF - Crane Library - Basic Communications Plan, Annex "A" to Commander U.S. Naval Forces
Northwest African Waters (0105, 04-25)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communications Order No. 6-45, United States Pacific Fleet, South Pacific Force,
Commander Naval Bases South Solomons Sub-Area, 30 June 1945 (0097, 0417A)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communications Order No. 6-45, United States Pacific Fleet, South Pacific Force,
Commander Naval Bases South Solomons Sub-Area, 17 February 1945 (0097, 0417B)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Issuing Office (RPIO), London, England, Monthly
Bulletin, 1 Nov 1944 (099, 177A, 04-19)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Circular Letters, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
14 May 1935-6 Oct 1942 (0102, 04-21)
CNSF - Crane Library - Instructions Governing the Use of Naval Communication Facilities at Washington,
DC, Navy Department, 1934-1935, 1939 (0101, 04-22)
CNSF - Crane Library - EASTSEAFRON Basic Communications Plan, Commander Eastern Sea Frontier,
January 11, 1943 (0104, 04-24)
CNSF - Crane Library - Navy Subsidiary Post-War Plan Communications, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, Office of the Chief of Naval Communications, November 1945 (0096, 04-16)
CNSF - Crane Library - Data for Personnel Mobilization Plan No.2, OP-20-P, 5 December 1946
(0994, 04-14)
CNSF - Crane Library - Extracts from U.S. Navy Elementary Course in Cryptanalysis, Office of the CNO,
OP-20-GR, [nd] (0095, 04-15)
CNSF - Crane Library - Destroyer Training Exercises, United States Pacific Fleet Destroyers, Commander
Destroyers, Battle Force, Exercises 1941 (0093, 04-13)
CNSF - Crane Library - Gulf Sea Frontier Frequency Plan BAKER, Commander, Gulf Sea Frontier,
February 15, 1943 (0092, 04-12)
CNSF - Crane Library - Introduction of "CONSTANT' Fixed System Indicators, War Department,
Washington, DC, 6 May 1946 (0091, 04-11)
CNSF - Crane Library - Annex "A", Communications Annex to Basic Naval Establishment Plan, 1-48,
Navy Department, Office of the CNO, 22 January 1948 (04-05)
CNSF - Crane Library - Fleet Maneuvers, 1932, Code Cards (0087, 04-07)
CNSF - Crane Library - Naval Communications, Department of Seamanship and Navigation, Seamanship
Division, U.S. Naval Academy, 1944 (U.S.N.A.-1-20-44-1250) (0084, 04-04)
Box 11 CNSF - Crane Library - Special British Correction Memoranda (SBCM), 1 Jan-15 June 1943 (SBCM 1-112)
CNSF - Crane Library - Special British Correction Memoranda (SBCM), 15 July-15 Dec 1943 (SBCM 113-159)
CNSF - Crane Library - Special British Correction Memoranda (SBCM), 1944 (SBCM 160-245)
CNSF - Crane Library - Special British Correction Memoranda (SBCM), 1 Jan-15 June 1943 (SBCM 1-112)
CNSF - Crane Library - Special British Correction Memoranda (SBCM), 15 July-15 Dec 1943 (SBCM 113-159)
CNSF - Crane Library - Issuing Office Manual, U.S.N. Registered Publication Issuing Office, Pearl Harbor,
T.H. (Territory of Hawaii), 1944; Introduction, Chap. I-VI (1 of 2) (83-18)
CNSF - Crane Library - Issuing Office Manual, U.S.N. Registered Publication Issuing Office, Pearl Harbor,
T.H. (Territory of Hawaii), 1944; Introduction, Chap. VII-XI, Index (2 of 2) (83-18)
CNSF - Crane Library - Issuing Office Manual, U.S.N. Registered Publication Issuing Office, Pearl Harbor,
T.H. (Territory of Hawaii), 1944; Introduction, Chap. I-VI (1 of 2) (83-18)
CNSF - Crane Library - Issuing Office Manual, U.S.N. Registered Publication Issuing Office, Pearl Harbor,
T.H. (Territory of Hawaii), 1944; Introduction, Chap. VII-XI, Index (2 of 2) (83-18)
Box 12 CNSF - Crane Library - "Preliminary Instruction Book, Radio Direction Finding Equipment", Model DAJ,
Contract NXs-1748, Bureau of Ships; International Telephone & Radio Manufacturing Corporation,
New York, ca. March 1942 (86-03)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Communication Security Group Training Pamphlet No. 17, Ciphers", Reprinted
from the Original Published by United States Naval Academy Post Graduate School-1937; Office of the
CNO, 1937 (1500, 92-06, 63/1956/1-folder 6, TC699) CNSF - Crane Library - "Elementary Manual of Radio Propagation", Chief of Naval Operations, U.S.
Naval Communications, Navy Department, Washington, DC, September 1945
(2440, 91-10, 63/2430/610, HQS 2000)
CNSF - Crane Library - Radio Telephone Circuits Terminating in U.S. (Short title - R.T.C.), 1943
(1 of 2) (2610, 91-11, 63/2303/89, HQS 2000)
CNSF - Crane Library - Radio Telephone Circuits Terminating in U.S. (Short title - R.T.C.), 1943
(2 of 2) (2610, 91-11, 63/2303/89, HQS 2000)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Elementary Cryptanalysis (Assignments & Problems) with Notes on Open Code
Recognition" - Open Code Recognition, COMNAVSECGRU: "ONI Elementary Cryptanalysis Course"
(91-12, 63/2506/1485, 2/3, 1485, 314, TC 605/1845)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Elementary Cryptanalysis (Assignments & Problems) with Notes on Open Code
Recognition" - Assignment #1-2, Pamphlet 1A-4C (1 of 2)
(91-12, 63/2506/1485, 2/3, 1485, 314, TC 605/1845)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Elementary Cryptanalysis (Assignments & Problems) with Notes on Open Code
Recognition" - Assignment #5-9, Pamphlet 5-9A (2 of 2)
(91-12, 63/2506/1485, 2/3, 1485, 314, TC 605/1845)
Box 13 CNSF - Crane Library - Final Instruction Book for Navy Model RU-18 and Navy Model RU-19 Aircraft
Radio Telegraph and Telephone Receiving Equipments, U.S. Navy contract Nos 84530, Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company, April 21, 1941 (0082, 04-02)
CNSF - Crane Library - Preliminary Instruction Book for Navy Model TBL7 Radio Telegraph Transmitting
Equipment, U.S. Navy Contract Nos-97922, Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company,
Radio Division, Baltimore, Maryland January 27, 1942 (0081, 04-01)
CNSF - Crane Library - Radio Set, AN/MPN-1, Preliminary Technical Description, [nd] (0082, 04-03)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Black Magic II" (Radio Deception), CSP 1772(A), Office of the CNO, 8 May 1943
(598, 470, 22-02)
CNSF - Crane Library - Radio and Radar Countermeasures, CSP 1765(A), Office of the CNO, March 30, 1943
(701-720, 597, 22-1)
CNSF - Crane Library - U.S. [Naval] Despatches [Messages] (Sealed Secret), 3 July-31 December 1943
(22-03F, 00599)
CNSF - Crane Library - Change No. 2, October 1, 1935; Office of the CNO (06-16) (Withdrawn)
Box 14 CNSF - Crane Library - "Tables of Standard Frequency Data English", Office of the CNO, ONI,
Pamphlet #1 (91-15)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Security Group Training Pamphlet No.1, Office of the CNO,
"Key Recovery and Reconstruction of Simple Cipher Systems", OP-20-GR, January 1941 (91-16)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Security Group Training Pamphlet No. 40, Office of the CNO,
"Double Transposition Ciphers: Numerical Method of Solution", OP-20-GR, December 1940 (91-16)
CNSF - Crane Library - "History and Solution of the KRYHA Cipher Machine Used by 3-N",
NEGAT/OP-20-621, 29/(B)D (91-18)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Subsequent Solution of the KRYHA Cipher Machine", Pamphlet No. 12,
Office of the CNO, 1931 (91-18, 63/2544/1988/1)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Military Study of Secret Radio", by CDR. L.F. Safford, USN, 1938 (93-4)
CNSF - Crane Library - Problem Strip Cipher No. 2, Instructions for Preparing Flat Strip Alphabet
for Use and Flat Strip Alphabet Card, U.S.F. 8, 24 November 1934 (07-04)
CNSF - Crane Library - Exercise Contact Code - C, U.S.F. 22, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
Code and Signal Section, 2 January, 1935 (07-05)
CNSF - Crane Library - Exercise Contact Code - D, U.S.F. 22, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
Code and Signal Section, 2 January, 1935 (07-06)
CNSF - Crane Library - Exercise Signal Cipher "C", U.S.F. 26, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
Code and Signal Section, 15 January, 1935 (07-07)
CNSF - Crane Library -Aircraft Contact Pad No.2, U.S.F. 29, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
Code and Signal Section, 15 February, 1935 (07-09)
CNSF - Crane Library - Aircraft Contact Pad No.3, U.S.F. 30, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
Code and Signal Section, 15 February, 1935 (07-10)
CNSF - Crane Library - Contact Pad No. 4 (Complete), U.S.F. 37, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
Cryptographic Section, 20 November 1935 (07-11)
CNSF - Crane Library - Contact Pad No. 5 (Complete), U.S.F. 38, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
Cryptographic Section, 20 November 1935 (07-12)
CNSF - Crane Library - Contact Pad No. 4 (Decode Section), U.S.F. 39, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, Cryptographic Section, 20 November 1935 (07-13)
CNSF - Crane Library - Contact Pad No. 5 (Decode Section), U.S.F. 40, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, Cryptographic Section, 20 November 1935 (07-14)
CNSF - Crane Library - U.S.F. 45, Instructions and Tables, CinC Pacific Fleet (U.S.S. Pennsylvania),
1 April 1936 (07-15)
CNSF - Crane Library - U.S.F. 46, Instructions and Tables, CinC Pacific Fleet (U.S.S. Pennsylvania),
1 April 1936 (07-16A)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Order No. 1-36 (Annex "A" to White Fleet Operation Plan 1-36),
U.S.F. 48 [Fleet Problem XVIII], White Fleet, U.S.S. Indianapolis, 3 April 1936 (C.S.F. File No.
A16-3 (C-212)) (07-16B)
CNSF - Crane Library - Scouting Force Signal Cipher No., Appendix "C" to White Fleet Communication
Plan No. 1-36, [nd] (07-016B, 0156)
CNSF - Crane Library - Blue Fleet Operation Plan No. 1-36: Annex "A" (+ Appendixes "A", "B" & "C"),
Blue Fleet, U.S.S. California, 10 April, 1936 (07-16C, 0156)
CNSF - Crane Library - Contact Pad No. 4 (Decode Section), Office of the CNO, 10 September 1936 (07-17)
CNSF - Crane Library - Contact Pad No. 5 (Decode Section), Office of the CNO, 10 September 1936 (07-18)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 52, Instructions for Use and Cipher Alphabet Card, U.S.S. Penn-
Sylvania-10-29-36-2000, [nd] (07-19)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 53, Instructions for Use and Cipher Alphabet Card, U.S.S. Penn-
Sylvania-10-29-36-2000, [nd] (07-20)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 55, Exercise Signal Cipher "F", CinC United States Fleet, March 1937,
USS Pennsylvania-3-19-37-1300 (07-22)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 56, Instructions for Use and Cipher Alphabet Card, [nd] (07-23)
CNSF - Crane Library -USF 57, UMPIRE Code No.1, Office of the CNO, Cryptographic Section,
15 December 1936 (07-24)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 58, Instructions for Preparing Flat Strip Alphabets for Use and Flat Strip
Alphabet Card, [nd] (07-25)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 59, Change No.1, CinC U.S. Fleet, 4 November 1938 (07-26)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 59, Problem Strip Cipher No.3, Office of the CNO, Cryptographic Section,
1 September 1937 (07-26)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 60, Instructions for Preparing Flat Strip Alphabet for Use, and Flat Strip
Alphabet Card, [nd] (07-27)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 61, Problem Strip No. 4, Office of the CNO, Cryptographic Section,
1 September 1937 (07-28)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 61, Change No.1, CinC U.S. Fleet, 4 November 1938 (07-28)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 62, UMPIRE Code No.2, Office of the CNO, Cryptographic Section,
15 December 1937 (07-29)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 64, Exercise Tracking Code No. 4, Office of the CNO, Cryptographic Section,
20 December 1937 (07-30)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 65, Exercise Tracking Code No. 5, Office of the CNO, Cryptographic Section,
5 January, 1938 (07-31)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 66, Aircraft Signal Book No. 9, Office of the CNO, Cryptographic Section,
8 October 1937 (07-32)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 67, Aircraft Signal Book No. 10, Office of the CNO, Cryptographic Section,
1 November 1937 (07-33)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 68, E.C.M. Exercise Cipher No.3, CinC US Fleet, [nd] (07-34)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 69, E.C.M. Exercise Cipher No.4, CinC US Fleet, [nd] (07-35)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 70, Basic Tactical Communication Plan, United States Fleet, CinC US Fleet,
December 1937 (0176, 07-36A)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 70, Basic Tactical Communication Plan, United States Fleet, CinC US Fleet,
(incl. changes no.1,2 and 3), December 1937 (0176, 07-36A)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 70, Basic Tactical Communication Plan, United States Fleet, Change No. 1,
CinC US Fleet, 3 December 1938 (0176, 07-36A)
Box 15 CNSF - Crane Library - USF 70, Basic Tactical Communication Plan, United States Fleet, Change No. 2,
CinC US Fleet, 21 December 1939 (0176, 07-36A)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 70, Basic Tactical Communication Plan, United States Fleet, Change No. 3,
CinC US Fleet, January 31, 1941 (0176, 07-36A)
CNSF - Crane Library - F(6), Corrections to CSP 1774(B), 23 October, 1943 - 5 May 1945
(NEGAT/GI-A/175, (B)D, Section "III" 5 of 33, 752/468, 63/3800/752, 48/175, 22-03E, 599)
CNSF - Crane Library - Corrections to CSP 1774(A), 19 July, 1943 - 5 March 1945
(63/2601/344, 344/4, 22-03D, 599)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1774(B), Pub[lished] Info, 5 August, 1943 - 5 May 1945
(63/2601/683, 2/2, 682/15, 22-03D, 599)
CNSF - Crane Library - German U-Boat Radio Procedure, CSP 1774(B), Office of the CNO, 1 June 1944,
(22-03C, 599, M126)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1774(B), Plus Changes, Office of the CNO, 10 September 1943
(63/254/792, 4/4, 792/6, 22-03B, 599)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1774(A), German and Italian U-Boat Radio Procedure, Office of the CNO,
1 July 1943 and 4 November 1943 (22-03A, 599)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1802(A), Repair and Maintenance Instructions for CCM Markk2 (CSP1700),
Office of the CNO, 7 April 1944 (22-04B, 600)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1802(B), Repair and Maintenance Instructions for CCM Markk2 (CSP1700),
Office of the CNO, 27 November 1944 (22-04B, 600)
Box 16 CNSF - Crane Library - "War Secrets in the Ether" (Kriegsgehemeinisse im Aether), Part I & II, by Wilhelm
F. Flicke; Translation form Original by the National Security Agency, 1953; typescript (101/10)
CNSF - Crane Library - "War Secrets in the Ether" (Kriegsgehemeinisse im Aether), Part III, by Wilhelm F.
Flicke; Translation form Original by the National Security Agency, 1953; typescript (1 of 2) (101/10)
CNSF - Crane Library - "War Secrets in the Ether" (Kriegsgehemeinisse im Aether), Part III, by Wilhelm F.
Flicke; Translation form Original by the National Security Agency, 1953; typescript (2 of 2) (101/10)
CNSF - Crane Library - Miscellaneous Historical Materials, 1942 (104-002)
CNSF - Crane Library - Miscellaneous Historical Materials, 1943 (104-002)
CNSF - Crane Library - Miscellaneous Historical Materials, January-June, 1944 (104-002)
CNSF - Crane Library - Miscellaneous Historical Materials, July-December, 1944 (104-002)
CNSF - Crane Library - Miscellaneous Historical Materials, 1945 (104-002)
Box 17 CNSF - Crane Library -Instructions for Maintaining the Security of Communication Intelligence,
CSP 1805, CinC US Fleet and Office of the CNO, 13 March 1945 (22-05A,601)
CNSF - Crane Library -Instructions for Maintaining the Security of Communication Intelligence,
Change No.1, CSP 1805(A), Office of the CNO, 7 December 1946 (22-05B,601)
CNSF - Crane Library -Instructions for Maintaining the Security of Communication Intelligence,
CSP 1805(B), Office of the CNO, October 1949 (22-05C,601)
CNSF - Crane Library -Instructions for Maintaining the Security of Communication Intelligence,
Change No.1, CSP 1805(C), Office of the CNO, July 1952 (22-05D,601)
CNSF - Crane Library -Instructions for Maintaining the Security of Communication Intelligence,
Change No.1, CSP 1805(D), Office of the CNO, February 1954 (22-05E,601)
CNSF - Crane Library -Instructions for Maintaining the Security of Communication Intelligence
Administrative, CSP 1805(D)1, Office of the CNO, February 1954 (22-05F,601)
CNSF - Crane Library -Instructions for Maintaining the Security of Communication Intelligence Technical,
CSP 1805(D)2, Office of the CNO, February 1954 (22-056,601)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 2156(A), Shore Fire Control Code, Office of the CNO, May 29, 1943
(23-14,615, 620)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 2296(A), Short Weather Forecast Code for Soviet Merchant Ships, North
Pacific Area, Office of the CNO, 1 November 1943 (23-17, 620)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 2297(A), Soviet Merchant Ships Weather Forecast Cipher, Office of the CNO,
23 November, 1943 (23-18,619, 620)
Box 18 CNSF - Crane Library - USF 70 (A), United States Fleet Basic Rapid Communication Doctrine and Basic
Communication Plan for War, CinC US Fleet, March 1943 (0176, 07-36B)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 70 (A), United States Fleet Basic Rapid Communication Doctrine and Basic
Communication Plan for War (incl. Change No.1) CinC US Fleet, March 1943 (0176, 07-36B)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 70 (A), United States Fleet Basic Rapid Communication Doctrine and Basic
Communication Plan for War, Change No.1, CinC US Fleet, 6 July 1944 (0176, 07-36B)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 70 (A), Commander North Pacific Force, United States Pacific Fleet, Changes
to NORPACSUPP, Change No. 4-6 and 8, COMNORPACFOR, Nov 1944-March 1945, (0176, 07-36B)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 70 (A), Pacific Fleet Supplement, CinC US Pacific Fleet, April 4, 1943
(0176, 07-36C)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 70 (A), Annex "B" to NORPACSUPP, Commander North Pacific Force,
10 October 1944 (incl. Change no.1, 31 October 1944) (0176, 07-36D)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 83, UMPIRE Code No. 3, Office of the CNO, Cryptographic Section,
30 August 1938 (0177, 08-03)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 71, U.S. Fleet Tactical Call Cipher Number "A", CinC US Fleet,
23 February 1938 (0178, 08-04)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 73, U.S. Fleet Tactical Call Cipher "B", CinC US Fleet, 30 August 1938 (0179, 08-05)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 81, Exercise Signal Cipher "G", Office of the CNO, Cryptographic Section,
24 August 1938 (0180, 08-06)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 82, Exercise Signal Cipher "H", Office of the CNO, Cryptographic Section,
24 September 1938 (0181, 08-07)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 87, Exercise Mk. III Strip Key List "A", Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
Cryptographic Section, 19 November 1938 (0184, 08-08)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 88, Exercise Mk. III Strip Key List "B", Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
Cryptographic Section, 21 November 1938 (0185, 08-09)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 91, Fleet Tactical Call Cipher "C", CinC US Fleet, [nd] (0186, 08-10)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 91, Fleet Tactical Call Cipher "C", Change No. 1., CinC US Fleet,
27 May 1940 (0186, 08-10)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 100, Shore Fire Control Code, CinC US Pacific Fleet, November 15, 1941 (0187, 08-11A)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 100 (B), Shore Fire Control Code (Revised May, 1942), CinC US Fleet, [nd],
(0187, 08-11B)
CNSF - Crane Library - Asiatic Cryptographic Distribution Sheet No.2 (ACDS-2), CinC US Asiatic Fleet,
7 October 1938 (0200, 10-08)
CNSF - Crane Library - Asiatic Cryptographic Distribution Sheet No.1 (ACDS-1), CinC US Asiatic Fleet,
15 March 1938 (0199, 10-07)
CNSF - Crane Library - Cumulative Supplement to BRITSIGLET 5 (British Signal Letters), Office of
the CNO, 15 November 1945 (0208, 10-16A)
CNSF - Crane Library - Cumulative Supplement to BRITSIGLET 5 (British Signal Letters), Office of
the CNO, 15 April 1945 (0208, 10-16B)
CNSF - Crane Library - Cumulative Supplement to BRITSIGLET 5 (British Signal Letters), Office of
the CNO, 15 May 1945 (0208, 10-16C)
CNSF - Crane Library - "The Effect of World War II on the Security of U.S. Naval Communications",
Office of the CNO (CNC-20-K), [nd] (104/03)
CNSF - Crane Library - The Friedman Lectures, William F. Friedman, April 1963, Six Lectures on Cryptology; typescript (SRH 004, 104/09)
CNSF - Crane Library - Notes on Communication Security, Communication Security Group, Communication
Division, Office of the CNO (Wash, DC: GPO, 1935) (104/10)
CNSF - Crane Library - Notes on Communication Security (OPNAV-NRCP-10), Communication Security
Section, Division of Naval Communications, Office of the CNO (Wash, DC: GPO, 1943) (104/11)
CNSF - Crane Library - Black Magic II, CSP 1772(A), Office of the Vice CNO, May 8 1943 (104/13)
CNSF - Crane Library - Radio Deception, War Department Technical Bulletin TB SIG 65, War Department,
9 February 1945 (104/16)
CNSF - Crane Library - Radio Deception, Army Service Forces, Office of the Chief Signal Officer, Signal
Security Agency, 15 November 1943 (104/17)
CNSF - Crane Library - Captured Japanese Military Personal Effects (105/30)
CNSF - Crane Library - Mementos: USS New Jersey, 1944 (105/30)
CNSF - Crane Library - Miscellaneous Historical Material: News Releases, [nd], frag. (105/30)
Box 19 CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 2298(A), Soviet-USA Naval Code No.1, Office of the CNO, 15 May 1945,
(23-19, 620)
Box 20 CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 2094(A), Teletype Code for Merchant Ship Reports, Office of the CNO,
30 August 1944 (614)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 2094(A), Teletype Code for Merchant Ship Reports - DECODE, Office
of the CNO, 30 August 1944 (614)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1806(A)/SP 02546(1), Limited Combined (US Navy-British Navy) CCM
Rotating Indicator List, Office of the VCNO, (2301A, 602)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1806(AS)/SP 02546(1), Limited Combined (US Navy-British Navy) CCM
Rotating Indicator List, Office of the CNO, May 15, 1943 (23-01B, 602)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1809(A), TCA Key List Tables ( to be used with CSP 1516 Series), Office
of the CNO, 21 June 1945 (23-3, 604)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1846, Appendix to General Signal Book, Office of the VCNO, February 1943,
(23-5, 607)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1848(A), TCA Key List No. 1, Office of the VCNO, February 5, 1942
(23-07A to -07F, 609)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1849(A), TCA Operating Instructions, Office of the VCNO, February 7, 1943
(23-8, 610)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1941(A), Operating Instructions For CSP 890(A)(Plugboard Code Wheel),
Office of the CNO, 3 May 1944 (23-9, 611)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1963(A), CTH Key List No.1, COMINCHWS Edition, Office of the VCNO,
August 6, 1943 (23-10, 612)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1841(A), Aircraft Homing Code, Office of the VCNO, February 18, 1943
(23-12, 605)
CNSF - Crane Library - Ankara, May 27, 1946 - Withdrawn (63/2544/1979)
Box 21 CNSF - Crane Library - FRUPAC Standing Order 2-45, March 24, 1945; Summaries of Officer and Section
Duties and Responsibilities (105/64)
CNSF - Crane Library - Central Pacific Area Communication Plan and Doctrine (CENTCOM-Two), CinC
US Pacific Fleet, 15 Aril 1944 (copy 1) (11-01)
CNSF - Crane Library - Central Pacific Area Communication Plan and Doctrine (CENTCOM-Two), CinC
US Pacific Fleet, 15 Aril 1944 (copy 2) (11-01)
CNSF - Crane Library - Wartime Communications Instructions for Merchant Ships, 1942, CIMS-42, Office
of the CNO, [nd] (63/2300/495, , 495/6, 11-02)
CNSF - Crane Library - Wartime Communications Instructions for Merchant Ships, 1942, CIMS-42, Change
No.1, Office of the VCNO, April19, 1943 (0213, K-8, 11-02)
CNSF - Crane Library - Wartime Communications Instructions for Merchant Ships, 1942, CIMS-42, Change
No. 3, Office of the CNO, l1 September, 1943 (0213, K-8, 11-02)
CNSF - Crane Library - Special Cipher Between Ocean Escort Cruisers [convoy] and Brest [France], Cipher
OE, Navy Department, Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 21 March, 1918
(0214, 11-03)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communications Instructions for Reporting Enemy Sightings (CIRES), for Aircraft
Operated by the Army Air Transport Command, the Naval Air Transport Service and Commercial
Airlines, Office of the VCNO, June 1943 (incl. Change No.1, 23 April 1944) (11-02,11-03,11-04)
CNSF - Crane Library - Current Instructions Registered Publications (C.I.R.P.), Headquarters Army Air Forces,
3rd Edition, [nd] (incl. Changes No. 5-20, July-December 1943) (11-05)
Box 22 CNSF - Crane Library - CSPM 258-274, Communication Security Publication Memoranda, Office of the
VCNO, December 3, 1942 (37-14, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSPM 275-293, Communication Security Publication Memoranda, Office of the
VCNO, January 1, 1943 (37-15, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSPM 294-308, Communication Security Publication Memoranda, Office of the
VCNO, February 1, 1943 (37-16, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSPM 309-325, Communication Security Publication Memoranda, Office of the
VCNO, March 1, 1943 (37-17, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSPM 326-352, Communication Security Publication Memoranda, Office of the
VCNO, April 1, 1943 (37-18, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - All Effective CSPM Through 352, Except 329, Reprint of Communication Security
Publication Memoranda, Office of the VCNO, May 12, 1943 (37-19, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSPM 353-363, Communication Security Publication Memoranda, Office of the
VCNO, May 1, 1943 (37-20, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSPM 353-363 (May 1, 1943) & CSPM 364-381(June 5,1943), Communication
Security Publication Memoranda, Office of the VCNO, May 1, 1943 (37-21, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSPM 364-381, Communication Security Publication Memoranda, Office of the
VCNO, June 5, 1943 (37-22, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSPM 382-397, Communication Security Publication Memoranda, Office of the
VCNO, July 11, 1943 (37-23, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSPM 398-412, Communication Security Publication Memoranda, Office of the
VCNO, August 11, 1943 (37-24, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSPM 413-432, Communication Security Publication Memoranda, Office of the
VCNO, 21 September, 1943 (37-25, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSPM 433-448, Communication Security Publication Memoranda, Office of the
VCNO, 28 October, 1943 (37-26, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSPM 449-466, Communication Security Publication Memoranda, Office of the
VCNO, 20 November, 1943 (37-27, 692, F-176)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSPM 467-482, Communication Security Publication Memoranda, Office of the
VCNO, 24 December, 1943 (37-28, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSPM 483-495, Communication Security Publication Memoranda, Office of the
VCNO, 26 January, 1944 (37-29, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSPM 496-513, Communication Security Publication Memoranda, Office of the
VCNO, 3 March, 1944 (37-30, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSPM 514-525, Communication Security Publication Memoranda, Office of the
VCNO, 2 April, 1944 (37-31, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSPM 543-565, Communication Security Publication Memoranda, Office of the
VCNO, 10 June, 1944 (37-34, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSPM 566-577, Communication Security Publication Memoranda, Office of the
VCNO, 5 July, 1944 (37-35, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSPM 578-594, Communication Security Publication Memoranda, Office of the
VCNO, 4 August, 1944 (37-36, 692)
Box 23 CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Security Publication Memoranda (CSPM), Roster of Effective
CSPM's, Office of the CNO, 31 March, 1945 (37-45, 693, 1/9)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Security Publication Memoranda (CSPM) [Manual],
Chapter 1: General Information-Instructions, Office of the CNO, 31 March 1945 (37-45, 693, 2/9)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Security Publication Memoranda (CSPM) [Manual],
Chapter 2: Distribution Lists, Office of the CNO, 31 March 1945 (37-45, 693, 3/9)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Security Publication Memoranda (CSPM) [Manual],
Chapter 3: Corrections to Publications, Office of the CNO, 31 March 1945 (37-45, 693, 4/9)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Security Publication Memoranda (CSPM) [Manual],
Chapter 4: Disposition of Publications, Office of the CNO, 31 March 1945 (37-45, 693, 5/9)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Security Publication Memoranda (CSPM) [Manual],
Chapter 5: Status of Publications, Office of the CNO, 1 December 1945 (37-45, 693, 6/9)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Security Publication Memoranda (CSPM) [Manual],
Chapter 5 (cont.): Status of Publications, Office of the CNO, 1 January 1946-1 February 1947
(37-45, 693, 7/9)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Security Publication Memoranda (CSPM) [Manual],
Chapter 5 (cont.): Status of Publications, Office of the CNO, 1 April 1947-1 June 1948
(37-45, 693, 8/9)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Security Publication Memoranda (CSPM) [Manual],
Chapter 6: Supplement to CSPM's (Class 3 and Above), Office of the CNO, 8 April 1945-1 April 1948
(37-45, 693, 9/9)
Box 24 CNSF - Crane Library - Aircraft Communications, Memoranda, Commander Patrol Wings, US Atlantic
Fleet to CNO, 21 March and 16 April, 1941 (0217, 11-07)
CNSF - Crane Library - Memorandum, Office of the Director of Naval Communication re Flat Strip vs
Columnar Transposition Systems, 21 April, 1941; - "Slang Table", [nd] (11-06)
CNSF - Crane Library - "BLOEM" Code, Instructions for Use, Key Card and Tables, [nd] (11-06)
CNSF - Crane Library - Combined Registered Publication Memoranda (CRPM), 585-905, Office of the
VCNO, March 10, 1943 - 15 December 1943 (0218, 11-07)
CNSF - Crane Library - Combined Registered Publication Memoranda (CRPM), 906-1113, Office of the
VCNO, 15 January, 1944 - 15 August 1944 (0218, 11-07)
CNSF - Crane Library - Reprint of Combined Registered Publication Memoranda (CRPM), 1-106 and 1/42
to 584 incl., Office of the VCNO, February 11, 1943 (0218, 11-07)
CNSF - Crane Library - Cruising Instructions, Battleships, Pacific Fleet, April 1943 (CRUINS-BATPAC),
Commander Battleships, US Pacific Fleet, April 1, 1943 (0219, 11-09)
CNSF - Crane Library - Index to Code and Signal Memorandum (CSM), Published to 1 October 1918,
Navy Department, Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 1 October 1918 (11-09)
CNSF - Crane Library - Code and Signal Memorandum (CSM), No. 1-329, Navy Department, Naval
Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 10 October 1917-23 September 1918 (11-09)
CNSF - Crane Library - Code and Signal Memorandum (CSM), No. 330-773, Navy Department, Naval
Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 20 October 1918- 23 May 1922 (11-09)
CNSF - Crane Library - Code and Signal Publications (CSP), Changes and Corrections to, Navy Department,
Office of Naval Operations, 20 October 1922 (11-09)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publications Memoranda (RPM): C.S.M. 1-787(Revised)/ R.P.M. 1-136
(Revised), Office of the CNO, July1, 1926 (11-09)
CNSF - Crane Library - R.P.S.-1, R.P.S. Distribution and Allowances No.1, Navy Department, Office of
Naval Operations, May 1, 1918 (00408, 15-90)
Box 25 CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Security Publication Memoranda (CSPM), "000", Office of the
CNO, 1 April, 1942 (37-01, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Security Publication Memoranda (CSPM), 001-032, Office of the
CNO, 10 December, 1941 (37-02, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Security Publication Memoranda (CSPM), 033-048, Office of the
CNO, 20 January, 1942 (37-03, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Security Publication Memoranda (CSPM), 049-069, Office of the
CNO, 10 February, 1942 (37-04, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Security Publication Memoranda (CSPM), 070-087, Office of the
CNO, 1 March, 1942 (37-05, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Security Publication Memoranda (CSPM), 088-111, Office of the
CNO, 1 April, 1942 (37-06, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Security Publication Memoranda (CSPM), 112-134, Office of the
VCNO, May 18, 1942 (37-07, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Security Publication Memoranda (CSPM), 135-163, Office of the
VCNO, June 5, 1942 (37-08, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Security Publication Memoranda (CSPM), 164-182, Office of the
VCNO, July 4, 1942 (37-09, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Security Publication Memoranda (CSPM), 183-195, Office of the
VCNO, November 19, 1942 (37-10, 692, F167)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Security Publication Memoranda (CSPM), 196-224, Office of the
VCNO, September 11, 1942 (37-11, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Security Publication Memoranda (CSPM), 225-238, Office of the
VCNO, October 11, 1942 (37-12, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Security Publication Memoranda (CSPM), 239-257, Office of the
VCNO, November 19, 1942 (37-13, 693)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Security Publication Memoranda (CSPM) Extracts, Office of the
VCNO, 1 June 1942-1 February, 1943 (1 of 2) (37-44, 693)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Security Publication Memoranda (CSPM) Extracts, Office of the
VCNO, 1 March 1943-11 July, 1943 (2 of 2) (37-44, 693)
Box 26 CNSF - Crane Library - Joint Communication Instructions Part VII, Joint Tape Relay Procedures,
JANAP 127(A), Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joint Communications-Electronics Committee, March 1949
(63/2600/955, 955/2, 1 / 4, 3 of 4, 12-01)
CNSF - Crane Library - Task Force Seventeen Operation Plan No. 1-43, Commander TF-17, Submarine
Force, US Pacific Fleet, June 1943 (0229, 12-05)
CNSF - Crane Library - Lloyd's Book of Ports and Shipping Places, Third Edition, April 1942 (London:
The Corporation of Lloyd's, 1942) (63/1969/1, 0230, 12-06)
CNSF - Crane Library - Joint Army, Navy and Marine Corps "Authenticator", Proposed CSP-000, June 1942
(incl. USF-52, Instructions and Key Card) (15-153)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP-2A, Strip Key List No.1A, Office of the CNO, 13 January 1942 (15-55A)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP-2D, Strip Key List No.1D, Office of the VCNO, March 1, 1943 (15-55D)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP-101, S.C. Cipher No.1, Navy Department, Office of Naval Operations,
5 October, 1917 (00377, 15-56)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP-102 (R.S. No1), United States Recognition Signals No.1, Navy Department,
Office of Naval Operations, Code and Signal Section, (Wash, DC: GPO, 1917) (15-57)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP-104, Visual Calls Memorandum No.3 (V.C.M. No.3), Navy Department,
Division of Operations, Code and Signal Section, 24 October, 1917 (15-58)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP-105, Signal Letters of Foreign Men-of-War (International Visual Calls), Navy
Department, Division of Operations, Code and Signal Section (Wash, DC: GPO, 1917) (15-59)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP-106, Signal Letters of U.S. Government Vessels (International Visual Calls),
Navy Department, Division of Operations, Code and Signal Section (Wash, DC: GPO, 1917) (15-60)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP-111, D.P. Cipher No.3, for Use with Service Radio Code, Navy Department,
Division of Operations, Code and Signal Section (Wash, DC: GPO, 1917) (15-51)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP-112, Cover [Weighted] for Secret Radio Calls, Navy Department, Division of
Operations, Code and Signal Section, November 1917 (00383, 15-62)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP-113, Secret Radio Calls No.1 (S.R.C. No.1), Navy Department, Naval
Communication Service, Code and Signal Section (Wash, DC: GPO, 1917) (00384, 15-63)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP-114, Merchant Ship Cipher No.5 (M.S. Cipher No.5), Navy Department,
Division of Naval Operations, Code and Signal Section (Wash, DC: GPO, 1917) (00385, 15-65)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP-119, General Radio Calls No.1 (G.R. Call No.1), Navy Department, Naval
Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, November 11, 1917 (00392, 15-68)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP-122, Atlantic District Visual Calls No.1 (A.D.V.C. No.1), Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, November 24, 1917 (00393, 15-69)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP-123, District Radio Calls No.1 (D.R.C. No.1), Navy Department, Naval
Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 27 November, 1917 (00394, 15-70)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP-124, Asiatic and Pacific Radio Calls No.1 (A. and P.R. Calls No.1), Navy
Department, Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section (Wash, DC: GPO, 1917)
(00390, 15-71)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP-135, Addendum No.1 to Signal Letters of U.S. Government Vessels
(International Visual Calls, C.S.P. 106), Navy Department, Naval Communication Service, Code and
Signal Section, February 4, 1918 (00387, 15-74)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP-141, Change No.9 in General Signal Book, Navy Department, Office of Naval
Operations, Code and Signal Section, 7 February, 1918 (00395, 15-75)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP-142, Change No.10 in General Signal Book, Navy Department, Office of Naval
Operations, Code and Signal Section, February 8, 1918 (00396, 15-76)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP-143, Addendum No.2 to General Radio Calls No.1, Navy Department, Naval
Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 11 February, 1917 (00397, 15-77)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP-145, Change No.1 to Recognition Signals No.1 (C.S.P.-102), Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 18 February, 1918 (00399, 15-79)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP-147, Addendum No.1 to District Radio Calls No.1, Navy Department, Naval
Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 1 March, 1918 (00400, 15-80)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP-148, Addendum No.1 to Asiatic and Pacific Radio Calls No.1, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 1 March, 1918 (00400, 15-81)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP-154, Change No.2 to United States Recognition Signals No.1 (C.S.P.-102), Navy
Department, Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 19 March, 1918 (00402, 15-82)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP-158, Naval District Submarine Contact Code No.1, Navy Department, Naval
Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, March 1918 (00403, 15-83)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP-160, U.S. Auxiliary Radio Calls No.1 (U.S.A.R.C. No.1), Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section (Wash, DC: GPO, 1918) (00404, 15-84)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP-164, Record Book for Signal Books, Codes, Ciphers, Calls, Etc., No.2, Naval
Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, [nd] (00405, 15-85)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP-165, Naval Code F-1, Navy Department, Naval Communication Service,
Code and Signal Section, 21 May 1918; "Universal Pocket Code", (New York: The Press Publishing
Co., 1912) (C-9, B-106A, 00406, 15-86)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP-166, Signal Cipher No.1, Navy Department, Naval Communication Service,
Code and Signal Section (Wash, DC: GPO, 1918) (00407, 15-87)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP-170, C.S.P. Distribution and Allowances No.1, Navy Department, Naval
Communication Service, Code and Signal Section (Wash, DC: GPO, 1918) (00408, 15-88)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP-171, Extracts from C.S.P. Distribution and Allowances No.1 (for Auxiliary and
Small Vessels), Navy Department, Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section
(Wash, DC: GPO, 1918) (00409, 15-89)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP-172, Change No.1 to Naval Code A-1, Navy Department, Naval Communication
Service, May 1, 1918 (00410, 15-91)
Box 27 CNSF - Crane Library - All Effective CSPM's (Communication Security Publication Memoranda) Through 526,
Reprint of Communication Security Publication Memoranda, Office of the CNO, 6 May, 1944 (37-32, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Security Publication Memoranda (CSPM), 526-542, Office of the
CNO, 6 May, 1944 (37-33, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Security Publication Memoranda (CSPM), 595-639, Office of the
CNO, 1 September, 1944 (37-37, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Security Publication Memoranda (CSPM), 640-692, Office of the
CNO, 1 October, 1944 (37-38, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Security Publication Memoranda (CSPM), 693-755, Office of the
CNO, 1 November, 1944 (37-39, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Security Publication Memoranda (CSPM), 756-816, Office of the
CNO, 1 December, 1944 (37-40, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Security Publication Memoranda (CSPM), 817-873, Office of the
CNO, 1 January, 1945 (37-41, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Security Publication Memoranda (CSPM), 874-946, Office of the
CNO, 1 February, 1945 (37-42, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Security Publication Memoranda (CSPM), 947-1010, Office of the
CNO, 1 March 1945 (37-43, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - Exercise Call Cipher No.1, [nd] (37-46, 692)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Order No.1-36 (Annex "A" to White Fleet Operation Order 1-36),
Commander, White Fleet, USS Indianapolis, 3 April 1936 (37-47, 01089)
Box 28 CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 175, U.S. Aircraft Recognition Signals No.1. (A.R.S. No.1), Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section (Wash, DC: GPO, 1918) (00411, 15-92)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 177, Signal Letters of U.S. Government Vessels-No.2, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section (Wash, DC: GPO, 1918) (00412, 15-93)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 178, Code A Numeral Cipher No.1, Navy Department, Naval Communication
Service, Code and Signal Section, 15 May, 1918 (00413, 15-94)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 183, U.S. Submarine Recognition Signals No.1. (S.R.S. No.1), Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section (Wash, DC: GPO, 1918) (00414, 15-95)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 185, Addendum No.2 of the War Instructions for U.S. Merchant Vessels (C.S.P.
131), Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Code and Signal Section, June 18, 1918 (00415, 15-96)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 186, Addendum No.1 to U.S. Auxiliary Radio Calls No.1, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 19 June, 1918 (00416, 15-97)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 192, AddendumNo.2 to District Radio Calls No.1, Navy Department, Naval
Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 25 June, 1918 (00417, 15-98, B-401A)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 194, Aircraft Signal Book, 1918, Navy Department, Naval Communication
Service, Code and Signal Section (Wash, DC: GPO, 1918) (00418, 15-99)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 195, Instructions for Aircraft Communication, 1918, Navy Department, Naval
Communication Service, Code and Signal Section (Wash, DC: GPO, 1918) (00419, 15-100)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 195, Form C&S 30, "Report of Sighting Enemy", 25 June 1918; Form C&S 31,
"Report of Sighting of Enemy's Battle Fleet", 25 June 1918 (00419, 15-100)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 207, Addendum No.1 C.S.P. 177, Signal Letters of United States Government
Vessels No.2 (International Visual Calls), Navy Department, Naval Communication Service, Code and
Signal Section, 26 August, 1918) (00421, 15-102)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 210, Instructions for Safeguarding and Using N.C.B. [Naval Cipher Box],
Mark II, Navy Department, Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section
(Wash, DC: GPO, 1918) (00422, 15-103)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 210, Change No.1, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Code and Signal
Section, 21 May, 1918 (15-103)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 216, Addendum No.2 to U.S. Auxiliary Radio Calls No.1. (C.S.P. 160), Navy
Department, Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 4 September, 1918 (00424, 16-2)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 219, U.S. Auxiliary Radio Calls No.1. (U.S.A.R.C. No.2), Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section (Wash, DC: GPO, 1918) (00425, 16-3)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 220, Addendum No.1 to U.S. Submarine Recognition Signals No.1, Navy
Department, Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section (Wash, DC: GPO, 1918) (00426, 16-4)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 225, Addendum No.3 to District Radio Calls No.1, Navy Department, Naval
Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 20 August, 1918) (00427, 16-5)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 232, Visual Calls System, Navy Department, Naval Communication Service,
Code and Signal Section (Wash, DC: GPO, 1918) (00428, 16-6)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 234, Instructions for Code B Ciphers, Navy Department, Naval Communication
Service, Code and Signal Section, 1 October, 1918 (00429, 16-7)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 240, Addendum No.2 to C.S.P. 177, Signal Letters of United States Government
Vessels No.2, Navy Department, Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 28 Oct. 1918
(00430, 16-8)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 241, Addendum No. 3 (June 30, 1917-October 12, 1918) to Department of
Commerce Publication, List of Vessels of the United States, 1917, Parts I-IV and Seagoing Vessels of
the United States, with Official Numbers and Signal Letters, 1917, Part VI, Navy Department, Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section (Wash, DC: GPO, 1918) (00431, 16-9)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 242, Instructions for Code E Ciphers, Navy Department, Naval Communication
Service, Code and Signal Section, October 19, 1918 (00432, 16-10)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 250, Addendum No.1 to C.S.P. 195, Instructions for Aircraft Communication,
Navy Department, Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 8 November , 1918
(00433, 16-11)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 257, Code E Cipher No. 5, for Use With Naval Code E-1, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section (Wash, DC: GPO, 1918)
(00434, 16-12, B-1-3B)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 258, U.S. Radio Call Supplement No.2 (30 January 1919), Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section (00435, 16-13)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 259, Tentative General Signal Book, 1919, Part 1, Navy Department, Naval
Communication Service, Code and Signal Section (Wash, DC: GPO, 1919) (00436, 16-14)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 261, C.S.P. Distribution and Allowances No.2, Navy Department, Naval
Communication Service, Code and Signal Section (Wash, DC: GPO, 1919) (00437, 16-15)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 262, U.S. Radio Call Supplement No.3 (20 March 1919), Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section (00438, 16-16)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 263, Addendum No.2 to C.S.P. 194 (Aircraft Signal Book), Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 21 March, 1919 (00439, 16-17)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 264, Addendum No. 2 (Instructions for Aircraft Communication), Navy
Department, Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 24 March, 1919
(00440, 16-18, B-110A)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 265, General Signal Book No.3, Navy Department, Office of Naval Operations,
3 September, 1921 (16-20)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 265-B, Change No.1, General Signal Book (C.S.P. 265), Including Changes to
C.S.P. 265-A, Navy Department, Office of Naval Operations, 15 August,1922 (16-21)
CNSF - Crane Library -Instructions Regarding Alphabet Two, for Use with N.C.B. [Naval Cipher Box]
Mark II (C.S.P. 267), Navy Department, Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section,
7 April ,1919 (00441, 16-22)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 280, U.S. Radio Call Supplement No.4 (20 May 1919), Navy Department, Naval
Communication Service, Code and Signal Section (00442, 16-23)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 283, Signal Instructions (Temporary), 1919, Navy Department, Naval
Communication Service, Code and Signal Section (Wash, DC: GPO, 1919) (00443, 16-24)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 286, U.S. Radio Call Supplement No.5, Navy Department, Naval
Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, [nd] (00444, 16-25)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 289, Instructions for N.C.B. [Naval Cipher Box] Alphabets, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 19 November, 1920 (00445, 16-27)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 293, Signal Manual, 1920, Change No.2, Navy Department, Office of Naval
Operations, 21 November 1920 (16-28)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 293, Signal Manual, 1920, Change No.3, Navy Department, Office of Naval
Operations, 20 September 1921 (16-28)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 293, Signal Manual, 1920, Change No.4, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
4 October 1923 (16-28)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 293, Signal Manual, 1920, Change No.5, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
4 December 1925 (16-28)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 297, Notes on the Use of Codes and Ciphers, Navy Department, Naval
Communication Service, Code and Signal Section (Wash, DC: GPO, 1921) (00448, 16-29)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 302, Change No.1, General Signal Book, 1919 (C.S.P. 265), Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, 18 December 1919 (00449, 16-30)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 400, U.S. Radio Call Supplement No.6, Navy Department, Naval
Communication Service, Code and Signal Section (Wash, DC: GPO, 1920) (00450, 16-31)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 401, Instructions for N.C.B. [Naval Cipher Box] Alphabet No.4, Navy
Department, Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, January 28, 1920 (00451, 16-32)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 402, Signal Letters of U.S. Government Vessels-No.3, Navy Department, Naval
Communication Service, Code and Signal Section (Wash, DC: GPO, 1921) (00452, 16-33)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 403, C.S.P. Distribution and Allowances No.3, Navy Department, Naval
Communication Service, Code and Signal Section (Wash, DC: GPO, 1920) (00453, 16-34)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 404, Auxiliary Signal Book, 1920, Change No.1, Navy Department, Office
of Naval Operations, 3 September, 1921 (16-35B)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 404, Auxiliary Signal Book, 1920, Change No.2, Navy Department, Office
of Naval Operations, 21 December, 1920 (16-35C)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 404, Auxiliary Signal Book, 1920, Change No.3, Navy Department, Office
of Naval Operations, 12 December, 1923 (16-35D, C28)
CNSF - Crane Library - [C.S.P. 405], Auxiliary Signal Book and Aircraft Signal Book, Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, 7 December, 1925 (16-35E)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 406, Change No.2, General Signal Book 1919, Navy Department, Office
of Naval Operations, 24 June, 1920 (00455, 16-36)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 407, Change No.1, Signal Manual 1920 (C.S.P. 293), Navy Department, Office
of Naval Operations, 24 June, 1920 (00456, 16-37)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 413, Signal Letters of U.S. Government Vessels-No.4, Navy Department, Office
of Naval Operations, 3 September, 1921 (00457, 16-38)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 416, Communication Instruction Procedure, Part IV, Preliminary Issue, Navy
Department (Wash, DC: GPO,1920) (00458, 16-39)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 416A, U.S. Naval Radio Operating Signals, 1921, Preliminary Issue (Appendix
IV, Communications Instructions, U.S. Navy), Navy Department (Wash, DC: GPO,1920)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 416B, Communication Instruction, U.S. Navy, Part IV (Second Section),
Preliminary Issue, Navy Department (Wash, DC: GPO,1921) (B-123B,16-39)
Box 29 CNSF - Crane Library -Observers Cipher -Blue-Fleet Problem X, CinC Battle Fleet, 23 January 1930
(39-08, 711)
CNSF - Crane Library - Aircraft Signal Cipher-Blue-Fleet Problem XI, [nd] (39-09, 712)
CNSF - Crane Library - Instructions, Tactical Organization and Plans-Black, Fleet Problem, Commander
Black Fleet (embarked USS West Virginia), 27 March 1930 (39-09, 712)
CNSF - Crane Library - Signal Cipher-Blue-Fleet Problem XI, [nd] (39-09, 712)
CNSF - Crane Library - Blue General Service Cipher-Fleet Problem No.11, [nd] (39-09, 712)
CNSF - Crane Library - Blue General Service Cipher-Problem XI, Commander Blue Fleet, [nd] (39-09, 712)
CNSF - Crane Library - Blue Force Contact Code for Use During Fleet Problem No. 11, [nd] (39-09, 712)
CNSF - Crane Library - Black [Force] Contact Code for Use During Fleet Problem No. 11, [nd] (39-09, 712)
CNSF - Crane Library - Black Fleet General Service Cipher for Fleet Problem XI, Commander Black Fleet
(Embarked USS West Virginia), 25 February 1930 (39-09, 712)
CNSF - Crane Library - Black Fleet Emergency Identification Signals-Fleet Problem XI, [nd] (39-09, 712)
CNSF - Crane Library - Black Fleet Emergency Identification Signals-Fleet Problem XI, USS Calif.,
3-6-30-250, [March 6, 1930] (39-09, 712)
CNSF - Crane Library - Black Fleet Recognition Signals-Fleet Problem XI, USS Calif. 3-8-30-250,
[March 8, 1930] (39-09, 712)
CNSF - Crane Library -Signal Cipher-Black-Fleet Problem 11, [nd] (39-09, 712)
CNSF - Crane Library -Black Fleet Secret Calls-Fleet Problem No. 11, [nd] (39-09, 712)
CNSF - Crane Library -Black Force Radio Ruse Plan Problem {Fleet Problem XI), Commander Black Fleet
(Embarked USS West Virginia), 1 April, 1930 (39-09, 712)
CNSF - Crane Library - Notes on Communication-Fleet Problem 11, Commander Black Fleet, (Embarked
USS West Virginia), 29 March, 1930 (39-09, 712)
CNSF - Crane Library - Preparations for the Conduct of Fleet Problem XI, Commander Blue Fleet,
(Embarked USS Wyoming), 20 February, 1930 (39-09, 712)
CNSF - Crane Library - Cipher-Fleet Problem XII, [nd] (39-10, 713)
CNSF - Crane Library - Blue/Black Combatant Ship Cipher-Fleet Maneuvers 1932 (39-10, 714)
CNSF - Crane Library - Tablet Cipher No.4, F.P.14-14, [nd] (39-11, 714)
CNSF - Crane Library - Tablet Cipher No.3, F.P. 14-13, [nd] (39-11, 714)
CNSF - Crane Library - Black Strip Cipher (Inter-ship), F.P. 14-12, Office of the CNO, Code and Signal
Section, 15 October 1932 (39-11, 714)
CNSF - Crane Library - Black HCM [Hebern Cipher Machine] Cipher-Black Umpires-Fleet Problem XIV,
Office of the CNO, Code and Signal Section, 1 September 1932 (39-11, 714)
CNSF - Crane Library - Black Contact and Tactical Report Code-Fleet Problem XIV, F.P. 14-6,
Office of the CNO, Code and Signal Section, 1 October, 1932 (39-11, 714)
CNSF - Crane Library - Black Signal Cipher-Fleet Problem XIV, F.P. 14-4, Office of the CNO,
Code and Signal Section, 1 October January, 1932 (39-11, 714)
CNSF - Crane Library -HCM [Hebern Cipher Machine] Cipher-CinC, US Fleet-Fleet Problem XIV,
F.P. 14-3, Office of the CNO, Code and Signals Section, 6 September, 1932 (39-11, 714)
CNSF - Crane Library -Black HCM [Hebern Cipher Machine] Cipher-Black Ships-Fleet Problem XIV,
F.P. 14-2, Office of the CNO, Code and Signal Section, 6 September, 1932 (39-11, 714)
CNSF - Crane Library -Blue Strip Cipher (Ship-Shore) [Fleet Problem XIV], F.P. 14-9, Office of the CNO,
Code and Signal Section, 15 October, 1932 (39-11, 714)
CNSF - Crane Library -Blue HCM [Hebern Cipher Machine] Cipher-Blue Umpires-Fleet Problem XIV,
F.P. 14-11 Office of the CNO, Code and Signal Section, 1 September, 1932 (39-11, 714)
CNSF - Crane Library -Blue Contact Tactical Report Code-Fleet Problem XIV, F.P. 14-7, Office of the CNO,
Code and Signal Section, 1 October, 1932 (39-11, 714)
CNSF - Crane Library -Blue Signal Cipher-Black Ships-Fleet Problem XIV, F.P. 14-5, Office of the CNO,
Code and Signal Section, 1 October, 1932 (39-11, 714)
CNSF - Crane Library -Blue HCM [Hebern Cipher Machine] Cipher-Blue Ships-Fleet Problem XIV,
F.P. 14-1, Office of the CNO, Code and Signal Section, 2 September, 1932 (39-11, 714)
CNSF - Crane Library -Blue Ship Cipher (Inter-Ship),[Fleet Problem XIV], F.P. 14-15, Office of the CNO,
Code and Signal Section, 15 October, 1932 (39-11, 714)
CNSF - Crane Library -Gray Contact and Tactical Report Code-Fleet Problem XV, F.P. 15-5, Office of the
CNO, Code and Signal Section, 1 January, 1934 (39-12, 715)
CNSF - Crane Library -Blue Contact and Tactical Report Code-Fleet Problem XV, F.P. 15-4, Office of the
CNO, Code and Signal Section, 1 January, 1934 (39-12, 715)
CNSF - Crane Library -Blue Signal Cipher-Fleet Problem XV, F.P. 15-2, Office of the CNO, Code and Signal
Section, 11 December, 1933 (39-12, 715)
CNSF - Crane Library -Gray Signal Cipher-Fleet Problem XV, F.P. 15-3, Office of the CNO, Code and Signal
Section, 11 December, 1933 (39-12, 715)
CNSF - Crane Library - HCM [Hebern Cipher Machine] Cipher-CinC US Fleet-Fleet Problem XV,
F.P. 15-1, Office of the CNO, Code and Signal Section, 1 January, 1934 (39-12, 715)
CNSF - Crane Library - Radio Call List, Ship-Shore Communication, Blue Fleet-[Fleet Problem XVII],
F.P. XVII, Office of the CNO, Code and Signal Section, 24 January, 1936 (39-13, 717)
CNSF - Crane Library -HCM [Hebern Cipher Machine] Cipher No.20, Office of the CNO, Code and Signal
Section, 1 January, 1934 (39-14, 716)
CNSF - Crane Library -Reports and Comments-US Fleet Communications-Fleet Problem XVII,
CinC US Fleet, 29 April-8 May, 1937 (39-15, 718)
CNSF - Crane Library -"Black, Gold and Silver Fleets", Naval War College, Newport, RI, 1941
(statistics re German (Black), French (Gold) and Italian (Silver) naval forces) (39-16, 719)
CNSF - Crane Library -"Blue Fleet", Intelligence Department, Naval War College, Newport, RI, 1931
(statistics re US Navy units) (39-17, 720)
CNSF - Crane Library - Folder 21-40 to 21-47, Director of Naval Communication, October 1, 1943
Box 30 CNSF - Crane Library - Plan R-5, Shore Establishment and Local Defense Forces Military Operating
Readiness Plan, Communication Section for Orange War or Red -Orange War, Sixteenth Naval District,
[typescript w/ annotation dated 3 July 1929] (39-02, 705)
CNSF - Crane Library - Exercise Contact Code A (E.C.C.-A), Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Code
and Signal Section, 14 August, 1934 (39-03, 706, 7364)
CNSF - Crane Library - Exercise Contact Code B (E.C.C.-B), Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Code
and Signal Section, 14 August, 1934 (39-03, 706, 7364)
CNSF - Crane Library - PAA Cipher Table-Zone 1, for Use with Pan American Airways "Cipher
Instructions", U.S. Weather Bureau, [nd] (39-04A, 707, EWA-1, E-119)
CNSF - Crane Library - Cipher Table-Zone 1, for Use with Pan American Airways "Cipher Instructions"
(Brazil Edition), U.S. Weather Bureau, [nd] (39-04B, 707, EWA-8, E-110)
CNSF - Crane Library - Contact and Tactical Report, Fleet Exercise _____, Short Title FPX-1, Navy
Department, Office of the CNO, Code and Signal Section, 24 October 1933 (39-06B, 709)
CNSF - Crane Library - Contact and Tactical Report, Fleet Exercise _____, Short Title FPX-2, Navy
Department, Office of the CNO, Code and Signal Section, 24 October 1933 (39-06B, 709)
CNSF - Crane Library - Contact Code, Fleet Problem No. 9, for Use by "Black", "Blue", and "Silver" Forces,
[nd] (39-07, 710)
CNSF - Crane Library - US Fleet Problem IX -Communication Instructions-Blue, Commander Blue Naval
Force, [Embarked] USS Wyoming, Navy Yard, New York, NY 28 December 1928 (39-07, 710)
CNSF - Crane Library - Blue Cipher, for Use during Fleet Problem IX, Navy Department, Office of Naval
Operations, Code and Signal Section, 14 November, 1928 (39-07, 710)
CNSF - Crane Library - Black Cipher, for Use During Fleet Problem IX, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, Code and Signal Section, 14 November 1928 (39-07, 710)
CNSF - Crane Library - Annex B to Communication Plan I (Recognition Signals, Black Force),
USS Calif.-12-22-28-250, [CinC, Black Naval Force, embarked USS California], 21 December
1928 (39-07, 710)
CNSF - Crane Library - U.S. Fleet Problem IX-Letter of Instructions, CinC, Black Naval Force, USS
California, 8 December 1928 (39-07, 710)
CNSF - Crane Library - Radio Calls, Black Fleet, US Fleet Problem IX, USS Calif.-12-27-28-500, [CinC,
Black Naval Force, embarked USS California, 27 December 1928] (39-07, 711)
CNSF - Crane Library - Radio Calls, Black Fleet, US Fleet Problem IX, USS Calif. 12-27-28-500 [CinC,
Black Naval Force, embarked USS California, 27 December, 1928] (39-07, 711)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 1 to 193, Navy Department, Office
of the CNO, 15 November, 1944 (40-21, 735)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 1 to 398, Recapitulation Issue,
Navy Department, Office of the CNO, 25 January, 1946 (40-22, 735)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 1 to 84, Navy Department, Office
of the CNO, 23 November, 1943 (40-23, 735, C-200)
CNSF - Crane Library - Contributory War Plan R-12, Appendix "C": Section Readiness Plan, OP-20-B
(S.R.P. 20-B), April 14, 1926 (131-901, 705)
CNSF - Crane Library -Enclosure A to Appendix "C": "Central Office Operation RCA Transoceanic Radio
Communication System", Radio Corporation of America, January, 1926 (131-901, 705)
CNSF - Crane Library - Contributory War Plan R-12, Appendix "D": Section Readiness Plan (S.R.P. 20-G),
OP-20-G, 8 May, 1926 (131-901,705)
CNSF - Crane Library - Contributory War Plan O-12, Appendix "C": Section Operating Plans OP-20-B,
Director of Naval Communications, 13 July, 1926 (704)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Operating Plan O-12, Appendix "D", Code and Signal Section
Operating Plan, Contributory War Plan O-12, [7 Dec, 1926] (704)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Operating Plan O-12, Appendix "E", Communication Operating
Plan O-12, Registered Publication Section Operating Plans, Director of Naval Communications,
13 July, 1926 (704)
CNSF - Crane Library - Contributory War Plan O-12, Appendix "G": Operating Plans Technical Section,
War Plans, Orange War, OP-20-C, 29 December, 1926 (704)
CNSF - Crane Library - Contributory War Plan O-12, Appendix "H": Regulation Section-Operating Plans,
War Plans, Orange War, OP-20-R, 20 December, 1926 (704)
CNSF - Crane Library - Section Operating Plan 20-H (Contributory Plan 20-H), Orange War, OP-20-H,
Office of the CNO, 22 November, 1926 (704)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Operating Plans O-12, Appendix "J", Navy Department
Communication Office, Section Operating Plans-19, [Orange War], [Director of Naval Communication,
13 July, 1926] (704)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Readiness Plan R-12, Appendix "E", Section Readiness Plan 20-P,
17 July, 1926 [705]
CNSF - Crane Library - Contributory War Plan R-12, Appendix "G": War Plans, Technical OP-20-C,
Navy Department, Office of the CNO, 13 February, 1926 (705)
CNSF - Crane Library - Contributory War Plan R-12, Appendix "H": War Plans, Desk OP-20-R, Regulations,
Navy Department, Office of the CNO, February 18, 1926 (705)
CNSF - Crane Library - Contributory War Plan R-12, Appendix "I": Section Readiness Plan, OP-20-H,
Navy Department, Office of the CNO, 4 May, 1926 (705)
CNSF - Crane Library - Contributory War Plan R-12, Appendix "J": Section Readiness Plan, OP-19,
July 20, 1926 (705)
Box 31 CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 85 to 95, Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, 24 December, 1943 (40-24, 735, C-200)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 96 to 103, Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, 21 January, 1944 (40-25, 735, C-200)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 104 to 114, Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, 24 February, 1944 (40-26, 735, C-200)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 115 to 121, Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, 23 March, 1944 (40-27, 735, C-200)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 122 to 131, Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, 22 April, 1944 (40-28, 735, C-200)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 132 to 133, Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, 8 May, 1944 (40-29, 735, C-201)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 134 to 145, Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, 24 May, 1944 (40-30, 735, C-201)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 146 to 149, Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, 24 June, 1944 (40-31, 735, C-201)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 150 to 156, Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, 25 July, 1944 (40-32, 735, C-201)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 157, Navy Department, Office of
the CNO, 27 July, 1944 (40-33, 735, C-201)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 158, Navy Department, Office of
the CNO, 25 July, 1944 (40-34, 735, C-201)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 159, Navy Department, Office of
the CNO, 28 July, 1944 (40-35, 735, C-201)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 160, Navy Department, Office of
the CNO, 23 August, 1944 (40-36, 735, C-202)
Box 32 CNSF - Crane Library - Inter-Allied Fleet Analysis Code, March 1943 (00721)
CNSF - Crane Library - Aircraft Radio receiver Model ARB, Instructions, Navy Department, Bureau of Ships,
23 February, 1942 (40-02, 00722, C-231, G-239)
CNSF - Crane Library - Hawaiian Sea Frontier Joint Communication Directive 4(B), HQ, Commander,
Hawaiian Sea Frontier, Pearl Harbor, T.H. (Territory of Hawaii), April 16, 1943 (40-03, 00724)
CNSF - Crane Library - Joint Radio Call Signs, Hawaiian Area, Second Edition, (Short Title JRCS 2),
HQ, US Pacific Fleet and Ocean Areas, CinC US Pacific Fleet, 20 March 1944 (40-04, 00725, F292)
CNSF - Crane Library - Joint Registered Publication Memoranda (JRPM), No.1 to 27, Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, 1 November 1941 (40-05A, 00726, C207)
CNSF - Crane Library - Joint Registered Publication Memoranda (JRPM), No. 52 to 70, Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, 8 December 1941 (40-05B, 00726, C207)
CNSF - Crane Library - Inter-American Direction Finder Code (English Version), [nd] (40-11, 00723, F372)
CNSF - Crane Library - Codigo Radiogoniometrico Inter-Americano [Inter-American Direction Finder Code],
I.D.F.C., No.1-(P), Department de Guerra (War Department, Wash, DC), [nd] (40-012A, 00723)
CNSF - Crane Library - Codigo Radiogoniometrico Inter-Americano [Inter-American Direction Finder Code],
I.D.F.C., No.1-(S), Department de Guerra (War Department, Wash, DC), [nd] (40-012A, 00723)
CNSF - Crane Library - Codigo Radiogoniometrico Inter-Americano [Inter-American Direction Finder Code],
I.D.F.C., No.10, Department de Guerra (War Department, Wash, DC), 4 November, 1944
(40-012B, 00723)
CNSF - Crane Library - Codigo Radiogoniometrico Inter-Americano [Inter-American Direction Finder Code],
I.D.F.C., No.11, Department de Guerra (War Department, Wash, DC), 29 November, 1944
(40-012C, 00723)
CNSF - Crane Library - Codigo Radiogoniometrico Inter-Americano [Inter-American Direction Finder Code],
I.D.F.C., No.12, Department de Guerra (War Department, Wash, DC), 4 December, 1944
(40-012D, 00723)
CNSF - Crane Library - Codigo Radiogoniometrico Inter-Americano [Inter-American Direction Finder Code],
I.D.F.C., No.13, Department de Guerra (War Department, Wash, DC), 8 December, 1944
(40-012E, 00723)
CNSF - Crane Library - Codigo Radiogoniometrico Inter-Americano [Inter-American Direction Finder Code],
I.D.F.C., No.14, Department de Guerra (War Department, Wash, DC), 1 February, 1945
(40-012F, 00723)
CNSF - Crane Library - Operational Intelligence Code for Patrol Craft, Southern Group, Eastern Sea Frontier,
E.S.F. (Eastern Sea Frontier, Short Title LDF-3), Commander, Southern Group, Eastern Sea Frontier,
31 July 1943 (40-16, 00731, F380)
CNSF - Crane Library - Merchant Ship Radio Call Sign, Form MS-2 to MS-6 (40-17, 00732)
CNSF - Crane Library - Merchant Ship War Radio Call Sign (MS-5W) (40-17, 00732)
CNSF - Crane Library - Merchant Ship Number Book No.1 (Short Title MSNB #1), [nd]
(40-18, 00733, 88)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark I], Navy Department,
Office of Naval Operations, 21 December 1917 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark I], Navy Department, Office of Naval
Operations, Code and Signal Section, August 25, 1917 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark II], Class E, No.94, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 8 April 1919 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark II], Class E, No.83, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 12 March 1919 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark II], Class E, No.62, Navy Department,
16 October 1918 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box], Class E, No.10, 11 & 12, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 12 March 1919 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark II], Class D, No.78, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 31 January 1919 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark II], Class D, No.59, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 1 October 1918 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box], Class D, No.36, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 22 January 1918 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark I], Class D, No. 8 & 9, General Description,
Navy Department, Office of Naval Operations, 22 January 1918 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark II], Class C, No.89, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 3 April 1919 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark II], Class C, No. 73, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 27 January 1919 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark II], Class C, No.61, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 30 September 1918 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box], Class C, No.6 & 7, Navy Department,
23 August 1917 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark II], Class B, No.91, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 6 April 1919 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark II], Class B, No.72, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 22 January 1919 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark II], Class B, No.58, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 26 September 1918 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box], Class B, No.38, Navy Department, Naval
Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 18 February 1918 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box], Class B, No. 4 & 5, Navy Department, Naval
Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 13 June 1917 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark I], Class G, No.17, Navy Department,
Office of Naval Operations, August 25, 1917 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark I], Class G, No.16, Navy Department,
Office of Naval Operations, August 25, 1917 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark II], Class F, No.92, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 6 April 1919 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark II], Class F, No.84, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 14 March 1919 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark II], Class F, No.66, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 1 November 1919 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark II], Class F, No.63, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 9 October 1918 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark II], Class F, No.43, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 20 May 1918 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark I], Class H, No.50, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 28 December 1917 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark I], Class H, No.49, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 27 May 1918 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark I], Class H, No. 48, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 15 May 1918 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark I], Class H, No. 46, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 14 May 1918 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box], Class H, No. 45, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 22 May 1918 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark I], Class H, No. 44, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 9 May 1918 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box], Class H, No. 40, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 16 March 1918 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark I], Class H, No. 34, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 14 February 1918 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark I], Class H, No. 33, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 28 January 1918 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box], Class H, No. 32, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 25 January 1918 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box], Class H, No. 27, Navy Department,
Office of Naval Operations, 10 January 1918 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark I], Class H, No. 25, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, August 25, 1917 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark I], Class H, No. 23, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, August 25, 1917 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box], Class H, No. 19, Navy Department,
August 23, 1917 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark I], Class H, No. 15, Navy Department,
Office of Naval Operations, June 12, 1917 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark I], Class H, No. 14, Navy Department,
Office of Naval Operations, June 12, 1917 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark II], Class G, No. 90, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 5 April 1919 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark II], Class G, No. 80, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 21 February 1919 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark II], Class G, No. 65, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 25 January 1919 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark II], Class G, No. 51, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 25 July 1918 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box], Class G, No. 42, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 15 April 1918 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Special Reserve-Class G, No. 30, Navy
Department, Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 28 December 1917
(40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark I], Class G, No. 29, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 21 December 1917 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box], Class G, No. 24, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 12 October 1917 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark II], Class G, No. 88, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 2 April 1919 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - Office of the CNO, Change No. 9, October 1951 - Withdrawn (0176)
CNSF - Crane Library -NAVCOM to FLTCOMM, June 1947 - Withdrawn (0176, 2-134)
Box 33 CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark II], Class H, No. 69, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 7 November 1918 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark II], Class H, No. 64, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 15 October 1918 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark II], Class H, No. 57, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 18 September 1918 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark II], Class H, No. 56, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 18 September 1918 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark I], Class H, No. 55, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 10 September 1918 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark I], Class H, No. 54, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 12 September 1918 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark I], Class H, No. 53, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 12 August 1918 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark I], Class H, No. 52, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 12 August 1918 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark II], Class H, No. 87, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 2 April 1919 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark II], Class H, No. 86, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 2 April 1919 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark II], Class H, No. 85, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 2 April 1919 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark II], Class H, No. 81, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 2 April 1919 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark II], Class H, No. 79, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 1 February 1919 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark II], Class H, No. 77, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 31 January 1919 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark II], Class H, No. 76, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 30 January 1919 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark II], Class H, No. 74, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 29 January 1919 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark II], Class H, No. 71, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 18 January 1919 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - N.C.B. Ciphers [Naval Cipher Box, Mark II], Class H, No. 70, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 7 November 1918 (40-19, 00734, C31)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 417-E, U.S. Navy Radio Operating Signals [Navy Department], [nd]
(16-42, 00459)
CNSF - Crane Library - U.S. Navy Radio Operating Signals, [Navy Department, Office of the CNO],
August 6, 1929 (Supercedes CSP 417-E)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 417-F, Communication Instruction, U.S. Navy, Part V, Commercial Traffic
Instructions, Navy Department, Office of the CNO (Wash, DC: GPO, 1925) (16-43, 00459)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 420, U.S. Naval Radio Compass Code, Navy Department
(Wash, DC: GPO, 1921) (16-44, 00460, B-108P)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 422, Contact and Enemy Battle Fleet Report Code, No1, Navy Department,
(Wash, DC: GPO, 1921) (16-45A, 00461, B-108Q)
CNSF - Crane Library - [CSP 422], Special Contact Report Code No1, US Fleet, [CinC Battle Fleet],
(Joint Army-Navy Problem No.3), 10 April 1925 (16-45B, C-50)
CNSF - Crane Library - Joint Army-Navy Problem No.3, Special Ready Cipher No.2 and Recognition Signals
for Blue Fleet, US Fleet, [CinC Battle Fleet], 7 April 1925 (16-45C)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 423, State-Navy Department Cipher, Navy Department, Office of Naval
Operations, July 1, 1921 (16-46, B-108C)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 424, Instructions for Code B Ciphers, No.2, Navy Department, Naval
Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 1 December 1921 (16-47, 00463)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 434, U.S. Naval Radio Traffic and Radio Compass Stations, Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service (Wash, DC: GPO, 1922) (16-48, 00465)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 442, Instructions for Safeguarding and Using Communication Machine Mark I
(C.M. Mark I), Navy Department, Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section,
[31 January, 1923] (16-49, 00466)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 450, List of U.S. Naval Radio Traffic and Radio Compass Stations, Navy
Department, Naval Communication Service (Wash, DC: GPO, 192) (16-50, 00467)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 452, Class B C.M. (Communication Machine, Mark I) Cipher No.2, Navy
Department, Office of Naval Operations, Code and Signal Section, 9 December 1925 (16-51, 00468)
CNSF - Crane Library - [CSP 453], Instructions for the Insertion of Alphabets in C.M. (Communication
Machine), [nd] and Alphabet "A" strip (16-52, 00469, C-50A)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 454, Instructions for the C.M. [Cipher Machine] System, Navy
Department, Office of Naval Operations, Code and Signal Section, July 1926 (16-53, 00470)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 455, Navy Service Cipher No.1, Navy Department, Office of Naval Operations,
Code and Signal Section, December 24, 1925 (16-54A, 00471)
CNSF - Crane Library - Navy Service Cipher No.2, Navy Department (Wash, DC: GPO, 1929),
(incl. Change No.1 & No.2) (16-54B, 00471-A)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 456, Extracts from Notes on the Use of Codes and Ciphers, Navy Department,
Office of Naval Operations, Code and Signal Section, 24 August 1926 (16-55)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 463, "Radio Intelligence and Security", Lecture by LCDR. L.W. Comstock, USN,
22 June 1926 (17-1, 00474)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 481, Preliminary War-Tie Communication Instructions to Masters and Merchant
Ship Cipher No. 15, Navy Department, Office of Naval Operations, 1926 (17-2, 00475)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 484, Emergency Identification Signals No.1, Navy Department, Office of Naval
Operations, Code and Signal Section, 30 June 1926
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 485, Army-Navy Cipher No.1, War Department, ca 1924 (incl. Change No.1 -
No.4) (17-4, 00477)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 486, Contact and Tactical Report Code, Navy Department, Office of Naval
Operations, May 1927 (17-5, 00478)
CNSF - Crane Library - Aircraft Signal Book, 1927, Navy Department, Office of Naval Operations,
June 30, 1927 (17-6, 00479)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 493, Instructions for the Cylindrical Cipher Device, Navy Department,
Office of Naval Operations, Code and Signal Section, October 15, 1926 (17-7, 00480)
Box 34
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 493, Instructions for Cylindrical Cipher Device, Change No.1-No.7,
Navy Department, Office of Naval Operations, Code and Signal Section, July 1930-February 1935
(17-7, 00480)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 493, Instructions for Cylindrical Cipher Device, Change No.7,
Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Communication Security Group, 15 August 1935 (17-7, 00480)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 493, Instructions for Cylindrical Cipher Device, Change No.9-No.11,
No.13-No.22, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Cryptographic Section, March 1941 (17-7, 00480)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 500, External Indicators List A, Navy Department, Office of Naval Operations,
Code and Signal Section, 12 February 1927 (17-9, 00482)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 539, Instructions for the Hebern Cipher Machine (H.C.M.), Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, Code and Signal Section, 18 October 1931 (17-11, 00484)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 542, HCM (Hebern Cipher Machine) Cipher No, 8, Navy Department, Office of
the CNO, Code and Signal Section, 27 October 1931 (17-12, 00485)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 545, Instructions for Strip Cipher Device, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
Code and Signal Section, 15 October 1932 (17-13, 00486)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 546, Strip Alphabet No.1, [nd] (17-14, 00487)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 547, Strip Cipher No.1 (for Use with the Strip Cipher Device), Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, 11 April 1932 (17-15, 00488)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 566, Contact and Tactical Report Code No.3, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, Code and Signal Section, 20 June 1932 (17-16, 00489)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 579, Attache's Cipher (Naval Attache), Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
Code and Signal Section, 22 June 1932 (17-17A)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 579, Attache's Cipher (Naval Attache), Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
Code and Signal Section, 28 June 1932 (17-17B)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 579, Attache's Cipher (Naval Attache), Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
Code and Signal Section, 25 August 1932 (17-17C)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 580, Agent's Cipher (for Secret and Confidential Communications Between
Naval Attache's and Their Agents), Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Code and Signal Section,
22 June 1932 (17-18, 00491)
CNSF - Crane Library - U.S. Navy Secret Radio Call List No.1, Navy Department, October 11, 1932
(17-19, 00492)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 585, Tracking Code No.1, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Code and
Signal Section, 1 September 1932 (17-20, 00493)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 603, Instructions for Underwood Code Machine, Navy Department, Naval
Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, 15 January 1925 (17-21, 00494)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 603, Strip Cipher No.11 (Asiatic Commanders), (For use with Strip Cipher
Device and Strip Alphabet No.11), Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Code and Signal Section,
10 January 1933 (17-22, 00494)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 606, H.C.M. (Hebern Cipher Machine) Cipher No.1 , Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, Code and Signal Section, January 1929 (17-24, 00496)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 607, Instructions for the Hebern Cipher Machine (H.C.M.) No.2, Navy
Department, [nd] (1725-, 00497)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 608, H.C.M. (Hebern Cipher Machine) Cipher No.2 , Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, [nd] (17-26, 00498)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 643, U.S. Navy Confidential Radio Call List A, Navy Department, Office of
Naval Communications (Wash, DC: GPO, 1934) (17-28, 00500)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 669, Navy Administrative Cipher No.1, Navy Department, Office of Naval
Operations, June1934 (incl. Change No.1, 2 August 1934) (17-30, 00502)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 680, Aircraft Contact Pad: Pad Holder, Instructions and Pad, [nd] (17-31, 00503)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 689, The Control of Communications in Exercising Command, Navy
Department, Office of the CNO, March 26, 1936 (17-32)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 695, Instructions for the Care and Operation of the E.C.M., Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, Cryptographic Security Section, 26 December, 1925 (17-34, 00506)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 701, E.C.M. Cipher No.1, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Cryptographic
Section, 26 December, 1935 (17-35, 00507)
CNSF - Crane Library - Package Structures Facilities, 1943, Navy [Department] - Withdrawn CNSF - Crane Library - 104/04, OP-202X-to-OP-202, December 26, 1950 -Withdrawn CNSF - Crane Library - Deception Report No.2, 104/06, April 30, 1947 - Withdrawn CNSF - Crane Library - JANP143, 104/12, April 7, 1947 - Withdrawn CNSF - Crane Library -Japanese "Crypt", RNVR, September 13, 1945 - Withdrawn
Box 35 CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 2299A, Subtractor Tables (for use with Soviet-USA Naval Code No.1,
CSP-2299(A) - instructions printed in English and Russian [Cyrillic]), Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, Director of Naval Communications, 15 May 1945 (24-01, 621)
CNSF - Crane Library - Countermeasures and Deception Bulletin No.1, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 9 November, 1943 (24-06A, 626)
CNSF - Crane Library - Countermeasures and Deception Bulletin No.2, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 5 January 1945 (24-06B, 626)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 2561, Security Traffic Control Code, Office of the CNO, Division of Naval
Communications, July 1994 (24-07, 627)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 2681(A), Operating Instructions for Off-Line Automatic ECM Equipment,
Navy Department, Office of the CNO, 30 December 1944 (24-08, 628)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 2701(A), Operating Instructions for One-Time Tapes, Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, 28 December 1944 (24-10, 630)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 3602, Recognition Manual for Minor War Vessels, Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, 23 April, 1945 (24-33, 653)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication (RPS) No. 6(A), Change No.6, Navy Department, Office of
the CNO, 12 May 1944 (45-2, 743, F262)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication (RPS) No. 6(A), Change No.7, Navy Department, Office of
the CNO, 2 August 1944 (45-2, 743, F262)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication (RPS) No.5 or No.6, Change No.7, Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, 12 February, 1942 (45-3, 743, F262)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication (RPS) No. 6, Change No.1, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, May 1, 1932 (45-3, 743, F262)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication (RPS) No. 6, Change No.2, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, May 1, 1933 (45-3, 743, F262)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication (RPS) No. 6, Change No.3, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, July 31, 1935 (45-3, 743, F262)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication (RPS) No. 6, Change No.4, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, May 21, 1937 (45-3, 743, F262)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication (RPS) No. 6, Change No.5, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, July 19, 1939 (45-3, 743, F262)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication (RPS) No. 6, Change No.6, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, August 15, 1939 (45-3, 743, F262)
Box 36 CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication (RPS) No. 6(A), "Registered Publication Allowance Tables"
(Revised December 15, 1942), Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Division of Naval Communications,
1943 (Incl. Change No1.-No.7, March 1943-August 1944) (1 of 2) (45-02, 743, F253)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication (RPS) No. 6(A), "Registered Publication Allowance Tables"
(Revised December 15, 1942), Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Division of Naval Communications,
1943 (Incl. Change No1.-No.7, March 1943-August 1944) (2 of 2) (45-02, 743, F253)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication (RPS) No. 6(A), Change No.1, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO (D.N.C. Registered Publication Section), 29 March 1943 (45-02, 743, F254) CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication (RPS) No. 6(A), Change No.2 Navy Department, Office of the
VCNO (D.N.C. Registered Publication Section), 3 August 1943 (45-02, 743, F254) CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication (RPS) No. 6(A), Change No.3, Navy Department, Office of the
VCNO (D.N.C. Registered Publication Section), 30 September 1943 (45-02, 743, F254)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication (RPS) No. 6(A), Change No.4, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO (D.N.C. Registered Publication Section), 30 December 1943 (45-02, 743, F254)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication (RPS) No. 6(A), Change No.5, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO (D.N.C. Registered Publication Section), 10 February 1944 (45-02, 743, F254, F168e)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication (RPS) No. 6(A), Appendix A, "Marine Corps Allowance
Tables for Restricted Communication Publications", [nd] (45-02, 743, F254)
Box 37 CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication (RPS) No. 5, Change No.1, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, May 1, 1932 (45-01, 742)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication (RPS) No. 5, Change No.2, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, May 1, 1933 (45-01, 742)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication (RPS) No. 5, Change No.3, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, July 31, 1935 (45-01, 742)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication (RPS) No. 5, Change No.4, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, May 21, 1937 (45-01, 742)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication (RPS) No. 6(A), " Registered Publication Allowance Tables"
Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Division of Naval Communications, 1943, (1 of 2)
(45-02, 743, F71)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication (RPS) No. 6(A), " Registered Publication Allowance Tables"
Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Division of Naval Communications, 1943, (2 of 2)
(45-02, 743, F71)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 817, High Command Crypto-Channels, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
Cryptographic Section, 10 November, 1938 (18-08A, 514)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 817, High Command Crypto-Channels, Change No.1, Navy Department, Office
of the CNO, Cryptographic Section, 26 April, 1939 (18-08B)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 817(A), High Command Crypto-Channels, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
30 April, 1942 (18-08C, 514)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 817(B), High Command Crypto-Channels, Navy Department, Office of the VCNO,
May 10, 1943 (18-08D, 514)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 817 (C) High Command Crypto-Channels, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
15 February, 1945 (18-08E, 514)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 818, Crypto-Groups, U.S. Fleet Waters, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
Cryptographic Section, 29 December, 1938 (18-09A, 00515)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 818(A), Pacific Waters Crypto-Channels (Class 4 and Below), Navy Department,
Office of the VCNO, January 22, 1942 (18-09B, 00515)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 818(B), Pacific Waters Crypto-Channels (Class 4 and Below), Navy Department,
Office of the VCNO, November 6, 1942 (18-09C, 00515)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 818(C), Pacific Waters Crypto-Channels (Class 4 and Below), Navy Department,
Office of the VCNO, August 9, 1943 (18-09D, 00515)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 818(D), Pacific Waters Crypto-Channels (Class 4 and Below), Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, 16 January, 1942 (18-09E, 00515)
CNSF - Crane Library -CSP 820, Atlantic Waters Crypto-Channels (Class 4 and Below), Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, 23 November, 1938 (19-02A, 00517)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 820(A), Atlantic Waters Crypto-Channels (Class 4 and Below), Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, 22 January, 1942 (19-02B, 00517)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 820(B), Atlantic Waters Crypto-Channels (Class 4 and Below), Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, November 6, 1942 (19-02C, 00517)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 820(C), Atlantic Waters Crypto-Channels (Class 4 and Below), Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, August 9, 1943 (19-02D, 00517)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 820(D), Atlantic Waters Crypto-Channels (Class 4 and Below), Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, 16 January, 1945 (19-02E, 00517)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 847, MK. IV Strip Cipher No.1 (To Be Used on Crypto-Group No. ___ ), Navy
Department, Office of the CNO, Cryptographic Section, 29 July, 1938 (19-05A, 00520)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 845, Instructions for CSP-845 Strip Cipher Device-12 Inch, Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, 30 November, 1940 (19-05B, 00520)
Box 38 CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 845(A), Instructions for Use of Strip Cipher Device (CSP 845), Navy Department,
Office of the VCNO, 22 January, 1943 (19-05C, 00520)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 845(B), Instructions for Use of Strip Cipher Device (CSP 845), Navy Department,
Office of the VCNO, 15 January, 1945 (19-05D, 00520)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 845(F), Instructions for Use of Strip Cipher Device (CSP 845), Navy Department,
Office of the VCNO, 22 January, 1943 (French Language Version) (19-05G, 00520)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 849, Auxiliary Strip No.1 (for Use with Mk. III Strip Cipher Device-CSP 688),
Navy Department, Office of the CNO, [nd] (19-06, 00521)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 851, Mk. III Strip Key List No.2, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
Cryptographic Section, 5 October, 1938 (19-07, 00522)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 900(A), Instructions for Preparation of Local Authenticators, Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, 29 March, 1939 (19-08, 00523)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 904, Instructions for the Care and Operation of HCM (Hebern Cipher Machine)
Mk. II (CSP 903), Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Cryptographic Section, 10 January, 1939,
(incl. photographic illustrations) (19-09, 00524)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 937, Preliminary War-Time Communication Instructions to Masters (Merchant
Marine Service), Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Cryptographic Section, 18 July, 1939 (19-12A, 00526)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 937, Preliminary War-Time Communication Instructions to Masters (Merchant
Marine Service), Change No.1, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Cryptographic Section,
21 August, 1941 (19-12B, 00526)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 937, War Warnings to U.S. Merchant Ships, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
21 August, 1941 (19-12C)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 940, Umpire Code No.4, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Cryptographic
Section, 10 April, 1940 (19-13, 00527)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 942-B, Additions and Corrections to, OIC, Combat Intelligence Unit (CIU),
Fourteenth Naval District, 11 April, 1943 (19-14, 00528)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 942-C, Additions and Corrections to, OIC, Combat Intelligence Unit (CIU),
Fourteenth Naval District, 24 June, 1943 (19-14, 00528)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 942(D), Addendum to, Pacific Fleet Radio Unit, Commandant, Navy 128,
Fourteenth Naval District, 22 December, 1943 (19-14, 00528)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 942-F, Additions and Corrections to, OIC, Pacific Fleet Radio Unit, 11 March, 1944 (19-14, 00528)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 942(G), Additions and Corrections to, OIC, Pacific Fleet Radio Unit, 22 April, 1944 (19-14, 00528)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 942(H), Additions and Corrections to, OIC, Pacific Fleet Radio Unit, 27 May, 1944 (19-14, 00528)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 942(I), Additions and Corrections to, OIC, Pacific Fleet Radio Unit, 10 June, 1944 (19-14, 00528)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 942(L) & (M), Additions and Corrections to, OIC, Pacific Fleet Radio Unit,
10 October, 1944 (19-14, 00528)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 942, Additions and Corrections to Series Tracking Code, OIC, Pacific Fleet Radio
Unit, 17 November, 1944 (19-14, 00528)
CNSF - Crane Library -"Net Flash Procedure-addition to", Mid-Pac Net Control Officer , 20 May, 1944
(19-14, 00528)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 943, Instructions for Use of, OP-20/G, 1 March, 1941 (19-15, 00529)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 944,Weather Report Code, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
8 April, 1941 (19-16, 00530)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 945, Weather Synopsis Code No.1, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
8 April, 1941 (19-17, 00531)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 946, Weather Forecast Code No.1, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
29 July, 1941 (19-18, 00532)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 950, Auxiliary Vessels Signal Book, 1940; Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
October 10, 1939 (19-19A, 00534)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 950 (Revised), Auxiliary Vessels Signal Book, 1940; Change No.2, Navy
Department, Office of the CNO, 23 September, 1943 (19-19, C-108, C78)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 950 (Revised), Auxiliary Vessels Signal Book, 1940; Change No.3, Navy
Department Office of the CNO, 28 December, 1943 (19-19C, 00534)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 950 (Revised), Auxiliary Vessels Signal Book, 1940; Change No.3, Navy
Department Office of the CNO, 2 March, 1944 (19-19C, 00534)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 950 (Revised), Auxiliary Vessels Signal Book, 1940; Change No.4, Navy
Department Office of the CNO, 22 March, 1945 (19-19C, 00534)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 950 (Revised), Auxiliary Vessels Signal Book, 1940; Change No.5, Navy
Department Office of the CNO, 11 October, 1945 (19-19C, 00534, 78a)
Box 39 CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 734, Change No.1, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, 24 July, 1939
(18-01A, 00508)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 734, Change No.2, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, October 29, 1941
(18-01B, 00508)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 734, Change No.3, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, July 27, 1942
(18-01C, 00508)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 734, Change No.4, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, 22 September, 1943
(18-01D, 00508)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 734, Change No.5, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, 28 December, 1943
(18-01E, 00508, C71A)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 734, Change No. 5(Rev.), Navy Department, Office of the CNO, 2 March, 1944
(18-01F, 00508)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 777, Supplementary Instructions for Test, Care Repair and Modification of CSP
691, 692, 693 and 694, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Cryptographic Section, 24 May, 1937
(18-03A, 00509)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 777, Supplementary Instructions for Test, Care Repair and Modification of CSP
691, 692, 693 and 694, Change No.1, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Cryptographic Section,
10 February, 1940 (18-03A, 00509)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 777, Supplementary Instructions for Test, Care Repair and Modification of CSP
691, 692, 693 and 694, Change No.2, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Cryptographic Section,
1 February, 1941 (18-03C, 00509)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 812, Signal Cipher No.9, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Cryptographic
Section, 20 May, 1939 (18-07A, 00513)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 812(A), Signal Cipher No.15, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
Cryptographic Section, 10 April, 1942 (18-07B, 00514)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 812(B), Signal Cipher No.15 (Atlantic Edition), Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, Cryptographic Section, April 20, 1942 (18-07C, 00513)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 812(C), Signal Cipher No.15 (Atlantic Edition-to be used in Crypto-Channel
No.161), Navy Department, Office of the VCNO, April 28, 1942 (18-07D, 00513)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 812(D), Signal Cipher No.15 (Atlantic Edition-to be used in Crypto-Channel
No.161), Navy Department, Office of the VCNO, May 11, 1942 (18-07E, 00513)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 812(E), Signal Cipher No.15 (Atlantic Edition-to be used in Crypto-Channel
No.161), Navy Department, Office of the VCNO, May 17, 1942 (18-07F, 00513)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 812(F), Signal Cipher No.15 (Atlantic Edition-to be used in Crypto-Channel
No.161), Navy Department, Office of the VCNO, July 1, 1942 (18-07G, 00513)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 812(G), Signal Cipher No.15 (Atlantic Edition-to be used in Crypto-Channel
No.161), Navy Department, Office of the VCNO, July 3, 1942 (18-07H 00513)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 812(H), Signal Cipher No.15 (Atlantic Edition-to be used in Crypto-Channel
No.161), Navy Department, Office of the VCNO, July 6, 1942 (18-07I, 00513, C-153C)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 812(I), Signal Cipher No.15 (Atlantic Edition-to be used in Crypto-Channel
No.161), Navy Department, Office of the VCNO, July 3, 1942 (18-07J, 00513)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 812(J), Signal Cipher No.15 (Atlantic Edition-to be used in Crypto-Channel
No.161), Navy Department, Office of the VCNO, November 28, 1942 (18-07K, 00513)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 812(K), Signal Cipher No.15 (Atlantic Edition-to be used in Crypto-Channel
No.161), Navy Department, Office of the VCNO, December 28, 1942 (18-07L, 00513)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 812(L), Signal Cipher No.15 (Atlantic Edition-to be used in Crypto-Channel
No.161), Navy Department, Office of the VCNO, 28 November, 1942 (18-07M, 00513)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 812(M), Signal Cipher No.15 (Atlantic Edition-to be used in Crypto-Channel
No.161), Navy Department, Office of the VCNO, 28 November, 1942 (18-07N, 00513)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 812(N), Signal Cipher No.15 (Atlantic Edition-to be used in Crypto-Channel
No.161), Navy Department, Office of the VCNO, 28 November, 1942 (18-07O, 00513)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 812(O), Signal Cipher No.15 (Atlantic Edition-to be used in Crypto-Channel
No.161), Navy Department, Office of the VCNO, 22 January, 1945 (18-07P, 00513)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 812(P), Signal Cipher No.15 (Atlantic Edition-to be used in Crypto-Channel
No.161), Navy Department, Office of the VCNO, 22 January, 1945 (18-07Q, 00513)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 812(Q), Signal Cipher No.15 (Atlantic Edition-to be used in Crypto-Channel
No.161), Navy Department, Office of the VCNO, 22 January, 1942 (18-07R, 00513)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 812(R), Signal Cipher No.15 (Atlantic Edition-to be used in Crypto-Channel
No.161), Navy Department, Office of the VCNO, 1 July, 1946 (18-07S, 00513)
Box 40 CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 792, Fleet Basic Radio Call List No.1, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, [nd] (18-04, 00510)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 792, Fleet Basic Radio Call List No.1, Change No.1, Navy Department, Office
of the CNO, Cryptographic Section, 1 November 1938 (18-04, 00510)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 793, Instructions for Use of Fleet Tactical Call System, Navy Department, Office
of the CNO, Cryptographic Section, 15 January, 1938 (18-15, 00511)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM)-Miscellaneous Reprints, Navy
Department, Office of the CNO, 24 August, 1944 (41-02, 0735, C202)
CNSF - Crane Library - Advanced Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (Adv NRPM) 124-5, Navy
Department, Office of the CNO, 14 April, 1944 (41-03, 0735)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 3328, (Advance Copy), 15 June, 1945 (41-04, 0735, C206)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 169-171, Navy Department, Office
of the CNO, 24 August, 1944 (41-08, 0735, C202)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 172-176, Navy Department, Office
of the CNO, 25 September, 1944 (41-09, 0735, C202)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 194-195, Navy Department, Office
of the CNO, 4 November, 1944 (41-10, 0735, C202)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 196-207, Navy Department, Office
of the CNO, 7 December, 1944 (41-11, 0735, C202)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 208-214, Navy Department, Office
of the CNO, 4 January, 1945 (41-12, 0735, C203)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 215-216, Navy Department, Office
of the CNO, 4 January, 1945 (41-13, 0735, C203)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 217-225, Navy Department, Office
of the CNO, 4 February, 1945 (41-14, 0735, C203)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 226-227, Navy Department, Office
of the CNO, 3 February, 1945 (41-15, 0735, C203)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 228-239, Navy Department, Office
of the CNO, 7 March, 1945 (41-16, 0735, C203)
CNSF - Crane Library - 024-011, 17/12/45 - Withdrawn
Box 41 CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 240-256, Navy Department, Office
of the CNO, 4 April, 1945 (41-17, 0735, C204)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 257-258, Navy Department, Office
of the CNO, 10 April, 1945 (41-18, 0735, C204)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 259-266, Navy Department, Office
of the CNO, 23 April, 1945 (41-19, 0735, C204)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 267-276, Navy Department, Office
of the CNO, 24 May, 1945 (41-20, 0735, C205)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 277-278, Navy Department, Office
of the CNO, 29 May, 1945 (41-21, 0735, C205)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 279-280, Navy Department, Office
of the CNO, 25 June, 1945 (41-22, 0735, C205)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 281-294, Navy Department, Office
of the CNO, 3 July, 1945 (41-23, 0735, C205)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 295-296, Navy Department, Office
of the CNO, 6 July, 1945 (41-24, 0735, C205)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 297-298, Navy Department, Office
of the CNO, 9 July, 1945 (41-25, 0735, C206)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 299-315, Navy Department, Office
of the CNO, 24 July, 1945 (41-26, 0735, C206)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 299-315, Navy Department, Office
of the CNO, 24 July, 1945 (41-26, 0735, C206)
CNSF - Crane Library - Non-Registered Publication Memoranda (NRPM) 316-325, Navy Department, Office
of the CNO, 24 August, 1945 (41-26, 0735, C206)
CNSF - Crane Library - 17-23, 00/01/23 (Withdrawn)
CNSF - Crane Library - 17-29, 03/02/34 (Withdrawn)
Box 42 CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Issuing Office(RPIO), Pearl Harbor Dispatch Compilation
No.1-No.6, 21 May-5 August, 1945 (42-08, 00736, F399)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Issuing Office(RPIO), Pearl Harbor Dispatch Compilation
No.8-No.20, 25 August 1945-10 February, 1946 (14-08, 00736, F399)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Issuing Office(RPIO), Pearl Harbor Dispatch Compilation
No.21-No.38, 25 February 1946-24 February, 1947 (14-08, 00736, F399)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1543-1622, Navy Department, Office of the
VCNO, December 15, 1942 (42-09, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1623-1631, Navy Department, Office of the
VCNO, January 13, 1943 (42-10, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1632-1652, Navy Department, Office of the
VCNO, March 17, 1943 (42-11, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1653-1666, Navy Department, Office of the
VCNO, April 29, 1943 (42-12, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1-1622 (Revised), Navy Department, Office
of the VCNO, August 2, 1943 (42-13, 00737, F177)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1683-1706, Navy Department, Office of the
VCNO, 11 August, 1943 (42-14, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1707-1725, Navy Department, Office of the
VCNO, [nd] (42-15, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1726-1743, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 30 October, 1943 (42-16, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1744-1759, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 30 November, 1943 (42-17, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1760-1773, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 31 December, 1943 (42-18, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1774-1782, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 29 January, 1944 (42-19, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1783-1795, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 28 February, 1944 (42-20, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1796-1808, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 30 March, 1944 (42-21, 00737, F177)
Box 43 CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) Reprint, All Effective RPM's Through
RPM 1808, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, 17 July, 1944 (42-22, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1809-1835, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 3 May, 1944 (42-23, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1836-1851, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 31 May, 1944 (42-24, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1852-1869, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 26 June, 1944 (42-25, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1870-11886, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 27 July, 1944 (42-26, 00737, F177)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1887-1900, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 29 August, 1944 (42-27, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1901-1922, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 29 September, 1944 (42-28, 00737, C254)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1923-1940, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO,1 November, 1944 (42-29, 00737, C4A)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1941-1960, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 1 December, 1944 (42-30, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1961-1976, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 1 January, 1945 (42-31, 00737, C4A)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) Reprint, All Effective RPM's Through
RPM 1940(A), Navy Department, Office of the CNO, 23 January, 1945 (42-32, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1977-1996, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 1 February, 1945 (42-33, 00737, C254)
CNSF - Crane Library - Special Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1977, Compilation of Status,
Changes in Classification and Disposition of U.S. Publications (Less Photographic) Incorporated in the
Registered Publication System, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, 9 February, 1945
(42-34, 00737, C4A)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1998-2016, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 1 March, 1945 (42-35, 00737, C254)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 2017-2041, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 1 April, 1945 (42-36, 00737, C254)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 2042-2062, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 1 May, 1945 (42-37, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 2063-2078, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 1 June, 1945 (42-38, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) Reprint, All Effective RPM's Through
RPM 2078, Except 1997, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, 16 July, 1945 (42-39, 00737, C263)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 2079-2097, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 1 July, 1945 (42-40, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 2098-2114, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 1 August, 1945 (42-41, 00737, C254)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 817F, Register No. 1 & 2, September 20, 1951, Director of Naval Communication
- Withdrawn
Box 44 CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 972, Department of State "SP-1" Code, [Department of State], Division of
Communications and Records, 1939 (incl. Change No.1, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
6 April, 1940) (20-1, 535)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1000(A), O.N.I. Foreign Service Cryptographic Plan, Navy Department,
Office of the VCNO, September 1, 1943 (20-2, 536)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1000(B), Cryptographic Plan for O.N.I. Foreign Service Activities, Navy
Department, Office of the CNO, 24 April, 1945 (20-3, 536)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1023, Visual Recognition Signal No.2, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
Cryptographic Section, 28 June, 1940 (20-4, 537)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1024, Emergency Identification Signals No.2, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, Cryptographic Section, June 21, 1940 (20-5, 538)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1087, Change No.1, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, June 16, 1941
(20-6, C81a)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1087, Change No.2, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, 18 October, 1941
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1099, Local Defense Force Cryptographic Plan (Tentative Copy), Enclosure
(A) to CNO Conf. Serial 030920, of 9 Nov 1940 (20-7, 540)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1100-A, Advance Copy of Operating Instructions for ECM Mark II, Navy
Department, Office of the CNO, Director of Naval Communications, March 20, 1941 (20-8A, 541)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1100 (C), Operating Instructions for ECM Mark 2 (CSP 888/889) and CCM
Mark 1 (CSP 1600), Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Director of Naval Communications,
16 May 1944 (20-08C, 544)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1100 (C), Change No.1, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Director of
Naval Communications, 16 October 1944 (20-08C, 541)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1100(D), Memorandum Correction No.1, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, Director of Naval Communications, [nd] (20-08D, 541)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1111(A), Mark II ECM Repair Instructions, Navy Department, Office of the
VCNO, July 11, 1942 (20-9)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1111(B), Repair and Maintenance Instructions for ECM Mark 2 (CSP 888/
889 and CSP 887) and CCM Mark 1 (CSP 1600), Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Director of
Naval Communications, 12 October 1945 (20-10)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1112, Aerological Cipher "A", Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
12 March, 1941 (20-11, 543)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1112(A), Aerological Cipher "A", Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
24 April, 1942 (20-12, 543)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1116, Aircraft Contact Pad Holder, [nd] (20-13, 544)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1116, Aircraft Contact Pad Holder, Design and Development documents, [nd]
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1128, Mark III HCM (Hebern Cipher Machine) Instructions, Navy
Department, Office of the CNO, May 15, 1942 (20-14, 545)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1112(A), Mark III HCM (Hebern Cipher Machine) Instructions, Navy
Department, Office of the VCNO, June 5, 1942 (20-15, 545)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1112(B), Operating Instructions for Mark III HCM (Hebern Cipher Machine),
Navy Department, Office of the VCNO, September 29, 1942 (20-16, 545)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1136, Stepping Circuit Wiring, Radio Telegraph, U.S. Navy Yard (schematic
RW-68-A-216), Washington, DC, 1 January, 1942 (20-18, 547)
CNSF - Crane Library - 20-008B, 21/07/42 - Withdrawn
Box 45 CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 26-42, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 24 October, 1923 (43-01, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 43-48 and Change No.3 to CSP 404,
Navy Department, Office of the CNO, 12 December, 1923 (43-02, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 49-60, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 2 April, 1924 (43-03, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 61-71, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 1 September, 1924 (43-04, 00737, B-129B)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 72-81, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 1 January 1925 (43-05, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 82-92, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 31 March 1925 (43-06, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 93-104, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 1 July 1925 (43-07, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 105-112, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 10 October 1925 (43-08, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 113-119, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 1 January 1926 (43-09, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 120-126, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 31 March 1926 (43-10, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1-136 (Revised) and Code and Signal
Memorandum (CSM) 1-787 (Revised), Navy Department, Office of the CNO, July 1, 1926
(43-11, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 137-149, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, November 2, 1929 (43-12, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 150-175, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 1 April, 1927 (43-13, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 176-186, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, July 1, 1927 (43-14, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 187-192, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, October 1, 1927 (43-15, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 193-204, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, January 1, 1928 (43-16, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 205-218, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, July 1, 1928 (43-17, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 219-232, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, October 1, 1928 (43-18, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 233-248, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, January 1, 1929 (43-19, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 249-257, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, April 1, 1929 (43-20, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 258-284, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, July 1, 1929 (43-21, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 285-296, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, October 1, 1929 (43-22, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 297-305, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, January 1, 1930 (43-23, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 306-315, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, April 1, 1930 (43-24, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 316-329, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, July 1, 1930 (43-25, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 330-352, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, October 1, 1930 (43-26, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 353-370, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, January 1, 1931 (43-27, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 371-383 , Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, April 1, 1931 (43-28, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 384-400 & 1-383 (Revised), Navy
Department, Office of the CNO, July 1, 1931 (43-29, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 401-408, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, October 1, 1931 (43-30, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 409-415, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, December 31, 1931 (43-31, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 416-425, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, April 1, 1932 (43-32, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 426-442, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, July 1, 1932 (43-33, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 442-458, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, October 1, 1932 (43-34, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 459-465, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, January 3, 1933 (43-35, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 466-483, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, March 31, 1933 (43-36, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 484-497, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, July 1, 1933 (43-37, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 498-522, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 1 October, 1933 (43-38, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 523-538, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 1 January, 1934 (43-39, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 539-559, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, April 1, 1934 (43-40, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 560-573, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 1 July, 1934 (43-41, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 574-590, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, October 1, 1934 (43-42, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 591-609, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, January 1, 1935 (43-43, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 610-624, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, April 1, 1935 (43-44, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 625-640, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, July 1, 1935 (43-45, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 641-659, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, October 1, 1935 (43-46, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 660-677, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, January 2, 1936 (43-47, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 678-695, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, April 1, 1936 (43-48, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 696-725, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, July 1, 1936 (43-49, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 726-756, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, October 1, 1936 (43-50, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 757-783, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, January 4, 1937 (43-51, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 784-809, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, April 1, 1937 (43-52, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 810-828, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, July 1, 1937 (43-53, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 829-846, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, October 1, 1937 (43-54, 00737)
Box 46 CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1150, Assignment to Classes and Waters, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 15 October, 1941 (20-19, 00548, 20Pd)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1150(A), Assignment to Classes and Waters, Navy Department, Office of the
VCNO, November 16, 1942 (20-20A, 00548)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1150(B), Assignment to Classes and Waters, Navy Department, Office of the
VCNO, July 20, 1943 (20-20B, 00548)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1150(C), Assignment to Classes and Waters, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 17 March, 1944 (20-20C, 00548)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1150(D), Assignment to Classes and Waters, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 10 February, 1945 (20-20D, 00548, 4834)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1151(A), Activities Served by Shore-Based Coding Boards, Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, 1 August, 1944 (20-22, 549)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1151(A), Change No. 1, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Director of
Naval Communications, 22 January, 1945 (549)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1151(A), Change No. 2, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Director of
Naval Communications, 2 May, 1945 (549)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1151(A), Change No. 3, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Director of
Naval Communications, 25 July, 1945 (549)
CNSF - Crane Library - Japanese-English Dictionary, FRUPAC (Unofficial)-1573, 27 December, 1944,
1 of 2 (61-02, 1840, 63/2544/1840, 2/7)
CNSF - Crane Library - Japanese-English Dictionary, FRUPAC (Unofficial)-1573, 27 December, 1944,
2 of 2 (61-02, 1840, 63/2544/1840, 2/7)
CNSF - Crane Library - "GY-1 Instruction in Japanese", course in Japanese Naval Language, W. Weedon,
FRUPAC-1576, [nd] (61-03, 1840, 63/2544/1840, 1/7)
CNSF - Crane Library - "NIHONGO Course of Instruction, Materials Used in a Course in Japanese
language offered to GY-1 Personnel", FRUPAC-1351, [nd] (61-04, 1840, 63/2544/1050, 4/31)
CNSF - Crane Library - Dictionary of [Japanese] Weather Terms, Ship Types and Movement and Action
Words, FRUPAC-1575, [nd] (61-05, 1840, 00814, 63/2544/1840, 5/7)
Box 47 CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 847-880, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, January 3, 1938 (43-55, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 881-919-, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, April 1, 1938 (43-56, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 920953-, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, July 1, 1938 (43-57, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 954-1001, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, October 1, 1938 (43-58, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1002-1049, Navy Department, Office of
the CNO, January 3, 1939 (43-59, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1050-1102, Navy Department, Office of
the CNO, April 1, 1939 (43-60, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1103-1139, Navy Department, Office of
the CNO, July 1, 1939 (43-61, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1140-1188, Navy Department, Office of
the CNO, October 1, 1939 (43-62, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1-1188 plus 1189-1192, Navy
Department, Office of the CNO, December 1, 1939 (43-63, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1193-1221, Navy Department, Office of
the CNO, January 2, 1940 (43-64, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1222-1269, Navy Department, Office of
the CNO, April 1, 1940 (43-65, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1270-1315, Navy Department, Office of
the CNO, September 3, 1940 (43-66, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1316-1355, Navy Department, Office of
the CNO, March 7, 1941 (43-67, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1356-1385, Navy Department, Office of
the CNO, 16 June, 1941 (43-68, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Phonograph Records Turned Over to NL" (Japanese Language) 21 August, 1946
(63-04, 63-05)
Box 48 CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1386-1468, Navy Department, Office of
the CNO, December 23,1941 (43-69, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1469-1480, Navy Department, Office of
the CNO, January 22,1942 (43-70, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1481-1508, Navy Department, Office of
the CNO, March 6,1942 (43-71, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1509-1521, Navy Department, Office of
the CNO, April 5,1942 (43-72, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1-1542 (Revised), Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, May 20,1942 (43-73, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1543-1622, Navy Department, Office of
the CNO, December 15,1942 (43-74, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM) 1667-1682, Navy Department, Office of
the CNO, June 3, 1943 (43-75, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Memoranda (RPM), Letter of Promulgation, Navy
Department, Office of the CNO, January, 1948 (43-76, 00737)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Manual, RPS-4 (Revised), Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, (Division of Naval Communications (D.N.C.), Registered Publication Section), February, 1941
(44-04, 00741)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Manual, RPS-4 (A), Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
(Division of Naval Communications (D.N.C.), Registered Publication Section), September, 1942
(44-05, 00741)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Manual, RPS-4 (A), Extracts, Navy Department, Office of the
VCNO, Division of Naval Communications, 10 November, 1942 (44-05)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Manual, RPS-4 (B), Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
(Division of Naval Communications (D.N.C.), Registered Publication Section), December 1944
(44-06, 00741)
CNSF - Crane Library - Registered Publication Manual, RPS-4 (B), Change No.1, Navy Department, Office
of the CNO, 30 October 1945 (44-06, 00741)
Box 49 CNSF - Crane Library - "TRANSPAC Telephone Translations of W.L. Magistretti", November 1940-March
1941. (Naval District Intelligence Officer, Twelfth Naval District, San Francisco: translations of
intercepted Japanese Trans-Pacific telephone calls-San Francisco to Japan) (1 of 2) (60-01)
CNSF - Crane Library - "TRANSPAC Telephone Translations of W.L. Magistretti", November 1940-March
1941. (Naval District Intelligence Officer, Twelfth Naval District, San Francisco: translations of
intercepted Japanese Trans-Pacific telephone calls-San Francisco to Japan) (2 of 2) (60-01)
CNSF - Crane Library - Cipher Devices Used by the Japanese Navy Proper, OP-20-GY P, Non-registered
Publication (NPR) 7, [nd] (60-02, 808, TC702/1983/Folder 2, 63/2544/1983, 2/2)
CNSF - Crane Library - Cryptographic Security Manual, U.S. Coast Guard, Office of the Chief
Communications Officer, 1 April 1942 (60-04, 810, 202)
CNSF - Crane Library -Glossary of Japanese Terms (incl. general and technical), OP-20-G,
September 15, 1944 (60-05, 1840, 63/2544/1840, 4/7)
CNSF - Crane Library - Glossary of Japanese Terms, OP-20-G, June 20, 1944
(60-06, 812, 1840, 63/2544/1840, 6/7)
Box 50 CNSF - Crane Library - Instructions for the Preparation of Registered Publications and Their Changes,
RPS-7, Navy Department, Office of Naval Operations (Registered Publication Section), 1934
(48-2, 00744)
CNSF - Crane Library - Allowance Table of Merchant Ship Publications, RPS-9, Navy Department, Office
of the CNO, 18 October, 1943 (48-04, 00746 )
CNSF - Crane Library - Allowance Table of Communication Publications for Merchant Ships, RPS-9 (A),
Navy Department, Office of the CNO, 1 August, 1944 (48-05, 00746)
CNSF - Crane Library Merchant Ship Publications, Allowance Tables and Instructions for Issue, RPS-9 (B),
Navy Department, Office of the CNO (Director of Naval Communications-Registered Publication
Section) July, 1945 (48-06, 00746)
CNSF - Crane Library -Record of Registered and Non-Registered Publications Drawn, RPS-10, Navy
Department, Office of the CNO, 1 January, 1944 (48-12, 00747)
CNSF - Crane Library - Allowance List No.2 of U.S. Publications for British Pacific Fleet, RPS-11, Navy
Department, Office of the CNO (Director of Naval Communications-Registered Publication Section),
April 1945 (48-15, 00748)
CNSF - Crane Library - Joint British-U.S. Communication Publications, Distribution List No.1, RPS-12,
Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Division of Naval Communications, 21 November, 1941
(48-16, 00749)
CNSF - Crane Library - British-U.S. Communication Publications, Distribution List No.2, RPS-12 (B),
Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Division of Naval Communications, May 6, 1942 (48-17)
CNSF - Crane Library - Combined British-U.S. Communication Publications, Distribution List No.3,
RPS-12 (C), Navy Department, Office of the CNO, May 15, 1943 (48-18, 00749)
CNSF - Crane Library -Notes on the Handling of Registered Publications, A Guide for Custodians, RPS-30,
Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Division of Naval Communications, 19 May, 1945
(48-19, 00750)
CNSF - Crane Library - Instruction Book for SCR-532-T2 Radio Equipment (Short Title SCABAG),
Office of the Chief Signal Officer, US Army Signal Corps, April, 1942 (50-04, 00759, 179A)
CNSF - Crane Library - Instruction Book for Radio Set SCR-268 (Short Title SCACN), Office of the Chief
Signal Officer, US Army Signal Corps, June 25, 1941 (50-05, 00760, J-2)
CNSF - Crane Library -Control Net System SCS-2 (Semi-Fixed VHF Interceptor Pursuit Control System
SCS-2/ Short Title SCACN), Office of the Chief Signal Officer, US Army Signal Corps, January 1942
CNSF - Crane Library - Instruction Book for Radio Equipment SCR-533-T2 (Short Title SCACU), Office of
the Chief Signal Officer, US Army Signal Corps, March 1942 (50-07, 00762, 181)
Box 51 CNSF - Crane Library - "Radio Intelligence in World War II: Submarine Operations in the Pacific Ocean
Areas, November 1943", typescript, [nd] (copy 1- folder 1) (55-1, 589/3, TC218)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Radio Intelligence in World War II: Submarine Operations in the Pacific Ocean
Areas, November 1943", typescript, [nd] (copy 1- folder 2) (55-1, 589/3, TC218)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Radio Intelligence in World War II: Submarine Operations in the Pacific Ocean
Areas, November 1943", typescript, [nd] (copy 2) (55-1, 00766)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Radio Intelligence in World War II: Submarine Operations in the Pacific Ocean
Areas, December 1943", typescript, [nd] (copy 1) (55-2, 589/5, TC218)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Radio Intelligence in World War II: Submarine Operations in the Pacific Ocean
Areas, December 1943", typescript, [nd] (copy 2) (55-2, 00766)
Box 52 CNSF - Crane Library - "Radio Intelligence in World War II: Submarine Operations in the Pacific Ocean
Areas, January-February 1944," typescript, [nd] (copy 1) (55-3, 589/4, TC218)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Radio Intelligence in World War II: Submarine Operations in the Pacific Ocean
Areas, January-February 1944", typescript, [nd] (copy 2) (55-3, 00766)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Radio Intelligence in World War II: Tactical Operations in the Pacific Ocean
Areas, November 1942", by W.B. Sowash, LTJG, UNSR, [nd] (Copy 1, Part I: Index, Preface and
Summary) (55-4, 00767)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Radio Intelligence in World War II: Tactical Operations in the Pacific Ocean Areas,
November 1942", by W.B. Sowash, LTJG, UNSR, [nd] (Copy 1, Part II: Chapters)
(55-4, 63/5750/764, 764, 2/11, 00767)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Radio Intelligence in World War II: Tactical Operations in the Pacific Ocean Areas,
November 1942", by W.B. Sowash, LTJG, UNSR, [nd] (Copy 1, Part III: Appendix-dec. 1-8 inc., 1942)
(55-4, 63/5750/764, 764, 2/11, 00767)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Radio Intelligence in World War II: Tactical Operations in the Pacific Ocean Areas,
November 1942", by W.B. Sowash, LTJG, UNSR, [nd] (Copy 1, Part IV: Appendix-Dec '42, 9-17 inc.)
(55-4, 63/5750/764, 764, 2/11, 00767)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Radio Intelligence in World War II: Tactical Operations in the Pacific Ocean Areas,
November 1942", by W.B. Sowash, LTJG, UNSR, [nd] (Copy 1, Part V: Appendix-Dec '42, 18-31 inc.) (55-4, 63/5750/764, 764, 2/11, 00767)
Box 53 CNSF - Crane Library - "Radio Intelligence in World War II: Tactical Operations in the Pacific Ocean
Areas, December 1942", by W.B. Sowash, LTJG, UNSR, [nd] (Copy 2, folder 1 of 2) (55-4)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Radio Intelligence in World War II: Tactical Operations in the Pacific Ocean
Areas, December 1942", by W.B. Sowash, LTJG, UNSR, [nd] (Copy 2, folder 2 of 2) (55-4)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Radio Intelligence in World War II: Tactical Operations in the Pacific Ocean
Areas, January 1943", by W.B. Sowash, LTJG, UNSR, [nd] (Copy 1, Part I: Index, Preface, Summary
and Chapters) (56-1, 787, 63/5750/764, 8/11, 00767)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Radio Intelligence in World War II: Tactical Operations in the Pacific Ocean Areas,
January 1943", by W.B. Sowash, LTJG, UNSR, [nd] (Copy 1, Part II: Appendix, January 1-10)
(56-1, 787, 63/5750/764, 8/11, 00767)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Radio Intelligence in World War II: Tactical Operations in the Pacific Ocean Areas,
January 1943", by W.B. Sowash, LTJG, UNSR, [nd] (Copy 1, Part III: Appendix, January 11-20)
(56-1, 787, 63/5750/764, 8/11, 00767)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Radio Intelligence in World War II: Tactical Operations in the Pacific Ocean Areas,
January 1943", by W.B. Sowash, LTJG, UNSR, [nd] (Copy 1, Part IV: Appendix, January 21-31)
(56-1, 787, 63/5750/764, 8/11, 00767)
Box 54 CNSF - Crane Library - "Radio Intelligence in World War II: Tactical Operations in the Pacific Ocean Areas,
January 1943", by W.B. Sowash, LTJG, UNSR, [nd] (Copy 2, Part I: Index, Preface, Summary and
Chapter) (56-1, 787, 63/5750/764, 9/11, 00767)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Radio Intelligence in World War II: Tactical Operations in the Pacific Ocean Areas,
January 1943", by W.B. Sowash, LTJG, UNSR, [nd] (Copy 2, Part II: Appendix)
(56-1, 787, 63/5750/764, 9/11, 00767)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Radio Intelligence in World War II: Tactical Operations in the Pacific Ocean Areas,
January 1943", by W.B. Sowash, LTJG, UNSR, [nd] (Copy 3, Part I: Index, Preface, Summary and
Chapter) (56-1, 787, 63/5750/764, 00767)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Radio Intelligence in World War II: Tactical Operations in the Pacific Ocean Areas,
January 1943", by W.B. Sowash, LTJG, UNSR, [nd] (Copy 3, Part II: Appendix)
(56-1, 787, 63/5750/764, 00767)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Radio Intelligence in World War II: Tactical Operations in the Pacific Ocean Areas,
February 1943", by W.B. Sowash, LTJG, UNSR, [nd] (Copy 1, Part I: Index, Preface, Summary and
Chapter) (56-2, 00767)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Radio Intelligence in World War II: Tactical Operations in the Pacific Ocean Areas,
February 1943", by W.B. Sowash, LTJG, UNSR, [nd] (Copy 1, Part II: Appendix, Feb 1-10)
(56-2, 00767)
Box 55 CNSF - Crane Library - "Radio Intelligence in World War II: Tactical Operations in the Pacific Ocean Areas,
February 1943", by W.B. Sowash, LTJG, UNSR, [nd] (Copy 1, Part III: Appendix, Feb 11-20)
(56-2, 00767)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Radio Intelligence in World War II: Tactical Operations in the Pacific Ocean Areas,
February 1943", by W.B. Sowash, LTJG, UNSR, [nd] (Copy 1, Part II: Appendix, Feb 21-28)
(56-2, 00767)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Radio Intelligence in World War II: Tactical Operations in the Pacific Ocean Areas,
February 1943", by W.B. Sowash, LTJG, UNSR, [nd] (Copy 2, Part I: Index, Preface, Summary and
Chapter) (56-2, 00767)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Radio Intelligence in World War II: Tactical Operations in the Pacific Ocean Areas,
February 1943", by W.B. Sowash, LTJG, UNSR, [nd] (Copy 2, Part II: Appendix) (56-2, 00767)
CNSF - Crane Library - CINCPAC Bulletins, # 350-363, March 1-14, 1943 (56-4)
CNSF - Crane Library - CINCPAC Bulletins, # 364380, March 15-31, 1943 (56-4)
CNSF - Crane Library - CINCPAC Bulletins, # 381-392, April 1-12, 1943 (56-4)
Box 56 CNSF - Crane Library - CINCPAC Bulletins, # 393-410, April 13-30, 1943 (56-4)
CNSF - Crane Library - [CINCPAC] Summaries re April 1943, [nd] (56-4)
(Note: the following Pacific Strategic Intelligence Section reports (PSIS-) were developed from
radio communication intercepts)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Relative Importance of Major Ports Along Asiatic Coastline From Hainan to Rashin
and in Japan", Pacific Strategic Intelligence Section , CinC US Fleet and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-
G50), May-September 1945 (PSIS-150-2,5,7,8,9) (63-01, 00885-00889)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Comparison of Military and Economic Use of Japanese Tonnage", Pacific Strategic
Intelligence Section, CinC US Fleet and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 22 December 1944,
(PSIS-135-2) (63-02, 00892)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Shipping in Ryukyu Islands", Pacific Strategic Intelligence Section, CinC US Fleet
and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 6 March 1945, (PSIS-135-2) (63-02, 00892)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Japanese Reaction to Allied Mining Operations (7-14 March 1945)", Pacific
Strategic Intelligence Section, CinC US Fleet and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 14 March 1945,
(PSIS-350-3) (63-03, 00891)
CNSF - Crane Library - Specialist Q(RS) (Registered Publication Clerk), Instructional Material (Examination),
(63-06, 63/5750/5720, 2040)
CNSF - Crane Library - Specialist Q(RS) (Registered Publication Clerk), Instructional Material (Lectures and
Lecture Materials) (63-06, 63/5750/5720, 2040)
CNSF - Crane Library - Specialist Q(RS) (Registered Publication Clerk), Instructional Material (Organization
of the Office of the CNO and Naval Communications) (63-06, 63/5750/5720, 2040)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Recently Constructed Japanese Merchant Ships, 500 Tons Up", Pacific
Strategic Intelligence Section, CinC US Fleet and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 30 June 1945,
(PSIS-135-12) (64-03, 00901)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Japanese-Portuguese Relations and the 'Timor Problem'", Pacific Strategic
Intelligence Section, CinC US Fleet and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 23 March 1945,
(PSIS-400-04) (64-04, 00748/14, 63/3800/748, 14/40)
CNSF - Crane Library - "French-Russo Relations", Pacific Strategic Intelligence Section, CinC US Fleet
and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 11 April 1945, (PSIS-400-7)
(64-05, 748/17, 63/3800/748, 17/40)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Events in Thailand after Japanese Capitulation", Pacific Strategic Intelligence
Section, CinC US Fleet and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 19 September 1945, (PSIS-400-32) (64-06, 748/30, 63/3800/748, 30/40, F-22)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Siam (Political Situation and Foreign Relations)", Pacific Strategic Intelligence
Section, CinC US Fleet and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 19 November 1945, (PSIS-400-36) (64-07, 748/34, 63/3800/748, 34/40)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Sino-French Relations", Pacific Strategic Intelligence Section, CinC US Fleet and
Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 19 November 1945, (PSIS-400-37) (64-08, 748/35, 63/3800/748, 35/40)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Elementary Cryptoanalysis (Assignments & Problems) with Notes on Open Code
Recognition", Navy Department, Office of the CNO, OP-16D-4, 1941-1942 (1 of 2)
(69-01, 63/2506/1485, 3/3, OP-20-NI, 2/13/B)
Box 57 CNSF - Crane Library - "Elementary Cryptoanalysis (Assignments & Problems) with Notes on Open Code
Recognition", Navy Department, Office of the CNO, OP-16D-4, 1941-1942 (2 of 2)
(69-01, 63/2506/1485, 3/3, OP-20-NI, 2/13/B)
CNSF - Crane Library - Tablet Cipher No.1, [1931] (69-03)
CNSF - Crane Library - Tablet Cipher No.2, [1931] (69-03)
CNSF - Crane Library - Tablet Cipher No.3, [1931] (69-03)
CNSF - Crane Library - Tablet Cipher No.4, [1931] (69-03)
CNSF - Crane Library - Tablet Cipher No.5, [1931] (69-03)
CNSF - Crane Library - Tablet Cipher No.6, [1931] (69-03)
CNSF - Crane Library - United States Fleet Radio Frequency Plans and Instructions, Fleet Confidential
Communication Letter 3CRL-37, CinC US Fleet, 19 November 1937 (69-04, 00992)
CNSF - Crane Library - Class A, N.C.B. (Naval Cipher Box) Ciphers, (for Use with N.C.B. Mk I & II;
N.C.B. Cipher A-1 & A-2), Navy Department, Naval Communication Service/Division of Operations,
1917-1919 (69-06, 000995)
CNSF - Crane Library - Instructions Regarding Radio Communications in the Western Atlantic during
the Present War, Navy Department, Naval Communication Service, Office of the Director, District
Communication Superintendent, New York, July 22, 1918 (69-012, g165, OL-5733)
CNSF - Crane Library - Proposed Fleet Signals, Part One, CinC US Fleet, June 1918 (69-13, g227)
CNSF - Crane Library -Radio Cipher "C", US Atlantic Fleet, August 1912, typescript [nd] (69-14, g222)
(Note: the following Pacific Strategic Intelligence Section reports (PSIS-) were developed from ULTRA
[diplomatic] radio communication intercepts)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Japan as Mediator in the Russo-German Conflict", Pacific Strategic Intelligence
Section, CinC US Fleet and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 29 December 1944, (PSIS-400-1)
("Russo-Japanese Relations during the Latter Half of 1944, and the Role of Japan as Mediator in
Bringing About a compromise Between Germany and Russia") (69-17)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Japanese Estimates of Germany's Ability to Continue the Struggle (or the Decline
and Rise of Japanese Confidence in Her Axis Partner), (August-December 1944)", Pacific Strategic
Intelligence Section, CinC US Fleet and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 22 January 1945,
(PSIS-400-2) (69-18)
CNSF - Crane Library - "The Problem of the Promulgation of the Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact (and Its
Effect on Russ-Japanese Relations)", Pacific Strategic Intelligence Section, CinC US Fleet and Office
of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 12 February 1945, (PSIS-400-3) (69-19)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Notes on the Crimea (Yalta) Conference", Pacific Strategic Intelligence Section,
CinC US Fleet and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 23 March 1945, (PSIS-400-5) (69-20)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Recent Political Developments in French Indo-China", Pacific Strategic Intelligence
Section, CinC US Fleet and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 6 April 1945, (PSIS-400-6) (69-21)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Abrogation of the Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact", Pacific Strategic Intelligence
Section, CinC US Fleet and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 23 April 1945, (PSIS-400-8) (69-22)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Recent Political Development in Thailand (Siam)", Pacific Strategic Intelligence
Section, CinC US Fleet and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 1 May 1945, (PSIS-400-9) (69-23)
CNSF - Crane Library - "White Russians in Manchukuo [Japanese Occupied Manchuria]", Pacific Strategic
Intelligence Section, CinC US Fleet and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 8 May 1945, (PSIS-400-10)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Japanese-Burmese Relations", Pacific Strategic Intelligence Section, CinC US Fleet
and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 9 May 1945, (PSIS-400-11) (69-25)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Japanese Reaction to German Defeat", Pacific Strategic Intelligence Section, CinC
US Fleet and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 21 May 1945, (PSIS-400-12) (69-26)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Japanese-Portuguese Relations and the 'Macao Problem' (February-May 1945)",
Pacific Strategic Intelligence Section, CinC US Fleet and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50),
23 May 1945, (PSIS-400-13) (69-27, 01018)
CNSF - Crane Library - "The Aftermath of Japanese Occupation of French Indo-China (March-May 1945)",
Pacific Strategic Intelligence Section, CinC US Fleet and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50),
31 May 1945, (PSIS-400-14) (69-28, 01028)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Sino-Soviet Relations", Pacific Strategic Intelligence Section, CinC US Fleet and
Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 1 June 1945, (PSIS-400-15) (69-29, 01019)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Russo-Japanese Relations (April-May 1945)", Pacific Strategic Intelligence Section,
CinC US Fleet and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 15 June 1945, (PSIS-400-16) (69-30, 01020)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Russo-Japanese Relations (June 1945)", Pacific Strategic Intelligence Section, CinC
US Fleet and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 2 July 1945, (PSIS-400-18) (69-31, 01021)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Situation in Thailand (April-June 1945)", Pacific Strategic Intelligence Section,
CinC US Fleet and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 7 July 1945, (PSIS-400-19) (69-32)
CNSF - Crane Library - "The Chungking-Yenan Controversy [Chinese National Government (Nationalist
Party) v. Chinese Communist Party-Yenan)", Pacific Strategic Intelligence Section, CinC US Fleet and
Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 10 May 1945, (PSIS-400-20) (69-33)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Russo-Japanese Relations (1-12 July 1945)", Pacific Strategic Intelligence Section,
CinC US Fleet and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 14 July 1945, (PSIS-400-21) (69-34, 01025)
Box 58 CNSF - Crane Library - "Russo-Japanese Relations (13-20 July 1945)", Pacific Strategic Intelligence Section,
CinC US Fleet and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 21 July 1945, (PSIS-400-22) (70-01)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Russo-Japanese Relations (21-27 July 1945)", Pacific Strategic Intelligence Section,
CinC US Fleet and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 2 August 1945, (PSIS-400-23) (70-02)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Japanese Relations with the Last Remaining 'Listening Posts' in Europe (May-Mid
July 1945)", Pacific Strategic Intelligence Section, CinC US Fleet and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50),
1 August 1945, (PSIS-400-24) (70-03, 01030)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Mongolian Independence", Pacific Strategic Intelligence Section, CinC US Fleet and
Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 3 August 1945, (PSIS-400-25) (70-04)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Russo-Japanese Relations (28 July-6 August 1945)", Pacific Strategic Intelligence
Section, CinC US Fleet and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 7 August 1945, (PSIS-400-26) (70-05)
CNSF - Crane Library - "China's Position Today", Pacific Strategic Intelligence Section, CinC US Fleet and
Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 19 August 1945, (PSIS-400-27) (70-06)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Military and Political Plans for the Southern Pacific Area Formulated by the Japanese
Prior to 14 August 1945", Pacific Strategic Intelligence Section, CinC US Fleet and Office of the CNO
(OP-20-3-G50), 24 August 1945, (PSIS-400-28) (70-07, 01034)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Japan's Surrender Manoeuvers", Pacific Strategic Intelligence Section, CinC US Fleet
and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 29 August 1945, (PSIS-400-29) (70-08, 10135)
CNSF - Crane Library - "The Chungking-Yenan Controversy: Chronological Report", (Chinese National[ist]
Government v. Chinese Communist Party-Yenan), Pacific Strategic Intelligence Section, CinC US Fleet
and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 8 September 1945, (PSIS-400-31) (70-09, 10136)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Japan (Reaction to Defeat and Current Problems", Pacific Strategic Intelligence Section,
CinC US Fleet and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 26 September 1945, (PSIS-400-33) (70-10)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Sino-Japanese Relations (Japan's China Policy)", Pacific Strategic Intelligence
Section, CinC US Fleet and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 2 October 1945, (PSIS-400-34) (70-11)
CNSF - Crane Library - "French Indo-China (Political Situation)", Pacific Strategic Intelligence Section,
CinC US Fleet and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 11 October 1945, (PSIS-400-35) (70-12, 01039)
(Note: the following files (PSIS "500"series) include cartographic plotting of the unit disposition and
movements detailed in the documents)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Japanese Surface and Air Operations: 1 January 1942-31 January 1942", Pacific
Strategic Intelligence Section, CinC US Fleet and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 21 February 1945,
(PSIS-500-2) (70-13)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Japanese Submarine Operations: 25 January 1942 to 25 March 1942", Pacific
Strategic Intelligence Section, CinC US Fleet and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), March 28 1945,
(PSIS-500-3) (70-14)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Japanese Surface and Air Operations: 1 February 1942-31 March 1942", Pacific
Strategic Intelligence Section, CinC US Fleet and Office of the CNO (OP-20-3-G50), 6 April 1945,
(PSIS-500-4) (70-15)
CNSF - Crane Library - Orange Force Cipher for Use during Fleet Problem VIII, Special Cipher for Use with Cylindrical Cipher Device, Navy Department, Office of Naval Operations, Code and Signal Section,
2 January 1928 (02-05)
CNSF - Crane Library - Cipher to be used in Meteorological Reports, Naval Communication Service,
Office of the Director, May 15, 1918 (02-17, 217, G146)
CNSF - Crane Library - The Existence Alphabets Having No Interval Repetitions", Technical Paper by
Dr. Abraham Sinkov, Ph.D., Junior Cryptanalyst, Signal Intelligence Section, War Plans and Training
Division; War Department, Office of the Chief Signal Officer , 1934 (03-02)
CNSF - Crane Library - Joint U.S.-Canadian Thirteenth Naval District Cipher Strip Key List, for use with
CSP 488, CSP 1088, M-94 (Army) and CGC-2 (Coast Guard), for Communication Only Within the
Thirteenth Naval District Between Units of the U.S. Army, Navy and Coast Guard, Canadian Army, Navy and the Royal Canadian Air Force; Commandant, Thirteenth Naval District, Seattle, Washington,
30 April 1943 (03-03A, G243, AC-3)
CNSF - Crane Library - Joint U.S.-Canadian Thirteenth Naval District Cipher Strip Key List, for use with
CSP 488, CSP 1088, M-94 (Army) and CGC-2 (Coast Guard), for Communication Only Within the
Thirteenth Naval District Between Units of the U.S. Army, Navy and Coast Guard, Canadian Army, Navy and the Royal Canadian Air Force; Commandant, Thirteenth Naval District, Seattle, Washington,
5 August 1943 (03-03B, G243, 0057)
CNSF - Crane Library - Tentative Merchant Ship Cipher, Navy Department, Naval Communication Service,
Code and Signal Section, 13 June 1925 (03-04, 0058, G224)
CNSF - Crane Library - Special Cipher "A" Instructions, [nd] (03-07, 0061, 82-F, G168)
CNSF - Crane Library - Memorandum No.1 for Issuing Officers for Code and Signal Publications, Navy
Department, Office of Navy Communications, Code and Signal Section, 14 November, 1917
(03-08, 83, U70)
CNSF - Crane Library - Memorandum No.2 for Issuing Officers for Code and Signal Publications, Navy
Department, Office of Navy Communications, Code and Signal Section, 17 November, 1917
(03-08, 83, U85)
CNSF - Crane Library - Memorandum No.3 for Issuing Officers for Code and Signal Publications, Navy
Department, Office of Navy Communications, Code and Signal Section, 26 November, 1917
(03-08, 83, U86)
CNSF - Crane Library - Memorandum No.4 for Issuing Officers, Navy Department, Navy Communication
Service, Code and Signal Section, 3 January, 1918 (03-08, 83, U87)
CNSF - Crane Library - Memorandum No.5 for Issuing Officers, Navy Department, Navy Communication
Service, Code and Signal Section, 15 February, 1918 (03-08, 83)
CNSF - Crane Library - Issuing Officers Memorandum No.6, Navy Department, Navy Communication
Service, Code and Signal Section, 17 February, 1918 (03-08, 83)
CNSF - Crane Library - Memorandum No.8 for Issuing Officers, Navy Department, Navy Communication
Service, Code and Signal Section, 20 February, 1918 (03-08, 83)
CNSF - Crane Library - Issuing Officers Memorandum No.8, Navy Department, Navy Communication
Service, Code and Signal Section, 23 February, 1918 (03-08, 83)
CNSF - Crane Library - Issuing Officers Memorandum No.9, Navy Department, Navy Communication
Service, Code and Signal Section, 7 March, 1918 (03-08, 83)
CNSF - Crane Library - Memorandum No.10 for Issuing Officers, Navy Department, Navy Communication
Service, Code and Signal Section, 16 March, 1918 (03-08, 83)
CNSF - Crane Library - Memorandum No.11 for Issuing Officers, Navy Department, Navy Communication
Service, Code and Signal Section, 28 March, 1918 (03-08, 83)
CNSF - Crane Library - Memorandum No.12 for Issuing Officers, Navy Department, Navy Communication
Service, Code and Signal Section, 28 March, 1918 (03-08, 83)
CNSF - Crane Library - Memorandum No.13 for Issuing Officers, Navy Department, Navy Communication
Service, Code and Signal Section, 4 April, 1918 (03-08, 83)
CNSF - Crane Library - Memorandum No.14 for Issuing Officers, Navy Department, Navy Communication
Service, Code and Signal Section, 4 April, 1918 (03-08, 83)
CNSF - Crane Library - Memorandum No.15 for Issuing Officers, Navy Department, Navy Communication
Service, Code and Signal Section, 10 April, 1918 (03-08, 83)
CNSF - Crane Library - Memorandum No.16 for Issuing Officers, Navy Department, Navy Communication
Service, Code and Signal Section, 15 April, 1918 (03-08, 83)
CNSF - Crane Library - Memorandum No.17 for Issuing Officers, Navy Department, Navy Communication
Service, Code and Signal Section, 1 May, 1918 (03-08, 83)
CNSF - Crane Library - Memorandum No.18 for Issuing Officers, Navy Department, Navy Communication
Service, Code and Signal Section, 1 May, 1918 (03-08, 83)
CNSF - Crane Library - Memorandum No.19 for Issuing Officers, Navy Department, Navy Communication
Service, Code and Signal Section, 2 May, 1918 (03-08, 83)
CNSF - Crane Library - Memorandum No.20 for Issuing Officers, Navy Department, Navy Communication
Service, Code and Signal Section, 2 May, 1918 (03-08, 83)
CNSF - Crane Library - Memorandum No.21 for Issuing Officers, Navy Department, Navy Communication
Service, Code and Signal Section, 7 May, 1918 (03-08, 83)
CNSF - Crane Library - Memorandum No.22 for Issuing Officers, Navy Department, Navy Communication
Service, Code and Signal Section, 6 May, 1918 (03-08, 83)
CNSF - Crane Library - Memorandum No.23 for Issuing Officers, Navy Department, Navy Communication
Service, Code and Signal Section, 15 May, 1918 (03-08, 83)
CNSF - Crane Library - Memorandum No.24 for Issuing Officers, Navy Department, Navy Communication
Service, Code and Signal Section, 15 May, 1918 (03-08, 83)
CNSF - Crane Library - Memorandum No.25 for Issuing Officers, Navy Department, Navy Communication
Service, Code and Signal Section, 15 May, 1918 (03-08, 83)
CNSF - Crane Library - Memorandum No.26 for Issuing Officers, Navy Department, Navy Communication
Service, Code and Signal Section, 25 May, 1918 (03-08, 83)
CNSF - Crane Library - Naval Code F-1, Navy Department, Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal
Section, 25 June 1918 (03-08, 83, G229)
CNSF - Crane Library - Service Radio Code, Supplement for use as Umpire's Code in Department's
Strategic Exercise No.1, May 1915; (CNO, Registered Publication Section, issued to CO, 1st Marine
Brigade, Haiti, for use with Gendarmerie) (03-14, MF # 21, G164)
CNSF - Crane Library - Loop Patrol Instructions and Code, Harbor Entrance Control Post, U.S.N., Fort
Wadsworth, New York, December 1942 (03-14, 43, 110)
CNSF - Crane Library - Instructions for Calibrating Shipboard High Frequency Radio Direction Finder
(RA 69 A221), U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Bellevue, Anacostia, D.C., A Edition, 4 September
1942 (03-24, M32)
CNSF - Crane Library - Code Books "A", "B" and "C", [nd], Navy Department, Office of the CNO
(04-06, 31-I, G146)
CNSF - Crane Library - Pamphlet of Useful Information, USS Hulbert (AVP-19), September 18, 1940;
History of conversion from DD to Seaplane Tender, Small (AVP) for aviation units of the Aircraft
Scouting Force (04-08, 0088)
CNSF - Crane Library - Pamphlet of Useful Information, USS Teal (AVP-5), [nd]; Information re conversion
to Seaplane Tender, Small (ABV) (04-09, 0089, F416)
CNSF - Crane Library - Pamphlet of Useful Information, USS Thornton (AVP-11), [nd]; History and
information re conversion to Seaplane Tender, Small (AVP) for aviation units of the Aircraft Scouting
Force (04-10, 0090)
CNSF - Crane Library - Model DP-11, Radio Direction Finder Equipment, Instructions (Preliminary),
RCA Manufacturing Co., Inc., Camden, NJ; Bureau of Engineering Contract Nos 70837, January 1940 (04-18A, 98, G30H)
CNSF - Crane Library - Radio Direction Finder, Instructions for Calibration (Step by Step Calibration of
Shipboard RDF), [nd] (04-18B, 98)
CNSF - Crane Library - Naval Attache Code, American Consulate, Peking, [nd] (04-20, 0100, G187)
Box 59 CNSF - Crane Library - Pacific Fleet D/F Position Evaluation and Reporting System PAC5, CinC Us Pacific
Fleet, 24 September 1944 (05-04, 0109, F450)
CNSF - Crane Library - United States Naval Shore Radio Facilities No.3 (N.S.R.F No.3), Navy Department,
Office of Naval Operations (Wash, DC: GPO, 1927) (05-09, 0113)
CNSF - Crane Library - United States Naval Shore Radio Facilities No.4 (N.S.R.F No.4), Navy Department,
Office of Naval Operations (Wash, DC: GPO, 1929) (05-10A)
CNSF - Crane Library - United States Naval Shore Radio Facilities No.5 (N.S.R.F No.5), Navy Department,
Office of Naval Operations (Wash, DC: GPO, 1931) (05-10B, 0113)
CNSF - Crane Library - United States Naval Shore Radio Facilities No.6 (N.S.R.F No.6), Navy Department,
Office of Naval Operations (Wash, DC: GPO, 1934) (05-10C, 0113)
CNSF - Crane Library - United States Naval Shore Radio Facilities No.7 (N.S.R.F No.7), Navy Department,
Office of Naval Operations (Wash, DC: GPO, 1936) (05-10D, 0113)
CNSF - Crane Library - Preliminary Instructions for Model DAR High Frequency Radio Direction Finder
(RA 69 A219), U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Bellevue, Anacostia, D.C., A Edition, 5 September
1942 (05-12A, F150)
CNSF - Crane Library - Instructions for the Shipboard Installation of Model DAR High Frequency Radio
Direction Finder (RA 69 A220), U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Bellevue, Anacostia, D.C.,
A Edition, 5 September 1942 (05-12B, 00115, F150)
Box 60 CNSF - Crane Library - Elements of Cryptanalysis, Training Pamphlet No.3, Office of the Chief Signal
Officer, US Army Signal Corps, May 1923; War Department Document No.1117, (Wash, DC: GPO,
1924) (0018,G92)
CNSF - Crane Library - D.P. Cipher No.1, for Use with Service Radio Code [by District Patrol and Auxiliary
vessels], Navy Department, Office of Naval Operations, 1 June, 1917 (0022, 124, U41)
CNSF - Crane Library - D.P. Cipher No.2, for Use with Service Radio Code [by District Patrol and Auxiliary
vessels], Navy Department, Office of Naval Operations, August 20, 1917 (0023)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Gazetteer for JN-25" (OP-20-3-GY-P NRP 9), Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, Communication Intelligence Section, [nd], (1 of 2) (66-01, 00930, 63/2544/452, 3/6)
(Note: this document consists of translations of geographic place names used in Japanese JN-25 coded
CNSF - Crane Library - "Gazetteer for JN-25" (OP-20-3-GY-P NRP 9), Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, Communication Intelligence Section, [nd], (2 of 2) (66-01, 00930, 63/2544/452, 3/6)
(Note: this document consists of translations of geographic place names used in Japanese JN-25 coded
CNSF - Crane Library - "Changes 1, 2 and 3 to OP-20-3-GY-P NRP 9" (Gazetteer for JN-25), Navy
Department, Office of the CNO, Communication Intelligence Section, [nd]
(66-01, 00931-3, 63/2544/452, 45, 2/4)
(Note: this document consists of translations of geographic place names used in Japanese JN-25 coded
CNSF - Crane Library - German Naval [Terminology] Equivalents [English Translations], [ZIP/NAVAL
SECTION], 1.1.43 (66-02, 00935, 63/3830/1861, 1/4)
CNSF - Crane Library - German Naval [Terminology] Equivalents and Abbreviations Supplement No.1 and
No.2 [English Translations], (additions to N.S.V.I. Indexes between 14.3.44 and 20.9.44), [ULTRA/
ZIP/NAVAL SECTION], 21.9.44 (No.1) and 6.10.44 No.2) (66-2, 681, 1861, 63/3830/1861, 2/4)
Box 61 CNSF - Crane Library - "Elements of Cryptography" by Captain Baudouin, Edition A (Pedone), Paris, 1939,
(OP-20-NI-2/15/B) (1 of 2) (66-04, CX-CF4) CNSF - Crane Library - "Elements of Cryptography" by Captain Baudouin, Edition A (Pedone), Paris, 1939,
(OP-20-NI-2/15/B) (2 of 2) (66-04, CX-CF4)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Systeme Des Chiffrierens", by A. Figl, (OP-NI-2/13/B, 8 of 14), (Copy 2)
(66-05, 00940, 63/1561/1, S45, 142, Folder 2)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Systeme Des Chiffrierens", by A. Figl, (OP-NI-2/13/B, 9 of 14), (Copy 1)
(66-05, 00941, 63/1561/1, C517, CX-CF15, Folder 2)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Systems of Enciphering (Systeme Des Chiffrierens), by A. Figl, Colonel and
Government Counsel, (OP-NI-2/15/B, 14 of 14), Scientific Publication of the Vienna Police
Department (Graz, Austria: University Printing Works, 1926) (1 of 2)
(67-01, 00942, 63/1561/1, CX-CF15, Folder 2)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Systems of Enciphering (Systeme Des Chiffrierens), by A. Figl, Colonel and
Government Counsel, (OP-NI-2/15/B, 14 of 14), Scientific Publication of the Vienna Police
Department (Graz, Austria: University Printing Works, 1926) (2 of 2)
(67-01, 00942, 63/1561/1, CX-CF15, Folder 2)
Box 62 CNSF - Crane Library - Asia Place Name List: Part I, A-K, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Office
of Naval Communications, 15 September 1945 (1 of 3) (61-06, 818, 1042, 63/2800/1042, 1/2)
CNSF - Crane Library - Asia Place Name List: Part I, A-K, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Office
of Naval Communications, 15 September 1945 (2 of 3) (61-06, 818, 1042, 63/2800/1042, 1/2)
CNSF - Crane Library - Asia Place Name List: Part I, A-K, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Office
of Naval Communications, 15 September 1945 (3 of 3) (61-06, 818, 1042, 63/2800/1042, 1/2)
CNSF - Crane Library - Asia Place Name List: Part II, L-Z, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Office
of Naval Communications, 15 September 1945 (1 of 3) (61-07, 819, 1042, 63/2800/1042, 2/2)
CNSF - Crane Library - Asia Place Name List: Part II, L-Z, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Office
of Naval Communications, 15 September 1945 (2 of 3) (61-07, 819, 1042, 63/2800/1042, 2/2)
CNSF - Crane Library - Asia Place Name List: Part II, L-Z, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Office
of Naval Communications, 15 September 1945 (3 of 3) (61-07, 819, 1042, 63/2800/1042, 2/2)
Box 63 CNSF - Crane Library - Combined [U.S.- British] Radiotelephone (R/T) Procedure (CCBP3), Navy
Department, Office of the CNO, 1942 (62-09, 00843)
CNSF - Crane Library - Combined [U.S.- British] Radiotelegraph (W/T) Procedure (CCBP1), Combined
Communications Board, January 20, 1943 (62-10, 00842)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Enciphering with Tools and Machines: An Introductory to Cryptography",
By Prof. Dr. Siegfried Turkel, Criminal Institute of the Vienna Police Department (Graz, Austria:
University Printing Shop, 1927), typescript, (OP-20-NI-2/15/B, 10 of 14)
(67-02, 00943, 63/1956/1, folder 4, CX-CF 7)
CNSF - Crane Library - Japanese Naval Telegraphic Dictionary, 1942 (NEGAT/OP-20-NI-4153/(B)D)
(68-01, 63/2600/1269, 1269/9, CX-CP 7)
CNSF - Crane Library - Japanese Military and Technical Terms (Japanese-English), CinCPac-CinCPOA
Bulletin No. 18-45, US Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas, 30 July 1945
(68-02, 1840, 63/2544/1840, 7/7)
CNSF - Crane Library - Dictionary of Japanese Cryptography Terms, [nd]
(68-03, 00951, 1352, 10, 1050/16, 63/2650/1050, 16/16)
CNSF - Crane Library - Basic Naval Establishment Plan, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, July 1947
(70-17, 63/3030/1155, 1155/13)
CNSF - Crane Library - Office Orders [Naval Operations], Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Edition of
July 15, 1941 (Officers reporting for duty in Naval Operations) (70-18, 1115)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Encipherment by Means of a Code Book and an Additive Key", by Capt. G.W.
Morgan, typescript (photostat copy), [nd] (70-26, 63/2650/166B)
CNSF - Crane Library - IRPL (Interservice Radio Propagation Laboratory) Radio Propagation Handbook,
Part 1, Joint Communications Board, Interservice Radio Propagation Laboratory, National Bureau of Standards, 15 November 1943 (70-28, 63/2430/519, GI-2)
Box 64 CNSF - Crane Library - Cryptographic Security Manual, Navy Department, Office of the Chief
Communications Officer, U.S. Coast Guard, 1 April, 1942 (78-20)
CNSF - Crane Library - Notes on Communication Security, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
Communication Division, Communication Security Group (Wash, DC: GPO,1935)
(78-21, G181, NRP #1)
CNSF - Crane Library - Hebern Electric Code (Cipher) Machine, Patent No. 1,683,072, U.S. Patent Office,
September 4, 1928 (78-22)
CNSF - Crane Library - Hebern Electric Code (Cipher) Machine, Patent No. 1,510,441, U.S. Patent Office,
September 30, 1924 (78-23)
CNSF - Crane Library - Japanese Radio Communications and Radio Intelligence: "Know Your Enemy",
CinCPac-CinCPOA Bulletin No. 5-45 (Japanese Naval Radio Communications Theory and Practice)
1 January 1945 (78-24)
CNSF - Crane Library - U.S. Army-Navy Journal of Recognition, No. 4, 1943, Lt. George H. Forsth, Jr. (recognition information re Allied and Axis ships, armor and planes) (78-25)
CNSF - Crane Library - Extracts from U.S. Navy Elementary Course in Cryptanalysis, Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, 1937 (78-26, 0095)
CNSF - Crane Library - CCC Information Department Library, Record of Books Bought and Otherwise
Acquired, January 1942 (79-08, 63/5530/1972)
CNSF - Crane Library - Active Radio Stations of the World, (Reprint, 12th Edition, with updates of station
activity observed Nov. 1, 1938 to July 1, 1942), Radio Corporation of America (RCA), RCA
Frequency Bureau, New York, N.Y. October 14, 1942 (79-09, TC388, 63/2300/895)
CNSF - Crane Library - Strategic and Tactical Analysis of the Battle of the Coral Sea, U.S. Naval War
College, 1947 (79-10)
CNSF - Crane Library - Combined Fleet [Japanese] Special Operational Call List (Never in Use) (80-02)
CNSF - Crane Library - Chinese Characters Telegraphic List, 1939 Revision, Appendix No.3, Naval
Communications Abbreviation, Jan 27, 1943 (80-03, 63/3110/33, 4/5)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communications Bulletin No. 192, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
July, 1940 (80-09A)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communications Bulletin No. 193, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
August, 1940 (80-09B)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communications Bulletin No. 194, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
October, 1940 (80-09C)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communications Bulletin No. 195, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
November, 1940 (80-09D)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communications Bulletin No. 196, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
December, 1940 (80-09E)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communications Bulletin No. 197, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
January, 1941 (80-09F)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communications Bulletin No. 198, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
March, 1941 (80-09G)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communications Bulletin No. 199, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
April, 1941 (80-09H)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communications Bulletin No. 200, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
May, 1941 (80-09I)
CNSF - Crane Library - Codes Contained in Safe Censorship, 6 April, 1944 (63/1972/1, folder 1)
Box 65 CNSF - Crane Library - Cryptanalysis of JN-25 by OP-20-GY-1, (OP-20-GY-P NRP 4), July 1943 (1 of 3) (68-04, 00952, NEGAT/NI-2/16DEC49/2/(B)D, TC 702/63/1981, folder 2)
CNSF - Crane Library - Cryptanalysis of JN-25 by OP-20-GY-1, (OP-20-GY-P NRP 4), July 1943 (2 of 3) (68-04, 00952, NEGAT/NI-2/16DEC49/2/(B)D, TC 702/63/1981, folder 2)
CNSF - Crane Library - Cryptanalysis of JN-25 by OP-20-GY-1, (OP-20-GY-P NRP 4), July 1943 (3 of 3) (68-04, 00952, NEGAT/NI-2/16DEC49/2/(B)D, TC 702/63/1981, folder 2)
CNSF - Crane Library - Appendix II to Volume I: Grand Master List of U-boats, Specifications, Builders,
Commanding Officers and Final Disposition, [nd] (68-05, 00971, 3/5/2, TC 79, 63/5400/315, 2/7)
CNSF - Crane Library -Volume II, Parts C, D and E [Allied Naval Communications Intelligence and the Battle
of the Atlantic] (68-06, 00973, 3/5/4, TC 79, 63/5400/315, 4/7)
CNSF - Crane Library - Operations Evaluation Group Report 68: Evaluation of the Role of Decryption
Intelligence in the Operational Phase of the Battle of the Atlantic, (LO) 2271-52, Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, Operations Evaluation Group, [nd] (68-10)
Box 66 CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1177, "F" or "I" Method Address System (Confidential Supplement to U.S.
Navy Call Sign Book, Part I, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, 25 June, 1941 (21-1, 00550)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1182(A), ECM, CCM and SCM Wiring Diagrams, Navy Department, Office
of the CNO, 14 April, 1945 (21-02A, 00551)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1182(B), ECM, CCM and SCM Wiring Diagrams, Navy Department, Office
of the CNO, 14 April, 1945 (21-02B, 00551)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1182(B), ECM, CCM and SCM Wiring Diagrams, Transparencies (Positive),
U.S. Naval School, Cryptographic Repair, Class C-1, Naval Base, Brooklyn 1, New York, [nd]
(21-02C, 00551)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1222, Strategic D/F Key List No.1, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
15 September, 1941 (21-04, 00553)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1250, Preliminary Instruction Book for Navy Model BE/BF or Army
Model ____ Radio Equipment, General Electric Company, Bridgeport, Connecticut; Navy
(Bureau of Ships) Contract Nos. 82256, 22 February 1941/ Army (Signal Corps) Contract
W-535-sc-198, 22 January 1941 (21-05, 00554)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1250, Preliminary Instruction Book for Army ModelSCR-515-T1 and Navy
Model ABA Radio Equipment, General Electric Company, Bridgeport, Connecticut; Navy
Contract Nos. 82256, 22 February 1941/ Army Contract W-535-sc-198, 22 January 1941
(21-06, 00555)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1292, Instructions for Fighter [Radar] Direction, Navy Department, Office
of the CNO, 24 October, 1941 (21-09, 00558)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1311(A), Instructions for Radio Call Sign Cipher No.3, Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, 11 April, 1942 (21-10, 00559)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1354(A), Mark IV HCM (Hebern Cipher Machine) Instructions, Navy
Department, Office of the VCNO, June 13, 1942 (21-11A, 00560)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1354(B), Instructions for Mark IV HCM (Hebern Cipher Machine, Navy
Department, Office of the VCNO, September 27, 1942 (21-11B, 00560)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1467(A), Master Garble Tables, Navy Department, Office of the VCNO,
July 4, 1942 (21-13A, 00562, 0029)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1467(B), Master Garble Tables, Navy Department, Office of the VCNO,
December 1, 1942 (21-13B, 00562, 0029)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1467(C), Master Garble Tables, Navy Department, Office of the VCNO,
14 September, 1944 (21-13C, 00562, 0029)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1492(A), Instructions for Use of Subtractor Tables, Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, 12 April, 1942 (21-14A, 00563)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1492(B), Instructions for Use of Subtractor Tables, Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, 7 June, 1942 (21-14B, 00563)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1493(A), Subtractor Tables, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, 7 April 1942 (21-15, 00564)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1467(A), Master Garble Tables, Navy Department, Office of the VCNO,
July 4, 1942 (21-13A, 00562, 0029)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1494(A), Black Magic in Communications, Navy Department, Office of the
Commander -in-Chief and CNO, 15 April 1942 (21-16, 00565)
Box 67 CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1252, Instruction Book for Navy Model BI Radio Equipment, General
Electric Company, Bridgeport, Connecticut; Navy Contract Nos. 91396, 30 August 1941
(21-7, 00556)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1272(A), Instructions for the Use of Aircraft Code No.16, Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, Director of Naval Communications, 29 May 1944 (21-08A, 00557, 0039)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1272(B), Instructions for the Use of Aircraft Code No.16, Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, Director of Naval Communications, 29 May 1944 (21-08B, 00557, 0039)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1272(C) SIGMEM, Instructions for the Use of Aircraft Code No.16, Navy
Department, Office of the CNO, Director of Naval Communications, 4 August 1945
(21-08C, 00557, 0039)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1500, Hagelin Cipher Device (Army Type M-209 Converter), memoranda
and correspondence re, ca. 1942 (21-17, 00566, 63/5750-4801/2028)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1501(B), Instructions for the Hagelin Cryptographer, Navy Department, Office
of the CNO, Director of Naval Communications, September 29, 1942 (21-18A, 00567)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1501(B), Instructions for the Hagelin Cryptographer, Navy Department, Office
of the CNO, Director of Naval Communications, 1 December 1943 (21-18B, 00567)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1502(A), Hag Key List No.1 (for use with the Mk. I Hagelin Cryptographer,
Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Director of Naval Communications, 16 April, 1942 (21-19A, 0568)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1502(B), Hag Key List No.2 (for use with the Mk. I Hagelin Cryptographer,
Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Director of Naval Communications, 27 May, 1942 (21-19B, 0568)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1503(A) SIGUR, Instructions for the Use of the Joint Army-Navy Authenticator,
Navy Department, Office of the VCNO, Director of Naval Communications, 16 April, 1942
(21-20A, 00569)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1503(B) SIGUR, Instructions for the Use of the Joint Army-Navy Authenticator,
War Department, Office of the Chief Signal Officer and Navy Department, Office of the VCNO,
February 10, 1943 (21-20B, 00569)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1504(A), Joint Army-Navy Authenticator, [nd], (21-21, 00570)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1516(A), Operating Instructions for Teletypewriter Cryptographic Attachment
(TCS-CSP 1515), Navy Department, Office of the CNO, 22 December, 1944 (21-22A, 00571)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1516(A)-1, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, 21 June, 1945
(21-22B, 00571)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1517(A), Instructor's Outline Maintenance of ECM Mark 2 (CSP 888/889),
and CCM Mark 1 (CSP 1600), (Short Course), Navy Department, Office of the CNO, 15 May, 1945
(21-23, 00572)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1521(A), Instructions for the Use of Authenticator Ciphers, Navy Department,
Office of the VCNO, July 2, 1942 (21-24A, 00573)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1521(B), Instructions for the Use of Authenticator Ciphers, Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, May, 1944 (21-24B, 00573)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1521(C), Instructions for the Use of Authenticator Ciphers, Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, 18 January, 1945 (21-24C, 00573)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1522(A), Western Hemisphere Recognition Instructions, Navy Department,
Office of the VCNO, July 1, 1942 (21-25, 00574)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1523(A), Western Hemisphere Recognition Instructions, Navy Department,
Office of the VCNO, July 20, 1942 (21-26, 00575)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1524(A), Western Hemisphere Recognition Instructions, Navy Department,
Office of the VCNO, July 27, 1942 (21-27A, 00576)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1524(B), Revised Instructions for Call Cipher No.4, Navy Department,
Office of the VCNO, January 23, 1943 (21-27B, 00576)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1526(A), Call Sign Cipher No.4 Key List, Navy Department, Office of the
VCNO, July 29, 1942 (21-29, 00578)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1527(A), Instructions for Use of Amphibious Warfare Code No.2, Navy
Department, Office of the VCNO, July 27, 1942 (21-30, 00579)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1528(A), Amphibious Warfare Code No.2, Navy Department, Office of the
VCNO, July 27, 1942 (21-31, 00580)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1601(A), CCM Mk 1 Operating Instructions, Navy Department, Office of
the VCNO, March 25, 1943 (21-32, 00581)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1602(A), Hag Key List No.2-Exercise Edition (for use with the Hagelin
Cryptographer), Navy Department, Office of the VCNO, October 9, 1942 (21-33, 00582)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1608(A), Authenticator Cipher Card No.1, Navy Department, Office of
the VCNO, August 31, 1942 (21-34, 00582)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1610(A), Exercise Call Sign Cipher No.1, Navy Department, Office of
the VCNO, August 31, 1942 (21-36, 00585)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1680(A), Instructions for Use of Alphabetic Subtractor Tables, Navy
Department, Office of the VCNO, October 7, 1942 (21-37A, 00586, A23)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1680(B), Instructions for Use of Alphabetic Subtractor Tables, Navy
Department, Office of the VCNO, September 1, 1943 (21-37B, 00586)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1681(A), Voice Card Aircraft Call and Authenticator System, [nd] (21-38)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1683(A) SIGMIS, Joint Operations Code No.1, Navy Department, Office
of the VCNO, November 12, 1942 (21-39, 00588)
Box 68 CNSF - Crane Library - Director Naval Communication Service, Operating Plan red - Volume I, DNC
Plan O-7 (Red), WPDNC-4, Navy Department, Office of Naval Communications, November 1935
(1 of 2) (9-3)
CNSF - Crane Library - Director Naval Communication Service, Operating Plan red - Volume I, DNC
Plan O-7 (Red), WPDNC-4, Navy Department, Office of Naval Communications, November 1935
(2 of 2) (9-3)
CNSF - Crane Library - Director Naval Communication Service, Operating Plan red - Volume II, DNC
Plan O-7 (Red), WPDNC-5, Navy Department, Office of Naval Communications, November 1935
CNSF - Crane Library -Navy Plan O-7 (General), Principal Naval Communication Service Operating Plan
(General), Director Naval Communications, WPDNC-8, March 1940 (1 of 2) (9-5)
CNSF - Crane Library -Navy Plan O-7 (General), Principal Naval Communication Service Operating Plan
(General), Director Naval Communications, WPDNC-8, March 1940 (2 of 2) (9-5)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 417-A, Part I, Communication Instructions, U.S. Navy, General Instructions,
Navy Department, Office of Naval Operations, May 1925 (1 of 2) (16-40, 459)
Box 69 CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 417-A, Part I, Communication Instructions, U.S. Navy, General Instructions,
Navy Department, Office of Naval Operations, May 1925 (2 of 2) (16-40, 459)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 417-B, Part II, Communication Instructions, U.S. Navy, Instructions for
Drafting Messages and Instructions for Handling Messages in Communication Offices, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, (Wash, DC: GPO, 1921) (16-41A, 459, B0123C)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 417-B, Part II, Communication Instructions, U.S. Navy, Instructions for
Drafting Messages and Instructions for Handling Messages in Communication Offices, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, (Wash, DC: GPO, 1921) (16-41A, 459, 49a)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 456-A, Special Extract from Notes on the Use of Codes and Ciphers No.2,
Prepared for the Post-graduate School, U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland, Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, Code and Signal Section, 18 June 1930 (16-56, 472)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 457, Notes on the Use of Codes and Ciphers No.2, (L.F. Safford, LT, USN),
Navy Department, Office of the CNO, 10 March 1926 (16-59, 473)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 734, General Signal Book, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, (Wash, DC:
GPO, 1937) (17-36, 508, C71)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 734, General Signal Book, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, (Wash, DC:
GPO, 1941) (1 of 2) (17-36, 508, C103a)
Box 70 CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 734, General Signal Book, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, (Wash, DC:
GPO, 1941) (2 of 2) (17-36, 508, C103a)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 950, Auxiliary Vessels Signal Book, Revised, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, (Wash, DC: GPO, 1942) (19-19B, 534)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 950, Auxiliary Vessels Signal Book, Revised, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, (Wash, DC: GPO, 1942) (19-19C, 534)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1087, U.S. Navy Confidential Radio Call Signal List B, Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, (Wash, DC: GPO, 1941) (1 of 2) (20-6, 539)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1087, U.S. Navy Confidential Radio Call Signal List B, Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, (Wash, DC: GPO, 1941) (2 of 2) (20-6, 539)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1756(A), Radio and Radar Countermeasures, Navy Department, Office of the
VCNO, March 30, 1943 (22-1, 597)
CNSF - Crane Library - Contributory War Plan R-12, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Director of
Naval Communications, May 1926 (39-01, 704)
CNSF - Crane Library - Contributory War Plan O-12, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Director of
Naval Communications, October 1925 (39-02, 705)
Box 71 CNSF - Crane Library - RPS 5, Registered Publication Allowance Tables No. 4, Navy Department, Office of
Naval Operations, Registered Publication Section, 1931 (45-01)
CNSF - Crane Library - RPS 6, Registered Publication Allowance Tables No. 4-A, Navy Department, Office
of Naval Operations, Registered Publication Section, 1931 (45-03, 743)
CNSF - Crane Library - RPS 6(B), Registered Publication Allowance Tables (Revised 25 September 1944),
Navy Department, Office of the CNO, 1944 (46-01, 743)
CNSF - Crane Library - RPS 7(A), Allowance List of Registered Publications, Navy Department, Office of
the CNO, (D.N.C.-Registered Publication Section), 1947 (1 of 2) (48-3, 745)
CNSF - Crane Library - RPS 7(A), Allowance List of Registered Publications, Navy Department, Office of
the CNO, (D.N.C.-Registered Publication Section), 1947 (2 of 2) (48-3, 745)
CNSF - Crane Library - The Central Commissioning Detail -East Coast, Letter of Transmittal re Manual
for Familiarizing New Personnel with Naval Correspondence and Communications Practices, [nd]
Box 72 CNSF - Crane Library - German Organizations and Personalities Engaged in Research and Development of
Armaments During the Second World War, Part I: Organization Charts, Prepared by His Britannic
Majesties Government, Ministry of Supply, Technical Information Bureau (TPA 3), October 1948
(1 of 2) (60-1, 805, 504, 1710, 609C, 028111-49, OP-20-N-I-2/7/B, 63/3830/170, 1/2)
CNSF - Crane Library - German Organizations and Personalities Engaged in Research and Development of
Armaments During the Second World War, Part I: Organization Charts, Prepared by His Britannic
Majesties Government, Ministry of Supply, Technical Information Bureau (TPA 3), October 1948
(2 of 2) (60-1, 805, 504, 1710, 609C, 028111-49, OP-20-N-I-2/7/B, 63/3830/170, 1/2)
CNSF - Crane Library - German Organizations and Personalities Engaged in Research and Development of
Armaments During the Second World War, Part II: Alphabetical Directory of Personalities, Prepared
by His Britannic Majesties Government, Ministry of Supply, Technical Information Bureau (TPA 3),
October 1948 (1 of 2) (60-1, 805, 504, 1710, 609C, 028111-49, OP-20-N-I-2/17/B, 63/3830/170, 1/2)
CNSF - Crane Library - German Organizations and Personalities Engaged in Research and Development of
Armaments During the Second World War, Part II: Alphabetical Directory of Personalities, Prepared
by His Britannic Majesties Government, Ministry of Supply, Technical Information Bureau (TPA 3),
October 1948 (2 of 2) (60-1, 805, 504, 1710, 609C, 028111-49, OP-20-N-I-2/17/B, 63/3830/170, 1/2)
Box 73 CNSF - Crane Library - Jade Machine, OP-20-GY-P, NRP 5, (Analysis of the development and functioning
of the Japanese "JADE" Cipher Machine), Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Communication
Intelligence Section, 1 August 1944 (1 of 2)
(60-3, 809, 63/2544/1983, TC702/63/1983, folder 1, NEGAT/NI-2/16 DEC49/3/(B)C, 1/2)
CNSF - Crane Library - Jade Machine, OP-20-GY-P, NRP 5, (Analysis of the development and functioning
of the Japanese "JADE" Cipher Machine), Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Communication
Intelligence Section, 1 August 1944 (2 of 2)
(60-3, 809, 63/2544/1983, TC702/63/1983, folder 1, NEGAT/NI-2/16 DEC49/3/(B)C, 1/2)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Instructions, U.S. Navy, 1939, Part I, Navy Department, Office of
Naval Communications, (Wash, DC: GPO, 1939)
(62-11, 00844, 00782, 63/2200/1962, folder 1, TC 700)
CNSF - Crane Library - Key for Scoring SP "Q" RP Tests, Original and Revision #1, [nd], (1 of 2) (64-01)
CNSF - Crane Library - Key for Scoring SP "Q" RP Tests, Original and Revision #1, [nd], (2 of 2) (64-01)
CNSF - Crane Library - SP "Q" RP Tests, Revision #1, [nd] (64-01)
Box 74 CNSF - Crane Library - SP "Q" RP Tests, Revision #2, [nd] (64-01)
CNSF - Crane Library - List of German Naval Equivalents, and, Index of Abbreviations, Crib Group,
ZIP/NAVAL SECTION (British Government), typescript, [nd] (66-02, 00934, 63/3830/1861, 3/4)
CNSF - Crane Library - Communication Instructions, U.S. Navy, 1939, Part II, Operators Manual, Navy
Department, Office of Naval Communications, (Wash, DC: GPO, 1939) (69-15)
CNSF - Crane Library - Staff Information Circular No.5 "European Archival Practices in Arranging Records",
Office of the Executive Office, The National Archives, July 1939 (74-02A)
CNSF - Crane Library - Staff Information Circular No.11 "The Role of Records in Administration",
Office of the Executive Office, The National Archives, July 1941: (74-02B, 21-39)
"The Role of Records in German Administration" by Dr. Ernest Ponser;
"The Role of Records in the Administration of the Federal Government of the United States"
by Helen L. Chatfield, Archivist of the Treasury Department;
" The Role of Records in American Business Administration" by Edna B. Poeppel,
Chief of Files of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System;
CNSF - Crane Library - Instruction Manual of Operation and Maintenance of Model RCU-2 Radio Phonograph,
NAVSHIPS 95632; Magnavox Company, Fort Wayne, Indiana; U.S. Navy/Bureau of Ships Contract No.s
NXsr-83380 (9 November 1944) & N5sr-9608 (29 June 1945) (74-13, 01056)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Documents Submitted to the Supreme Commander for the Allied Forces by the
Japanese Mission to Negotiate Surrender. Full Translation in Two Parts, Part I", General Headquarters,
United States Army Forces, Pacific Offices of the Assistant Chief of Staff (G-2), Translator and
Interpreter Service, 21 August 1945 (77-02, 01234, 63/3800/752, 170/175)
CNSF - Crane Library - South Sea Island Survey, 12th Task Force, January-July 1937; OP-20-GY [Intelligence
Reports re Japanese Naval surveys and activities in the Japanese Mandated Islands: Jaluit, Palao,
Peleliu, Ponape, Truk) (77-03, 01235, 795/1, 600/B, NEGAT/OP-20-NI-4/71/(B)D, 2/1)
CNSF - Crane Library - Photostat copies of patent documents re early [pre-WWII] German "Engima" [rotor]
cipher device (78-08, 01243)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Japanese Uniforms, including Army and Navy Ranks, Corps, and Insignia",
OP-16-F-2, March 8, 1943 [Illustrations of service uniforms and insignia, and explanations of
rank/specialty insignia) (78-10, 01253)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Electronic Research in the German Navy", lecture series, Freg. Kapt. Dr. Ing [Heinz]
Schlicke (photocopies) (78-13, 01250)
Box 75 CNSF - Crane Library - Bibliography of Cryptography, Prepared by James D. Volts, Wyoming,
Ohio, September 1942 (77-01, 01240)
Box 76 CNSF - Crane Library - Navy Code Box Mk I, 1917-1919 (1 of 2)
(77-06, 01249, NEGAT/OP-20-NI-4/57/(B)D)
CNSF - Crane Library - Navy Code Box Mk I, 1917-1919 (2 of 2)
(77-06, 01249, NEGAT/OP-20-NI-4/57/(B)D)
CNSF - Crane Library - "British Military Abbreviations", list prepared by the Office of the Chief Signal Officer
[U.S. Army Signal Corps], January 8, 1942 (78-14, 01248)
CNSF - Crane Library - "The Zimmerman Telegram of January 16, 1917, and its Cryptographic Background",
War Department, Office of the Chief Signal Officer, U.S. Army Signal Corps, 1938 (78-16, 01267)
CNSF - Crane Library - Signal Communication and Cryptographic Security, Army Regulation No.335-5
(AR 335-5, War Department, July 1937 (78-01276)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 130, Code and Signal Memorandum No.3 (C. and S. Memo. 3), Navy Department,
Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, December 19, 1917 (78-01277)
CNSF - Crane Library - Officer Training-Code and Signal Section, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, Code and Signal Section; "Turn-over File", Training Desk, 2 July 1934-May 1939
(91-7, 01580, 00883, TC 387, 1520/1)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Treatise on Cryptography" by Andre Lange and E.A. Soudart (Cipher Bureau, GHQ
-[Allied Forces, WWI], (St. Germain, France: Librarie Felix Alcan, 1925); Trans: Lt. J.J. Pierrepont,
U.S.N and YNC H.H. Handley, U.S.N, reprinted: Pamphlet No. 25, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, (Wash, DC: GPO, 1940) (98-15, 01260)
CNSF - Crane Library - Radio Call Sign Cipher No. 5 (0001 to 2400), February 29, 1944 (943, 951, 143)
Box 77 CNSF - Crane Library - "The Battle for Leyte Gulf, October 1944: Strategical and Tactical Analysis", Vol. II,
III and V, U.S. Naval War College, 1955; NAVPERS 92194 (80-01)
Box 78 CNSF - Crane Library - Naval Communications Security Bulletins, Vol. 1, No. 1-9, Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, Division of Naval Communications, June 1944-July 1946 (104/14)
CNSF - Crane Library - Fleet Radio Unit Pacific (FRUPAC), materials re organization, 1945 (105/64)
CNSF - Crane Library - DNC 5, Communications Instructions, U.S. Navy, 1944, Navy Department, Office
of the CNO, January 1944 (12-004, 0228, 955/1, 63/2600/955)
CNSF - Crane Library - Operator's Manual: Communication Instructions, Part II, 1939, Navy Department,
Office of Naval Communications, (Wash, DC: GPO: 1939) (0021)
CNSF - Crane Library - History and Organization of R.P.S. [Registered Publication Section], [nd]
Box 79 CNSF - Crane Library - Translated Documents - Standing War Order: COMSUBS Nr. 200, Communication
Regulations, U-Boat Radio Service, October 1943 [Trans: OP-20-GI-A]
(58-10, 00791, NEGAT/GIA/179/(B)D, 63/3800/914, 914, 1/2)
CNSF - Crane Library - Translated Documents -War Orders, Communications Orders and Instructions,
COMSUBS (U-Boat Service): " Arctic Comm. Orders, Med. Comm. Orders, OP Orders, Kanal Orders,
Instructions of East Asia U/B's, Med/ Standing War Orders, Baltic Orders"
(58-11, 914/2, GIA/179/(B), 63/2544/914,1/2)
CNSF - Crane Library - Translated Documents -German Communications - Far East [Trans: OP-20-GI-A,
January 18, 1945] (58-12, 63/2544/914, 2/2)
CNSF - Crane Library - Translated Documents - Standing War Orders [Trans: OP-20-GI-A] (1 of 2)
(58-13, 00791, NEGAT/GIA/179/(B)D, 63/3800/914, 914, 1/2)
CNSF - Crane Library - Translated Documents - Standing War Orders [Trans: OP-20-GI-A] (2 of 2)
(58-13, 00791, NEGAT/GIA/179/(B)D, 63/3800/914, 914, 1/2)
CNSF - Crane Library - Translated Documents - U-505: Inventory of Material and Equipage (Copy 2), [nd]
(58-13, F21#6, NEGAT/GIA/175/(B)D, 63/3800/752, 129/175, Section "V")
CNSF - Crane Library - Translated Documents - U-505: Typed Notes (Lange IV), re Sierra Leone, Liberia
and Ivory Coast OP Area, April 24-May 23, 1944
(58-13, F21#6, NEGAT/GIA/175/(B)D, 63/3800/752, 129/175)
Box 80 CNSF - Crane Library - Translated Documents - Standing War Orders of COMSUBS (Except Comm. Orders),
(U-boat / Book No.1), [Trans: OP-20-GI-A] (1 of 2)
(59-01, 00795, 00859, NEGAT/GIA/179/(B)D, 63/2544/859)
CNSF - Crane Library - Translated Documents - Standing War Orders of COMSUBS (Except Comm. Orders),
(U-boat / Book No. 1), [Trans: OP-20-GI-A] (2 of 2)
(59-01, 00795, 00859, NEGAT/GIA/179/(B)D, 63/2544/859)
CNSF - Crane Library - Translated Documents - Standing War Orders of COMSUBS: Admonition Messages
(U-boat / Book No. 3), [Trans: OP-20-GI-A]
(59-02, NEGAT/GIA/179/(B)D, 63/3800/752, 124/175, 752/123, F21#6, Section "V"-Part 11)
CNSF - Crane Library - Translated Documents - Messages of Special Interest, Baltic Info Messages and East Asia
Com Orders (U-boat / Book No. 4), [Trans: OP-20-GI-A]
(59-03, NEGAT/GIA/179/(B)D, 63/3800/752, 124/175, 752/123, F21#6, Section "V"-Part 12)
CNSF - Crane Library - Translated Documents - Arctic Directives (U-boat / Book No. 5),[Trans: OP-20-GI-A] (59-04, 63/3121/1604, 1604/3, 2/2)
CNSF - Crane Library - Translated Documents - Arctic Directives (U-boat / Book No. 6),[Trans: OP-20-GI-A]
(59-05, 00800, 63/3800/752, 128/175, 752/127)
CNSF - Crane Library - Translated Documents - Arctic Directives (U-boat / Book o. 6),[Trans: OP-20-GI-A]
(59-06, 63/3800/752, 127/175, 752/120, NEGAT/GI-A/175/(B)D, F21#6, Section "V"-Part 14)
Box 81 CNSF - Crane Library - Translated Documents - Communication Instructions (U-boat / St. W.O. 200-300),
[Trans: OP-20-GI-A] (1 of 3) (59-08, 63/3121/914, 9/4/1, 2/2)
CNSF - Crane Library - Translated Documents - Communication Instructions (U-boat / St. W.O. 200-300),
[Trans: OP-20-GI-A] (2 of 3) (59-08, 63/3121/914, 9/4/1, 2/2)
CNSF - Crane Library - Translated Documents - Communication Instructions (U-boat / St. W.O. 200-300),
[Trans: OP-20-GI-A] (3 of 3) (59-08, 63/3121/914, 9/4/1, 2/2)
CNSF - Crane Library - Translated Documents - Current Orders (Book N.o2) (1 of 2) (59-09, 63/3800/752, 123/175, 752/175, NEGAT/GI-A/175/(B)D, F21#6, Section "V"-Part 10)
CNSF - Crane Library - Translated Documents - Current Orders (Book N.o2) (2 of 2) (59-09, 63/3800/752, 123/175, 752/175, NEGAT/GI-A/175/(B)D, F21#6, Section "V"-Part 10)
Box 82 CNSF - Crane Library - Translated Documents - Standing War Orders (U-boat): Communication Instructions
(Book No.1) (1 of 3) (59-10, 63/3800/752, 122/175, NEGAT/GI-A/175/(B)D, F21#6)
CNSF - Crane Library - Translated Documents - Standing War Orders (U-boat): Communication Instructions
(Book No.1) (2 of 3) (59-10, 63/3800/752, 122/175, NEGAT/GI-A/175/(B)D, F21#6)
CNSF - Crane Library - Translated Documents - Standing War Orders (U-boat): Communication Instructions
(Book No.1) (3 of 3) (59-10, 63/3800/752, 122/175, NEGAT/GI-A/175/(B)D, F21#6)
CNSF - Crane Library - Translated Documents - [German] Naval Cipher and W/T Procedures, Supreme
Command of the Navy, 10.7.1944 (78-17, 01287)
CNSF - Crane Library - Translated Documents - Current Orders of B.D.U. (Commander of U-Boats),
[Trans: OP-20-GI-A, 6 November 1944]
(59-09, 63/3800/752, 123/175, 752/175, NEGAT/GI-A/175/(B)D, F21#6, Section "V"-Part 10)
CNSF - Crane Library - Ships available to the Enemy in Far Eastern Waters, Enemy Branch, Foreign Office and
Ministry of Economic Warfare, HBM Government, London, W.1. (79-11, 63/3830/1171, 1171)
Box 83 CNSF - Crane Library - "Service Radio Code of the United States Navy, 1914", Navy Department,
(Wash, DC: GPO, 1914) (Misc # 185)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Service Radio Code of the United States Navy, 1914", Reprint 1917, Navy
Department, (Wash, DC: GPO, 1917) (Misc # 186)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Extracts from Navy Radio Regulations, 1917", Navy Department, Office of
the CNO, Director of Naval Communications, May 11, 1917 (Misc # 186)
CNSF - Crane Library - "The Telegraphic Cables of the World", Navy Department, Office of Naval
Intelligence, 1908; (Wash, DC: GPO, 1098) (3 copies) (Misc # 216)
CNSF - Crane Library - "History of Communications-Electronics in the United States Navy", by Capt.
L.S. Howeth, USN (Ret.), Bureau of Ships and Office of Naval History, (Wash, DC: GPO, 1963)
Box 84 CNSF - Crane Library - "Useful Curves, Scouting and the Torpedo Danger Area", by Harry S. Knapp,
CDR, USN and George W. Logan, LCDR, USN, Navy Department, 1908 (06-08, H-2, 0132)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Radio Weather Code for Vessel Weather Observers, 1925", U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Weather Bureau, (Wash, DC: GPO, 1925) (0138, G161)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Vessel Weather Code for Transmission of Weather Observations from Ships by
Radio, 1931", U.S. Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau, (Wash, DC: GPO, 1925)
(06-13, 0137, G160)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Italian Naval Equivalents", N.S. VI, ZIP/NAVAL SECTION, 1.7.43 (73-08)
CNSF - Crane Library - "International Radiotelegraph Conference, Madrid, 1932", Report to the
Secretary of State by the Chairman of the American Delegation, with Appended Documents,
Department of State, Conference Series No.15, (Wash, DC: GPO, 1934) (0007, G107)
CNSF - Crane Library - Extracts from Radio Regulations, United States Navy, For the Use of District Patrol
Forces, Navy Department, Director of Naval Communications, May 1917
CNSF - Crane Library - "Statistical Methods in Cryptoanalysis", Revised Edition, Technical Paper by
Solomon Kullback, Ph.D., Associate Cryptanalyst, Signal Intelligence Service; War Department,
Office of the Chief Signal Officer, U.S. Army Signal Corps, (Wash, DC: GPO, 1938) (3 copies)
(03-19, Misc # 252)
CNSF - Crane Library - "The Principles of Indirect Symmetry of Position in Secondary Alphabets and Their
Application in the Solution of Polyalphabetic Substitution Ciphers", Technical Paper by William
F. Freidman, Cryptanalyst, Chief of Signal Intelligence Section, War Plans and Training Division;
War Department, Office of the Chief Signal Officer, U.S. Army Signal Corps, (Wash, DC: GPO, 1935) (03-05)
CNSF - Crane Library - "The Index of Coincidence and Its Applications in Cryptanalysis", Technical Paper
by William F. Freidman, Cryptanalyst, Chief of Signal Intelligence Section, War Plans and Training
Division; War Department, Office of the Chief Signal Officer, U.S. Army Signal Corps, (Wash, DC:
GPO, 1935) (03-20, 0072)
Box 85 CNSF - Crane Library - "Manual of Cryptography", 2nd Edition, by General Luigi Sacco, Rome, 1936;
Translation, 1938 (OP-20-NI-2/15/B) (63/1956/1, folder 1, 00944, PAC 70)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Bentley's Second Phrase Code", by E.L. Bentley (New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc.,
1930) (12-09, 00232, 63/2544/218)
Box 86 CNSF - Crane Library - "Japanese Romanizations of World-Wide Place Names, Vol. I: Indexed by
Japanese", OP-20-3-GL, December 1945 (64-2)
CNSF - Crane Library - "JAN #1: Uniforms and Insignia" (descriptions and illustrations, Allied and
Axis military services), Military Intelligence Service and Division of Naval Intelligence
(63/ 3830/1711, 00983,1/2, 66-3)
CNSF - Crane Library - "JAN #1: Uniforms and Insignia" (descriptions and illustrations, Allied and
Axis military services), Military Intelligence Service and Division of Naval Intelligence
(63/ 3830/1711, 00983,2/2, 66-3)
Box 87 CNSF - Crane Library - "The Service of Information and Security", by W.S. Pye, LCDR, USN,
United States Naval War College, 1916, (Wash, DC: GPO, 1916) (Misc # 213)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Japanese Romanizations of World-Wide Place Names, Vol. II: Indexed by
Non-Japanese", OP-20-3-GL, December 1945; (64-2)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Brown's Signalling: How to Learn the International Code of Signals for Board of
Trade Examinations (includes British Signal Manual), Tenth Edition (Glasgow: John Brown & Son,
1909) (69-05)
CNSF - Crane Library - "A Dictionary of Standard Malay", by Vernon E. Hendershot, Ph.D., (Head,
Indonesia Division, Office of War Information) and W.G. Shellabear, D.D., (Mountain View, CA:
Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1945) (73-05)
Box 88 CNSF - Crane Library - "The General Signal Book of the United States Navy", Bureau of Navigation,
(Wash, DC: GPO, 1908) (2-5, H5, B-114-1)
CNSF - Crane Library - "The 1931 International Code of Signals (American Edition), Vol. I: For Visual
and Sound Signaling", U.S. Navy Department, Hydrographic Office, H.O. No. 87, (Reprint 1943)
(Wash, DC: GPO, 1943) (02-06)
CNSF - Crane Library - "The 1931 International Code of Signals (American Edition), Vol. II: Radio", U.S.
Navy Department, Hydrographic Office, H.O. No. 87, (Reprint 1943), (Wash, DC: GPO, 1943) (02-06)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Tactical Signal Book of the United States Navy", Bureau of Navigation,
(Wash, DC: GPO, 1908) (2-11, 0011B, B-117D)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Tactical Signal Book of the United States Navy", Bureau of Navigation,
(Wash, DC: GPO, 1898) (2-13, 0011A, B-117B)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Fleet Drill Book Containing Tactical Signals for the Maneuvering of Vessels Either
Singly or Combined", Navy Department, Bureau of Navigation, (Wash, DC: GPO, 1888) (2-15, G131, B-113C)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Naval Tactics, Use Indicated by Red Flag by Day-Red Light by Night. Part I:
Embracing Fleet Formations and Maneuvers under Steam alone", (Wash, DC: GPO, 1871) (2-9, 0034, H9, B-117A)
Box 89 CNSF - Crane Library - "Fleet Drill Book Containing Tactical Signals for the Maneuvering of Vessels Either
Singly or Combined", Revised Edition, Navy Department, Bureau of Navigation, (Wash, DC: GPO,
1891) (2-16, 0051, G131, B-113D)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Telegraphic Dictionary of the United States Navy", Bureau of Navigation,
(Wash, DC: GPO, 1868) (02-22, 2J22, 0033)
CNSF - Crane Library - "General Signal Book, Navy of the United States of America", Bureau of
Navigation, (Wash, DC: GPO, 1876) (2-24, 0027)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 131, War Instructions for United States Merchant Vessels, January 1918, Navy
Department, Office of Naval Operations, (Wash, DC: GPO, 1918) (15-72, 00389, B-120B)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 206, War Instructions for United States Merchant Vessels, August 1918, Navy
Department, Office of Naval Operations, (Wash, DC: GPO, 1918) (15-101, 00420, B-120C)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 404, Auxiliary [Vessels] Signal Book, 1920, Navy Department, Naval
Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, (Wash, DC: GPO, 1920) (16-35A, 00454, B-111B)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 431, Aircraft Signal Book, Navy Department, Office of Naval Operations,
(Wash, DC: GPO, 1924) (16-57, 00464, B-110B)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1435, Hemisphere Defense Code No.1 (Pocket Edition), Navy Department,
Office of the CNO, March 1, 1942 (21-12, 00561)
CNSF - Crane Library - DNC-11B, International Radio Call Signs of Western Hemisphere Merchant Vessels
of More Than 500 Gross Tons, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, 1 June 1944 (70-27)
CNSF - Crane Library - "No.4 Tactical Signal Book for the Use of the Naval Militia", Navy Department,
(Wash, DC: GPO, 1910) (F411, 0010, B-117E)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Tactical Signal Book of the Naval Militia", Navy Department, (Wash, DC: GPO,
1914) (F412, 0009, B-117F)
Box 90 CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 108-A, Lists of United States Vessels for Use with Naval Code A-1, January
1918, Navy Department, Office of Naval Operations, Code and Signal Section, (Wash, DC: GPO, 1917) (15-64, 00381-A, B-101A)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 108-B, Lists of United States Vessels for Use with Naval Code A-1, Part 2:
Decoding, January 1918, Navy Department, Office of Naval Operations, Code and Signal Section,
(Wash, DC: GPO, 1917) (15-64, 00381-B, B-101B)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 115, Record Book for Signal Books, Codes, Ciphers, Calls, Etc., Navy
Department, Naval Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, November, 1917
(15-66, 00386, B-128A)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 117, Secret Merchant Radio Calls, Navy Department, Naval Communication
Service, Code and Signal Section, (Wash, DC: GPO, 1917) (15-67, 00391, B-121E)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 133, Auxiliary Vessels Signal Book, 1918, Navy Department, Naval
Communication Service, Code and Signal Section, (Wash, DC: GPO, 1918) (15-73, 00388, B-111A)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 212, Signal Vocabulary, 1918, Navy Department, Naval Communication
Service, Code and Signal Section, August 1, 1918 (Wash, DC: GPO, 1918) (16-1, 00423, B-116A)
Box 91 CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 265, General Signal Book, Navy Department, Naval Communication Service,
Code and Signal Section, (Wash, DC: GPO, 1919) (16-19, B-114H)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 287, Inter-Censorship Code No.2, Navy Department, Naval Communication
Service, Code and Signal Section, (Wash, DC: GPO, 1919) (16-26, 00445)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 298, Signal Manual, 1920, Navy Department, Naval Communication Service,
Code and Signal Section, (Wash, DC: GPO, 1920) (16-28, 00447)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1135, Hemisphere Defense Code No.1, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
(Wash, DC: GPO, 1941) (20-17, 00546)
CNSF - Crane Library - RPS 2, Registered Publication Section Distribution and Allowances No.2, Navy
Department, Office of Naval Operations, Registered Publication Section, (Wash, DC: GPO, 1926)
(44-01, 00739)
CNSF - Crane Library - RPS 3, Registered Publication Section Distribution and Allowances No.3, Navy
Department, Office of Naval Operations, Registered Publication Section, (Wash, DC: GPO, 1927)
(44-02, 00740)
CNSF - Crane Library - RPS 4, Registered Publication Manual, Navy Department, Office of Naval
Operations, Registered Publication Section, (Wash, DC: GPO, 1930) (44-03, 00741)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Communications Regulations of the United States Navy", Navy Department,
1918 (New York City: Press U.S. Navy Recruiting Bureau) (0012, C97)
Box 101 CNSF - Crane Library - "The 'Magic' Background of Pearl Harbor", Vol. I-V, Department of Defense, 1977;
(Wash, DC: GPO)
Box 102 CNSF - Crane Library - "The 'Magic' Background of Pearl Harbor", Appendixes: Vol. II-IV,
Department of Defense, 1977; (Wash, DC: GPO)
Box 103 CNSF - Crane Library - "History of United States Naval Operations in World War II", by Samuel Eliot
Morrison, Vol. I-IV, VII and IX (Incomplete set), (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1970)
Box 104 CNSF - Crane Library - "History of United States Naval Operations in World War II", by Samuel Eliot
Morrison, Vol. X-XIII and XV (Incomplete set), (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1970)
Box 105 CNSF - Crane Library - Photographs - Cryptographic Equipment: CSP 2000, [nd]; print & transparency
(23-11, 00613)
CNSF - Crane Library - Photographs - Cryptographic Equipment: CSP 2699, [nd]; print (24-09, 00629)
CNSF - Crane Library -Illustrations of German Naval units, ca. 1934-1942, Division of Naval
Intelligence, Identification and Characteristics Section, June 1943 (76-18, 01206)
CNSF - Crane Library - Photographs of German Naval units, ca. 1934-1942: Capital Ships (BB, CA, CL, DD
- inc. Bismark, Tripitz, Scharnhorst, Prince Eugen, Admiral Scheer); Division of Naval Intelligence,
Identification and Characteristics Section, June 1943: (76-18, 01206)
CNSF - Crane Library - Photographs of German Aircraft Carrier (CV) Graf Zeppelin, ca. 1938 & 1942,
Division of Naval Intelligence, Identification and Characteristics Section, June 1943 (76-18, 01206)
CNSF - Crane Library - Photographs of German Naval units, ca. 1934-1942: Submarines (inc. U-11, U-30,
U-570); Division of Naval Intelligence, Identification and Characteristics Section, June 1943
(76-18, 01206)
CNSF - Crane Library - Photographs of German Naval units, ca. 1934-1942: Patrol Vessels (AM, CM, PT,
OTB, "R"-boats and "S"-boats), Division of Naval Intelligence, Identification and Characteristics
Section, June 1943 (76-18, 01206)
CNSF - Crane Library - Photographs of German Naval units, ca. 1934-1942: Auxiliary Vessels (Tenders),
Division of Naval Intelligence, Identification and Characteristics Section, June 1943 (76-18, 01206)
CNSF - Crane Library - Photographs - Personnel, miscellaneous; prints (105/19, 105/30, 105/62)
CNSF - Crane Library - Photographs - Battle of the Coral Sea and Midway [Island], unidentified [Japanese]
vessels, [nd]; 3 prints (105/22)
CNSF - Crane Library - Photographs - Buildings/Installations (WWII): American Samoa WWII; print
CNSF - Crane Library - Photographs - Buildings/Installations (WWII): Kwajalein Atoll, 1944; print
CNSF - Crane Library - Photographs - Buildings/Installations: OTRG, Training Facility, Main Navy Building,
ca. 1928-1941; print (105/28)
CNSF - Crane Library - Photographs - USS President Jackson (AP-37), ca. 1942; print (105/54)
CNSF - Crane Library - Photographs - Fleet Radio Unit, Pacific Fleet (FRUPAC), Personnel, Offices and
Equipment, [nd]; prints (1 of 2) (105/64)
CNSF - Crane Library - Photographs - Fleet Radio Unit, Pacific Fleet (FRUPAC), Personnel, Offices and
Equipment, [nd]; prints (2 of 2) (105/64)
CNSF - Crane Library - Photographs - "Moon Bounce" Antennas for AGTR's, [nd]; prints (105/65)
CNSF - Crane Library - Photographs - "Official Photographs of U.S. Navy Battleships, Light Cruisers,
Destroyers, Submarines, Destroyer Escorts, P.T.-Boats", [Souvenir Packet], Distributed by Interboro
News Co., New York City' Printed by Plane Facts Co. New York City (105/67)
CNSF - Crane Library - Photographs - Cryptographic Equipment: Underwood Code Machine, [nd];
prints (105/69)
Box 106 CNSF - Crane Library - Photographs - NCS NAVCAMSWESTPAC, Guam (FRUPAC); Base and
Installations, 1944-1945 (1of 3) (5750/4)
CNSF - Crane Library - Photographs - NCS NAVCAMSWESTPAC, Guam (FRUPAC); Base and
Installations, 1944-1945 (2of 3) (5750/4)
CNSF - Crane Library - Photographs - NCS NAVCAMSWESTPAC, Guam (FRUPAC); Equipment,
Antenna/Antenna Arrays, Memoranda and Signal Data, 1944-1945 (3 of 3) (5750/4)
CNSF - Crane Library - USF 7, Problem Strip Alphabet No.1 (P.S.A.1), Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, Code and Signal Section, 24 November 1934 (07-03, 0142)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1A, Alphabet Cipher Strip Set (15-54, 00374)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1B, Alphabet Cipher Strip Set (15-54, 00374)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1C, Alphabet Cipher Strip Set (15-54, 00374)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1D, Alphabet Cipher Strip Set (15-54, 00374)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 798, Call Strip Set No.1, Navy Department, Office of the CNO, Code and
Signal Section, [nd] (18-6, C-73a, 00512)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1525-A, Alphabet Cipher Strip Set (21-28, 00577)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1609-A, Alphabet Cipher Strip Set (21-35, 00584)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1845, Cipher Device, wood (23-4, 00606)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1847-A, Alphabet Cipher Strip Set (23-6, 00608)
Box 107 CNSF - Crane Library - USF 54, Promulgating Letter, [nd]; and Exercise Signal Cipher "E", [nd] (07-21, 0161)
CNSF - Crane Library - "Communication Officers Guide-For Organization and Fitting Out", Central
Commissioning Detail, East Coast, New York, NY, [nd] (03-01, 0055)
Box 108 (370/B/2/7 - Oversize)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 850, Alphabet Cipher Strip Set (19-10, 00533, C-206)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 932, Fleet Basic Radio Call List No.2, Navy Department, Office of the CNO,
29 November, 1940 (19-11, 00525, C-206)
CNSF - Crane Library - Master File Drawings of Japanese Naval Vessels, Division of Naval
Intelligence, Identification and Characteristics Section, November 1942 (78-11, 01252)
CNSF - Crane Library - CSP 1802(A), Wiring Diagrams for ECM Mark 2, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO, 15 June, 1945 (23-2, 00603)
CNSF - Crane Library - Appendices "K" to Contributory War Plans O-12, Navy Department, Office of the
CNO (OP-20D, Landline Section); "Land Wire Diagrams": schematics for various Naval Districts
(39-01, 00704)
Box 109 (370/B/2/7 - Oversize)
CNSF - Crane Library - Radar Equipment: A Survey of Radar Equipment in or Near Production in the U.S.,
Radiation Laboratory Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts (Produced by
Authority of the Chief Signal Officer [U.S. Army Signal Corps]; Book I, Nov. 1, 1942 (51-01, 00763)
CNSF - Crane Library - Radar Equipment: A Survey of Radar Equipment in or Near Production in the U.S.,
Radiation Laboratory Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts (Produced by
Authority of the Chief Signal Officer [U.S. Army Signal Corps]; Book II, Nov. 1, 1942 (51-01, 00763)
CNSF - Crane Library - Radar Equipment: A Survey of Radar Equipment in or Near Production in the U.S.,
Radiation Laboratory Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts (Produced by
Authority of the Chief Signal Officer [U.S. Army Signal Corps]; Book III, Nov. 1, 1942 (51-01, 00763)
Box 110 CNSF - Crane Library - Cryptographic Equipment: CSP 1220, Type CG-67AAB Keying Disc Set (for Use
with Model ABA-1 Aircraft Radio Equipment), General Electric Company, Bridgeport, Connecticut,
Navy Department (Bureau of Ships) Contract Nos-82256, February 22, 1941 (21-03, 00552)
Box 111 CNSF - Crane Library - Photographs: Simms Collection- - USS Enterprise (CV-6) & USS Bunker Hill (CV-17), kamikaze attacks, May 1945
- The Japanese Lanaguage School (USN), University of California, 1941
- Task Force 58, Radio Intelligence Crew, 1944
- Makalapa Heights, Territory of Hawaii (T.H.), BOQ, 1942
(prints with negatives) (105/31)
CNSF - Crane Library - Photographs: Japanese blockade ships in Manila Harbor, Philippines Islands (P.I.),
[nd] (prints with negatives) (105/59)
CNSF - Crane Library - Photographs: Manila, Philippine Islands (P.I.), war damage after US liberation,
1945 (prints with negatives) (105/60)
CNSF - Crane Library - Photographs: Miscellaneous subjects:
- USS Monongahela, ca. 1890's
- USS Miami, ca. 1864
- USS Constellation, ca. 1904, in dry dock & gun deck
- Theodore Roosevelt, Speech, [1905]
- USS Memphis, grounding off Santo Domingo, 1916
- USS Olympia, Washington Navy Yard, 9 Nov 1921, returning remains of the
Unknown Soldier
- US Battle Fleet ca. 1920:
- Fleet anchored in the roads at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
- Gunnery practice onboard USS Utah, [nd]
- Enlisted men and CPO on shore leave, summer whites, [nd]
- Warren Harding,[nd]
(prints with negatives) (105/68)